Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 1048

Published at 8th of January 2024 06:53:45 AM

Chapter 1048

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However, when the jade sundial laid its eggs on that day, it happened to meet the five pages of truth hidden in the eight pages of Huiyao federal tower code.

Not to mention that the jade sundial, which had just laid eggs, was weak. Even in its heyday, the jade sundial was definitely not the opponent of the evil thing in the five pages of truth.

In the end, it was after the month when Huihui Union and the head of the night Department joined hands to let the five pages of truth give up the last blow to the jade sundial which was in the dying state, and snatched the eggs just laid by the jade sundial, that is, the common child of Xueshuo and yusundial.

However, under the attack of the five pages of truth, the eggs laid by the jade sundial were still lost.

Before dying, the jade sundial injected the blood of its own sundial jade spider into its own body.

With the last strength, he suppressed the blood vessels of the jade spider suddenly introduced into his body.

Because of the blood of the sundial jade spider in his body, Xueshuo was taken back to the tianjiabieguan.

It was only after nine times of blood transformation that Xueshuo completely fused the blood of yusundian with that of itself.

You should know that nine times of blood transformation, each time is a life of death.

Xueshuo, who survived the transformation of his blood vessels after nine deaths, is a miracle in itself.

Purple feeling just finished the words, has always been out of tune Baifeng rare serious up.

Bai Feng's face is also with obvious sadness, as if in the original companion's departure and sad.

"Sister Ziqing, don't stop Xueshuo."

"Xueshuo is afraid to want to see if he and sister jade sundial lost children back."

"The task of going to the frigid land and the shining continent is for me and Lan Lian to accompany Xueshuo together."

Blue lotus, who is greedy for tomatoes, just wants to refute Bai Feng's words. She seems dissatisfied with Bai Feng's words. Why should she bring herself.

But in the end, Lan Lian didn't say anything.

Blue Lotus can be said to have grown up with jade sundial.

The lotus pond of blue lotus can connect four sea areas. It was made by jade sundial for blue lotus.

When jade sundial left Tianjia's farewell hall when she was pregnant with eggs, Lan Lian was still arguing that jade sundial wanted to be the godmother of the child.

The fact that Xueshuo can survive proves the relationship between Xueshuo and jade sundial.

Now go out to find the sundial to find the lost blood, blue lotus is naturally duty bound.

Even if Bai Feng doesn't talk, Lan Lian will take the initiative to bring it up.

But by Bai Feng representing herself, Lan Lian always feels a little uncomfortable.

But at this time, it's obviously not the time to quarrel with Bai Feng, Lan Lian says.

"I rely on the power of absorbing water from the world's waters. It seems that the natural force absorbed by the little guy on the crystal ball comes from the weather of overcast, sunny and snowflake."

"Snowflakes will eventually turn into water when they fall. In terms of the force of nature, my perception of the little guy is much stronger than that of Bai Feng. "

" Xueshuo and I will do the task together, and Ziqing can rest assured. "

Bai Feng turned her eyes when she heard the speech.

Said as if I and blood Shuo to do the task, purple feeling sister is not at ease like.

Stinky woman! Even pull and step on me! Damn it!

Purple feeling hears speech, silent for a moment just open mouth to say.

"I'm sure you three will go."

"Since Xueshuo is so resolute, it's up to you three to go this time."

Speaking of this, purple emotion's eyes flashed a fierce color.

"Tianjiabieguan has always stood aloof from the world, only for a paradise in the world."

"But don't be afraid to make trouble when you encounter problems that are hard to solve. If you meet Tadian, you don't need to talk nonsense and kill them directly. "

during Ziqing's speech, the eyes of sixteen figures, including Xueshuo, burst out with a strong sense of killing.

In this burst of killing, there is also a faint sense of immortality.


"Hello, I'm the van scissor of the Vatican worm cage."

"I wonder if you remember me?"

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Lin Yuan picked her eyebrows.

It can be said that the phone call from the Vatican insect cage is in line with Lin Yuan's wishes.

Lin Yuan is not a stranger to the name of Fan Jian Yi.

After developing the power of the sky city, Lin Yuan went to see the information of the old and top forces.

Even the information forest of emerging forces has been roughly searched.

Of course, I know what the three words "Fan Jian Yi" mean to the cage of the top power Brahma insects.

It's just that you can't see a person's face on the text materials. Now Lin Yuan finally matches his appearance with his name.

According to the voice heard on the phone, Lin Yuan can confirm that the old woman with silver hair who was driving the creation spirit of Bakong snake eagle on the outskirts of Wangdu was the famous Fanjian wing of the Vatican cage.

In Lin Yuan's thinking, after thinking for a night, fan Jianyi, who decided to call me, couldn't sit still.

Fan shear wing holding the mobile phone hand can not help but tremble, the forehead is exuded sweat.

Because on the one hand, this call is related to Lin Yuan's attitude towards himself and the Vatican cage.If it was Zongze and Gu Lang who were offended by fan's cutting wings at that time.

Even if he needs to apologize afterwards, he doesn't need to worry so much.

Because the cage of Brahma insects has always been on its back after the month, even if the bamboo king and kitchen Zun are provoked.

As long as Zhujun and chuzun don't directly affect the Vatican's cage, there will be no big impact.

But offending Lin Yuan will not only make the adults angry after the month, but will inevitably make the Vatican cage bear the reputation of vengeance.

Without this backing, it will be very difficult to improve the top combat power of the Vatican cage again.

In addition, fan Jianyi's phone call can also take the task of calling, is to see if you can get Jinlian Jinzhu from Linyuan.

Jinlian Jinzhu, which is enough to transform the pattern of teachers, can be said to be the resources that the big old brand strength and the top forces must compete for.

It was a great loss to the Vatican cage to come one day later than other forces.

The Vatican insect cage, which has dominated the three major forces for 30 years, can't bear or want to bear such losses.

After staying on the high clouds for a long time, no one wants to fall into the dust.

So fan shear wing in the phone that voice some shiver asked again.

"Your Highness, it was you who called me."

"You also said that the visitor was a guest."

Hearing the sound of fan's cutting wing again, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

"Yes, they are guests."

"At that time, I would like to thank the elder for the tree core of the creation plant to cover the sky for endless summer, so that endless summer has the opportunity to transform."

"In the end, endless summer and I still need to thank our predecessors!"

As for killing and eating Tian dielin, yuan did not mention it.

The killing and eating butterfly has been promoted to the creation species. The Vatican cage will not know about this.

The imperial combat power is also the most important thing for the top combat power that can not be used easily.

If you let fan Jianyi know that the killing and eating butterfly has been promoted to the creation species in his own hands.

Even if fan cut wings do not mean what, behind the scenes will certainly give Lin Yuan a big hatred.

It's not worth the loss.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, fan Jianyi raised his heart to his throat and immediately settled down.

At the same time in the heart can not restrain the good feeling of Lin Yuan.

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