Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 1096

Published at 8th of January 2024 06:52:32 AM

Chapter 1096

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In the process of communicating with Wang Nu, Lin Yuan realized that the original level 1 to level 9 before the original biological baptism, each level requires 100 units of source power.

However, when a dimensional creature reaches level 10 and the regular source crystal in the body degenerates into the world source crystal, it will cost a whole thousand yuan of source power for each small rank above level 9 to carry out source baptism.

That is to say, Lin Yuan wants to baptize the virtual shadowless devil with the source power of 9900.

It is equivalent to the original power that Wang Nu absorbed from 9900 regular source crystals.

Such consumption makes Lin Yuan feel his eggs begin to ache.

I'm afraid that the original strength of 9900 is enough to enable him to obtain a second sword skill.

Lin Yuan decided to wait until the evening to have a good talk with the ghost, carefully weigh the value of the ghost before making a decision.

Think of the moon, the ghost and the strange plant seed.

As well as the immortal species above the creation species mentioned by endless summer, Lin Yuan asked his master yuehou.

"Master, is the power above the seed of creation immortal?"

After the month smell speech nodded, for Lin Yuan know immortal seed month is not unexpected.

One month later, I heard xuanyue say that there was a plant spirit at the top of the three mythical realms under Lin Yuan, which survived the disaster of creation and became the existence of the creation species.

Since Lin Yuan asked about the immortal species above the creation species, he explained it to him after the month.

"Myth promotes creation, and the world evolved from creation is complete after eight robberies and eight creation contexts, and the world formed by a single rule is thus complete."

"If you want to touch immortality, you need to integrate the body with the world evolved from a single rule, and make the body immortal."

"And then through the immortal nine forging, you will get another chance to go to the next level. "

after listening to his master's words, Lin Yuan understood exactly what immortality was all about.

As the seed of that strange plant life has been absorbed by the red thorn, Lin Yuan has no material object to give to his master to check after the month.

Distinguish what the immortal seed is.

So Lin Yuan changed a way to ask after the month.

"Master, is there immortal power among the top forces?"

After the month heard Lin Yuan's words, eyebrows slightly pick, after pondering for a moment, said.

"At present, the strongest combat power of the top forces is only at the imperial level, but as early as a few decades ago, the top three forces in the top three already had the Empire level top strength."

"For so many years, it's not impossible that the emperor's top power wants to touch immortality."

"In fact, it's not only the top three forces, but also the top ten forces. I don't think it's strange that one day they will announce that there will be immortality among them."

After listening to his master said so after the month, Lin Yuan secretly nodded.

So it's no surprise that the whale ocean trade has immortal plant seeds.

The struggle within a force is often the most ferocious. Naturally, any means must be used.

So Lin Yuan did not mention the plant seeds any more.

After two hours of Knowledge Q & A with his master month later, Lin Yuan opened up for many questions he didn't understand before.

The horizon has also become broader.

Often Lin Yuan can't solve the problem, after a month just a few words can tell things through.

It was almost time to see. After the month, he stopped the Knowledge Q & A and said to Lin Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan, it's almost time for your dinner. Don't keep your friends waiting."

"In addition, Xiaoyuan, you have the ability to deploy pure aura, so I think the bamboo is of no use to you."

"It's up to you to decide how to use it."

Lin Yuan heard the speech and looked at the time and found that it was already 11 o'clock unconsciously.

From their own and Zongze and other agreed time is less than half an hour.

Lin Yuan reached out and grabbed his hair. Unexpectedly, he forgot time in the process of Knowledge Q & A.

As for jinsidi bamboo, Lin Yuan has already had his own plan.

However, Lin Yuan thought that the golden silk emperor bamboo was given to him by his master, and it would be bad to dispose of it at will.

However, with his master's words after the month, Lin Yuan does not need to have any psychological burden to deal with the golden silk emperor bamboo.

Before he left, Lin Yuan took out the diamond level coffin containing seven pages about the war, Tadian, and dark federal information, and handed it to the next month.

"Master, there are materials that Wen Yu and I have mastered in a special way. You have time to have a look."

After that, Lin Yuan said goodbye to yuehou and left Qingyue mountain.

Through the skill node of ethereal jellyfish, you come to the entrance of Tonghe Hutong.

Months later, after Lin Yuan left, he looked at the diamond level trapped soul box in his hand. He didn't know what information Lin Yuan had to show himself.For Lin Yuan to give their own information, naturally after the month will not be ignored.

One month later, he immediately took out some of the paper materials from the diamond level trapped soul box, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled after the month.

The more you look at the information Lin Yuan gives yourself, the more frightened you will be after the month.

In fact, what happened in July after the Union war was dark.

Wang Ting immediately sent people to explore the dark Union after discovering clues about the dark continent in the controlled three-level abyss dimensional fissure.

It was at that time that the royal court gathered information about the dark Union.

However, the information that the royal court had and the information given by Lin Yuan were not at the same level.

The royal court's information about the dark continent is only a general description of the dark continent.

However, the information given by Lin Yuan is a summary and review of the situation from the core position of the seven dark states.

Some of the most core secrets of the seven states of darkness were involved in them,

Wang Huiyao also had some prying eyes on these secrets. It can be said that the secrets of the seven dark states held by the royal court are completely consistent with the secrets of the seven dark states in this material.

This is the most powerful proof of the authenticity of this information.

After getting Lin Yuan's pure aura, he wanted to close the door and strengthen his own strength.

But now it seems that the details of the secrets of the seven dark states in this document are enough to hold another royal court Council to analyze the data.

Thinking of this, the expression on his face suddenly became strange after the month.

It seems that there have been three royal courts in recent months.

However, these three times the royal court Council has a lot to do with his precious apprentice Lin Yuan!

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