Published at 8th of January 2024 08:17:01 AM

Chapter 111

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The sun was shining high at noon, a bright moon, such as training, shining on the sky.

At this time, several strong men in Wangdu raised their heads at the same time.

Look at the moon in the sky that covers the light of the sun.

One of them looks just over 30 years old, but his eyes are full of vicissitudes of life. He is holding a bamboo pole in his hand, frowning and looking horrified.

"It's the cold moon after the moon!"

In the spirit things after the moon, the master of cold moon solitary wheel killed him. What on earth caused him to sacrifice the cold moon solitary wheel.

Next to the man with bamboo in hand, a middle-aged man in red armor was sitting with a sunspot in his hand.

However, when the cold moon was in the air, the sunspots had already fallen on the chessboard, disturbing the black and white Gemini on the chessboard, and disrupting the chess game that was about to win or lose.

"Zhujun, is the lonely wheel of the cold moon after the moon arrived in the myth? Just look at the power of the cold moon's solitary wheel, how much stronger than it was then? "

Zhu Jun holds the green bamboo in his hand and says with some solemnity.

"After the month, you know, when the cold moon comes out, it's afraid that something will happen."

While speaking, Zhu Jun has turned into a shadow, toward the shining place of the cold moon.

The man with red armor is also like a phantom, following Zhu Jun to the moon.

The general secretary of ZHENLING department can be regarded as the most effective place in Wangdu.

Several people with the insignia of zhenlingsi went in and out of the general secretary of Zhenling.

In the hall of the Chief Secretary of ZHENLING department, a woman with a thin figure and covered face flashed her eyes.

Looking at the cold moon through the window, I read it leisurely.

"The sky is far away, the moon is high, and it's been ten years. Why are you doing it again now? I hope it's not like that. "

The woman in black disappeared in the palace of the chief secretary.

A few pieces of paper floated off the table and looked isolated.

Wang Duhui royal court, the first seat sat an old man.

Two middle-aged men were sitting on the left and right sides of the royal court, with the same imposing power.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the cold moon, the old man knocked on the table with his fingers and helped his forehead.

He turned his head and looked at the two middle-aged men on the hand seat. He pondered for a long time and said to the cold man on the left-hand seat.

"Iron prison, you go to see what's going on, why are you angry after the month? The sky is vast and the moon is clear in Chengjiang. The anger of the shining moon after the moon must not burn like it was ten years ago. "

The man with golden armour blade stood up from the left seat and said in a cold voice.


Then there was nothing on the left seat, and the man with golden blade had disappeared.

The man on the right hand seat seemed to have a smiling face and couldn't help speaking.

"You always know that you are not afraid that the iron prison is more irritating than the iron prison?"

The old man took a look at the man on the right hand seat, as if with a smiling face.

"Cicadas, if it is not the iron prison to go, that can make people angry after the month, there is not a trace of the possibility of living."

Smiling face man does not matter to say.

"You won't get angry easily after the month. When the cold moon solitary wheel appears, you will be killed. If you dare to provoke the cold moon, you will pay a price, even if it is an iron prison. So I'd better go and have a look."

The old man was silent for a long time and nodded.

The smiling man disappeared from his seat as soon as the old man nodded.


a sound of you dare to blow up the sky, and the bright moonlight in the cold moon sprinkles here.

Lin Yuan felt that this month Hua Qinghui seemed to have a healing effect.

Only for a moment, the pain all over the body and the burning pain inside the body slowly disappeared under the nourishment of the moon.

However, Cheng Rui and Cheng Wu feel different.

Cheng Rui and Cheng Rui on the body of the spine Gu, in the light of this light, like a bubble between the instant into nothingness.

Cheng Wu diamond level fantasy five changes of the golden ring spine Gu, also by the moonlight in mid air, unable to move.

The cold light of Yuehua sprinkles on the body of jinhuanjigu, even if jinhuanjigu is the source of diamond level fantasy five changes.

But the tentacles and many legs, including the carapace, are still gradually turning into nothingness in the light of this month.

Cheng Wu's body is undergoing a wonderful change with the light of the moon.

Cheng Wu only felt that his body was burning, and there was no pain.

However, Cheng Wu can clearly feel that his body cells are constantly disappearing. In a moment's time, the three fingers of his left hand have turned into nothingness.

Cheng Wu immediately yelled.

"Please be merciful after the month! I don't know what I did wrong! After the month, the LORD came in person

A woman in a moonlight robe stands in the sky under the clear light of the moon.

In the twinkling of an eye, he has already stood beside Lin Yuan. On the woman in the moon colored robe, there is still a little rabbit eating radish.The little rabbit took a look at Lin Yuan and ran to Lin Yuan.

With small claws on the radish for half a day, just caught a small piece of radish skin, heartache at the radish skin, disgusted at looking at the forest.

Raised his head to see the month after looking at himself, the little rabbit reluctantly put the radish skin into Lin Yuan's mouth.

In an instant, Lin Yuan was in the moonlight under the continuous recovery of the body suddenly recovered.

Lin Yuan can also feel his body with the radish skin into his mouth, immediately returned to full state.

Even the injured red thorn, sound and intelligence in his mental space recovered in an instant.

The little rabbit looked at Lin Yuan's recovery and immediately opened his mouth.

Take out the radish skin in Lin Yuan's mouth, rub it on the body, and stick it carefully on the radish.

Lin Yuan stands up and looks at himself with concern after seeing the month.

Don't wait for Lin Yuan to open his mouth, after the month has been very self reproach said.

"When you go out, I should let cangyue or xuanyue follow you. I was negligent. I didn't expect that someone would dare to do it in the suburbs of Wangdu."

With the start of the word exit.

After the month that order the momentum of the world with the moonlight, as if to break through the sun's rainbow.

At this time, Cheng Wu is running the spirit power of his whole body, trying to resist the all pervasive moon.

He also wanted to call back the fantasy five changes of the golden ring spine Gu, but the golden ring spine Gu which was fixed by Yuehua did not move.

Just after the month, when talking to Lin Yuan, Cheng Wu's whole body was soaked.

Fear from the depths of the soul occupies the mind and falls to the ground with a plop.

I can't say anything I want to say.

When Cheng Rui is evaporated by the moon, Cheng Wu's heart is shocked and sad.

But now Cheng Wu is itching to hate his grandson.

Cheng Rui's Revenge actually finds the adult after the month. The ant boy who looked like before had such a background of heaven after the month.

If it is too late for Cheng Wu to fawn on him, now he even takes the initiative to bump into the gun muzzle of the existence that can't be violated in this world.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!