Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 1410

Published at 8th of January 2024 06:25:00 AM

Chapter 1410

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Li Yuan didn't understand what happened.

But Lin Yuan's tone and attitude changed just when he saw this insect cancer creature.

For the chamber of Commerce, it's no surprise that it's auctioned off.

Basically, at every Grand auction, there are insect like cancer creatures.

Li Wan originally wanted to continue to make friends with Lin yuanlala, but now is obviously not a good time to make friends.

In order to show his attention, Li Wan himself went to fetch the vessel for Lin Yuan, which contained Yang Ji Luan butterfly.

Lin Yuan took the 34 plants that could change the weather, and the utensils that contained the butterflies.

He left Shengfan chamber of commerce immediately.

Ji Feng has never heard of yin and Yang sending butterflies in disorder, but as an apprentice at night, he himself controls Liu Jie, who fights against insects and cancer.

I know more about Yin and Yang than Lin Yuan.

Liu Jie knows that it's a big deal.

Fortunately, the butterfly is still in Lin Yuan's hands.

The butterflies will attract each other if they are released.

Yin Ji Luan butterfly will find Yang Ji Luan butterfly according to instinct at the first time.

If the butterfly has completed the parasitization, the first goal of the butterfly is Yin.

It will become the host of the butterfly.

This one is a secret discovered by ZHENLING department after studying the butterflies.

Liu Jie quickly informed Lin Yuan of the confidential information.

Hearing Liu Jie's words, he left Shengfan chamber of Commerce and came to Lin Yuan on the Oak City street. He said solemnly to the girl beside him.

"I have a very important thing to do now."

"If you are in a hurry to go home, leave me an address. You go back first, and I will come to you as soon as I finish this work."

"If you're not in a hurry, you can stay with me."

When the girl heard Lin Yuan's words, her round eyes immediately showed tangled emotions.

The girl thought about her younger brother and wanted to go home to take care of him for the first time.

But the girl was also afraid that Lin Yuan would be gone.

The girl felt the warmth she had never felt before from Lin Yuan.

This warm name is called care.

Thinking of the food she left at home, the girl whispered to Lin Yuan.

"Big brother, you are busy. Xiaohua is with big brother."

"When the big brother is finished, he will go to save his brother with Xiaohua. "

hearing the girl's words, Lin Yuan patted her on the shoulder.

Then Lin Yuan broke the container of the butterflies in his hand with solemn expression.

This is enough to be called the fifth day disaster.

This butterfly is an elite level 4 elitist of insect cancer. It doesn't fly fast.

Lin Yuan runs with all his strength and can basically catch up with the speed of Yin Ji Luan butterfly in a short time.

In this case, it is obviously inappropriate for Lin Yuan to call out Xiao Hei.

Even if Xiaohei tries to restrain Longwei, Xiaohei's breath may still disturb the butterflies.

In order to escape from Xiao Hei, it's bad that Yin Ji Luan die doesn't go to Yang Ji Luan die.

So when Lin Yuan broke the container that contained the wild butterflies.

Liu Jie then let the insect mother in the body of the dimensional moth, and gave birth to a total of 20 hurricane moths of the copper stage.

Hurricane noctuid five for a group, the manipulation of wind elements with Lin Yuan, Liu Jie four people floating up.

Follow the flight path of the butterfly in mid air.

In order not to disturb the butterfly, Lin Yuan and others always keep a distance of 30 to 50 meters.

But Lin Yuan and others don't disturb this butterfly, which doesn't mean others won't.

Along the way, many passers-by's eyes fell on the floating Lin Yuan and others.

But because of Lin Yuan's, Liu Jie's and Ji Feng's smart clothes, no one dares to talk casually.

Of course, there are also some warm-hearted people who see Lin Yuan chasing the butterfly, but they don't catch it.

He wanted to come forward to help capture the butterfly and make it close by the way.

Fortunately, Liu Jie quickly let the insect mother produce a few golden hurricane moths, which stopped those people's movements.

Otherwise, once the butterfly flies, Lin Yuan will not be able to find the location of the butterfly.

Oak City, as a big city of Shenmu Federation, has many passers-by with high status.

There are also some passers-by who are creators. These creators recognize at a glance that the black golden butterfly flying in front of Lin Yuan and others is a cancer like insect.

No matter what kind of insect cancer Lingwu is, it represents a huge wealth.

In the face of such wealth, no one will be polite.

At this critical juncture, Lin Yuan has no time to entangle with these people.Simply Lin Yuan directly summoned the intelligence from the lock spirit space.

Called by Lin Yuan, the smart lies in Lin Yuan's arms and cries twice.

During this period of time, smart has been busy teaching those little Baiwen beasts and forming Baiwen beast Legion.

In addition, we have to worry about the arrangement of swamp world and the cultivation of some special spiritual things.

Make smart has been for a long time, not comfortable lying in the arms of Lin Yuan coquetry.

Lin Yuan looks at the people in front who summon the spirit things and are ready to catch the Yinji chaotic butterflies, and says to the smart.

”Smart. If there is a person or spirit object who wants to fight against Yin Ji Luan die, you can give him a tail with one goal. "

hearing Lin Yuan's words, smart gave a meow immediately.

The Milky voice is full of seriousness.

"Lin Yuan, don't worry!"

With that, the bright body lit up a white halo.

Smart behind eight fluffy tail moment in this white halo, extend out nearly ten meters.

At this time, each smart tail can wrap three adults tightly.

The smart tail waved one after another, hitting every person who summoned the spirit things and was ready to attack the Yin sent random butterfly.

It doesn't matter who these people are.

Although cleverness is not good at fighting, cleverness is a kind of spirit in the end.

This makes the intelligent physical ability stronger than the ordinary diamond level fighting psionic.

Under the sweep of smart tail, the place where the butterfly passes is in a mess.

On the ground, there are a group of people who are just ready to fight against the butterflies.

One of them is a fat young man like a ball, covering his back and swearing.

"What! Dare you do it to me

"I don't know how to write dead words!"

Waiting for the man to stand up, the man staggered behind to stand up two beautiful young women.

Two women forced to endure the body pain, a left and a right up to hold the obese youth's arm said.

"Mr. Lu, are you ok?"

"We'll rub it for you!"

While speaking, the hands of the two women gently pressed on the back of the fat young man.

As a result, it affected the wounds of the obese youth.

Fat youth eat pain of drink scold, then two slap hard hit in the side of the two women's face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!