Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 1855

Published at 8th of January 2024 06:00:06 AM

Chapter 1855

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Lu Ou is influenced by the great devil of contract.

The later, the more impatient.

After Han Qi merges with his median devil, it is basically the devil's will that dominates Han Qi's behavior.

Therefore, even if he does not contract the devil, Lin Yuan must ensure that the devil he controls is absolutely obedient to himself.

Second, God repeatedly stressed the bad root of the devil to himself.

What is worthy of God's repeated emphasis must be because God has suffered a loss.

Therefore, what can be avoided should be avoided as far as possible.

Anyway, it's important for the shadow devil to start.

It won't kill the flower demon.

Looking at the Jianmu winged sandfly that has just laid eggs, it will take some time to pupate.

The mucus secreted by Leijiang snail has not been collected.

Lin Yuan simply left suoling space and was ready to have a good dinner.

Liu Jie didn't come back because he went to Zhenling, so Lu pinru contracted for dinner.

Lu pinru can't compare with Liu Jie in cooking, but it's really better than Lin Yuan and Wen Yu.

Through the battle between Lin Yuan and the free federal mission, Chu Ci was deeply aware of its shortcomings.

Understand his brother Lin Yuan, what he silently endured in front of his body.

Therefore, Chu Ci actively contacted cangyue and wanted to go out for a new round of experience.

Cangyue's heart was quite pleased that Chu Ci wanted to make progress so much and agreed to the requirements of Chu Ci.

Prepare to take the Chu Ci to Yunze city before school starts.

Let Chu Ci go to the open dimensional cracks and fight with ferocious dimensional creatures.

Exercise the fighting skills of Chu Ci.

When cangyue accepted Chu Ci as a disciple, Lin Yuan had already agreed with cangyue.

We should prepare spiritual objects for the songs of Chu.

Cangyue did not refuse this.

Cangyue can see it, even before Lin Yuan has become a disciple after the month.

I have been doing my best to give the best things to my sister.

Chu Ci came back to see Lin Yuan this time. Lin Yuan directly gave the nirvana butterfly, one of the three butterfly spirits and the highest blood vessels, to Chu Ci.

Nirvana butterfly, a special defensive spirit, is very suitable for the battle system of Chu Ci.

If cangyue is asked to find a powerful spirit object for Chu Ci, cangyue can do it easily.

But looking for nirvana butterfly is ethereal.

So far, no one has studied what kind of butterfly spirit evolved to exist.

Cangyue really has no way.

Chu Ci contracted new spirit objects, and all spirit objects were promoted to a higher level.

What Chuci needs most now is to consolidate their fighting skills through fighting.

Preparing to go out for training is a sudden decision of Chu Ci, which has not been explained to Lin Yuan.

Seeing Lin Yuan now, Chu Ci whispered.

"Brother, I have agreed with the teacher."

"Go to Yunze city early tomorrow morning."

"After a month's experience, go directly to the last semester in Bauhinia city“

As soon as Lin Yuan heard the songs of Chu, he would go out to practice tomorrow. He couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance.

As a brother, I always don't like my sister to go deep into danger.

Go outside Yunze city to experience. Even if cangyue follows you, Chu Ci will not be wronged.

But bitter, certainly will not eat less.

There is no way.

In the process of Lin Yuan's going out for training and improving his strength.

Lin Yuan also suffered many hardships that ordinary people can't bear.

Chu Ci has decided to go out for experience and made an agreement with cangyue.

Even if Lin Yuan doesn't give up, he can't open his mouth to stay in Chu Ci.

Chu Ci, a little girl, only calls her brother when she reveals her true feelings and asks herself for something.

Otherwise, they usually call themselves big names directly.

Want to come to the heart of Chu Ci now, should also be very reluctant to give up yourself!

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to help Chu Ci press down the dull hair on his head and said softly.

"Chu Ci, I may be very busy in the next two years."

"You don't have to stay in Huiyao Federation."

"However, when you start next semester, I will send you to school."

"And attend the parents' meeting for your freshmen."

If it had been put in the past, it would have taken Lin Yuan two years to listen to Chu Ci.

Only when he entered school could Lin Yuan find time to meet him.

Chu Ci will feel wronged.

But now, Chu Ci will not.

The war with the free federal mission made Chu Ci aware of Lin Yuan's responsibility.

If Lin Yuan hadn't worked hard day and night, how could he have such a strong strength.

After growing up, Chu Ci gently hugged Lin Yuan like a child for the first time and said.

"Brother, don't force yourself when it's too difficult!"

"I just hope you can be safe and smooth!"

Originally, what Lin Yuan wanted was to go back to suoling space immediately after dinner.

But because Chu Ci is leaving tomorrow, Lin Yuan watched TV with Chu Ci for more than two hours.

Then I played two sets of war flag games with Chu Ci.

After returning Chu Ci to his room to sleep, Lin Yuan returned to his room and entered the lock spirit space.

As soon as he entered the lock spirit space, Lin Yuan said in secret that it was not good.

Before, Lin Yuan always felt as if he had forgotten something.


It has been at least three or four hours since I shut myself into the ring space.

Doesn't it mean that the ghost of Huayan has been educated by the ghost of nothingness for four or five hours?

Even if the ghost is the devil, such a level of education should not be able to stand it!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

Hurriedly released the nihilistic shadow demons and flower disaster ghosts locked in the ring space.

After releasing it, Lin Yuan saw the nothingness shadow demon standing beside him, slightly gasping for breath.

It should take a lot of effort to educate the ghost.

Otherwise, it is impossible to make a demon who has touched immortality feel tired.

When Lin Yuan looked at the ghost of flower disaster Yan again, he saw that the ghost of flower disaster Yan couldn't stop shivering.

Seeing Lin Yuan, he quickly supported his body with his palm and knelt respectfully in front of Lin Yuan.

He bowed his head as if he were humble into the dust.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan gave Xu shadowless devil a thumbs up.

Good ah. The education of the nihilistic shadow devil to the beautiful ghost is far beyond Lin Yuan's expectation.

Can educate a devil to this level.

Lin Yuan was curious about what kind of means the nihilistic shadow devil used.

Since the ghost of flower disaster has been educated by the ghost of nothingness.

Lin Yuan plans to have a face-to-face communication with Hua Yangui.

Lin Yuan waved his hand and summoned cleverness.

After summoning smart, Lin Yuan said his requirements to smart.

Then, a tie formed by a tail connected Lin Yuan and Huayan ghost together.

Hua Yangui can feel that Lin Yuan is peeping into his thoughts through this link.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!