Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 2101

Published at 8th of January 2024 05:52:14 AM

Chapter 2101

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Members of the major tribes of the hammer Federation face the response of redemption at this time.

It can prove the potential of the hammer Federation to some extent.

Lin Yuan discussed with Wen Yu and Liu Jie.

When we completely controlled the land of Haiwen, although the Shenmu Federation was the center among the three federations.

However, the creator resources produced by Yi huailu, a five-star creator, will not all flow into the Shenmu Federation.

Lin Yuan plans to let Yi huailu take a seat in tarei's territory after helping Yi Huailong improve his strength.

Turn taray's territory into the core of the three federations.

Select talents from the three federations of hammer, shenfan and Shenmu for training.

Then back into the three federations.

Therefore, understand the atmosphere of a federation in the face of crisis.

It can let Lin Yuan know which federal youth Tianjiao is more worth taking pains to cultivate.

In face of the crisis, Shenmu Federation did not give Lin Yuan a satisfactory answer.

All forces are still focused on themselves and fall apart.

Did not consider the overall interests of Shenmu Federation at all.

Lin Yuan hopes that the hammer federation can give himself a satisfactory answer.

Through the understanding of Tarai and the iron shoe tribe where Tarai is located.

Lin Yuan thinks the folk customs among the hammer federal tribes are still very simple.

At the beginning, everyone of the iron hoof tribe was ready to sacrifice.

Want to create a possibility for tare to live.

The masters of small forces in Shenmu Federation often don't take the lead in considering their descendants in the face of crisis.

But will give priority to their own security and interests.

From this point of comparison, the hammer Federation won the Shenmu Federation.

Lin Yuan thought about the inferiority of the nobility of Shenmu Federation.

Finally decided not to interfere.

If the hammer federation can no longer give Lin Yuan a satisfactory answer.

Lin Yuan can only consider the deep Vatican Federation.

However, the Federation of the deep Vatican has been under the control of the truth Society for many years. When Lin Yuan takes over the Federation of the deep Vatican, he is bound to let Jin Qianxun cooperate with him in a thorough cleansing.

The truth will be completely eliminated as in the Shenmu Federation.

Roland moves rapidly underground under the transportation of source sand.

Roland is now full of thoughts about how to save his people.

I didn't imagine the problems I might encounter next.

Under the assignment of Lin Yuan, the ghost of nothingness follows Roland.

Lin Yuan gave two orders to Xu shadowless devil.

The first order is to protect Roland's safety. The second order is to follow Roland's command in the process of protecting Roland.

Through Yinhua, Lin Yuan learned about the current situation of the members of the major tribes of the hammer Federation in the area where Hua Haikong came out.

Because of hunger and the reluctance of all tribes to get close to the flower sea, they want to move towards the central area.

As a result, many blood retention conflicts have occurred.

There was an expression of despair on everyone's face.

Even the tribes who occupied the favorable terrain in advance knew it.

He and others did not die, but were kept in captivity by the sea of flowers.

These tribal members have long seen how powerful Huahai is.

Now, after Hua Hai kept himself and others in captivity here, he didn't launch an attack again.

It's like building a pigsty and taking yourself and others as rations.

There is a strict hierarchy among the tribes of the hammer Federation.

The level division of the hammer Federation tribe is the same as that of the major aristocratic families of the Shenmu Federation.

Black iron, bronze, silver, gold and platinum are arranged all the way up.

Platinum tribes generally have one or more four-star creators.

The dark gold tribe at the top of all tribes has at least one four-star peak creator.

The central area was firmly occupied by six dark gold tribes.

Generally, black iron, bronze, silver and even gold tribes live in the territory of dark gold tribes.

Surrender to the dark gold tribe.

At the end of each year, a batch of materials should be paid to the dark gold tribe.

This way of worshipping at all levels established the absolute authority of the dark gold tribe.

Those platinum tribes, even if they are not dependent on the dark gold tribes, are often cooperative.

The master of the dark gold tribe is not necessarily the four-star creator of the tribe.

In order to constantly break through themselves, creators generally don't spend too much time on tribal management.

But even so, it is these four-star peak builders who can really make decisions at the critical moment in the dark gold tribe.

At this time, six four-star peak builders gathered together.

These six four-star peak builders are the real big men of the hammer Federation.

When you see the old king of the hammer Federation, you only need to salute without kneeling.

At this time, the faces of the six people were full of resentment and gray.

"So many of us are trapped in the sea of flowers. Even if the sea of flowers doesn't devour us, we will lose at least half of our staff in less than three days."

"Rather than watching the members of the major tribes waiting to die here, we'd better take the team and rush out in the direction of coming."

"In this sea of flowers, we have sent spirit objects to perceive."

"As a result, the spirit was attacked as soon as it rose to the sky."

"And the white fog is too thick. We can't find out the depth of this sea of flowers!"

"Leaving in the direction of coming is the only way for us to escape from the sea of flowers!"

Hearing the old man's words, the other five people all nodded subconsciously.

At present, this is the only way to get rid of the sea of flowers.

But in this sea of flowers, it is obvious that there is a ghost that can pose a threat to mythical creatures.

Just now, an imperial strongman from platinum tribe was sent to spend overseas to explore.

Five hours have passed, but I haven't come back yet.

Before the imperial strongman of the platinum tribe left, he clearly agreed to turn back within two hours.

It hasn't appeared three hours late. I think most of them have died in the sea of flowers.

Emperor level strong people will be trapped in the sea of flowers, which makes the four-star peak builders of the six dark gold tribes dare not act rashly.

Even the things in the sea of flowers cannot affect the immortal strong.

Not to mention that there are not necessarily immortal strongmen in the dark gold tribe.

Even if there is a dark gold tribe with immortal strong men, they also hope that other members of their tribe can live together.

Just then, an angry cry sounded.

"God damn it! If I can go back to the king's court, I'll try my best to pull Luo Lai's dog head off!"

"What kind of order is this?"

"All the way to the junction with Shenmu Federation, at least half of the people starved to death on the road, even if they didn't enter the sea of flowers."

"How does this bastard deserve to be the king of our hammer Federation!"

”With such a king, how can the God on snow god mountain protect the hammer Union? “

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!