Published at 8th of January 2024 08:07:44 AM

Chapter 414

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Fei qianqiong can't help sighing in his heart.

The blood tooth cricket has always been its main fighting spirit.

But now his own blood tooth cricket has been deprived of the will Rune and has changed from fantasy to ordinary spirit.

Even if he still has the diamond level two fantasy two change heart control silkworm Gu, in the battle, but even before three tenths of the intensity can not reach.

Fei qianqiong quickly injected a large amount of spiritual power into the body of the heart controlling silkworm Gu.

The heart controlling silkworm bug is infused with the magic power of Fei qianqiong, which quickly brightens the red gold luster on the body surface.

The silky and tangled red gold silk thread is quickly vomited from the body of the heart controlling silkworm insect.

Finally, these threads are closely intertwined, forming three red gold ribbons covered with dark red spots.

"Control heart silkworm Gu, heart wall ribbon one block in front of me, two block in front of listening!"

When hearing his master's words, the insect obviously hesitated.

I don't know why my contractors want to protect themselves and the bloody tooth crickets during the day, one of those people.

However, due to the control of heart silkworm Gu in the battle to Fei qianqiong absolute obedience.

Therefore, without any hesitation, the heart control silkworm Gu blocked two heart wall ribbons in front of listening, and a heart wall ribbon blocked in front of Fei qianqiong.

At this time, the dark energy ripple has already impacted.

This dark energy ripple directly lifts Fei qianqiong and listening out.

However, due to the skill of heart control silkworm Gu, the double-layer protection of heart wall ribbon only makes listening feel that the blood gas in the body is a little agitated.

However, due to the lack of a layer of core ribbon protection, in this dark energy ripple erosion.

Deep red blood flowed from Fei qianqiong's nose and wet Fei qianqiong's white beard.

Fei qianqiong stood up and whispered to listen.

"I'm going to try my best. How long can I hold on? I can't guarantee that you call out your spirit and smash through the wall and escape."

Listening to Fei qianqiong's words is just like the deep look he had when he looked at him before.

Listening also takes a deep look at Fei qianqiong.

However, he didn't intend to run. The king level strong man opposite Fei qianqiong was obviously more powerful than Fei qianqiong.

Opposite that rickets old spirit thing sends out the roar casually, produces the dark energy ripple, expends thousands of poor all one's strength to face all some reluctantly.

Even if you run, how can you run out?

The appearance of this rickets old man was different from that of Fei Qianqian at that time.

Fei qianqiong was found by the mother of blood bath, and then she was made angry by the mother of blood bath.

But the old man showed up after hearing his conversation with Fei qianqiong.

I want to come here on behalf of the Zheng family. The purpose of this old man is to want his own life.

Although listening didn't intend to run, he still summoned his two spirits.

One is to listen to the painful magic fox that was exchanged from Linyuan with the source goods and gold level metal spiritual materials day and night spirit silver.

The other is a red fox with only three tails. The fur on the red fox is very charming.

Along with the three long fluffy tail behind, it is like a three petal Begonia.

At this time, only listen to rickets old cattle some regret said.

"It seems that you have spent a lot of resources on yourself when you are in control of the Lelu chamber of Commerce."

"As a small chamber of Commerce like Linglu chamber of Commerce, it should have taken a lot of thought to cultivate such a kind of combination of spirits and things like you."

Listen to hear the rickets of the old man said, face unchanged, but in the heart but think of their own dead relatives.

The Lelu chamber of commerce is now a small chamber of Commerce, but it was not before.

I can get such a high-quality spirit three tail red fox, is from the family to their unreserved devotion and care.

Listen to also understand the importance of their own strength for the development of Linglu chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, after listening to the news of Lin Yuan's exchange, he is willing to take out the original creatures to exchange for the copper level high-quality spiritual objects suitable for him.

Listen to step forward to stand in the dark crystal scorpion tiger on the back of the rickets said.

"You're here to kill me. Why don't I give you the Lelu chamber of Commerce? How about if you let the money go?"

Fei qianqiong's eyes widened, some did not understand to look to listen.

Listen to the obscure toward Fei qianqiong raised an eye, and toward the diamond level two fantasy two change control heart silkworm Gu raised an eye.

Then he took a thousand steps to look at the rickets old man standing on the back of the dark gold scorpion tiger.

Fei qianqiong understood the meaning of listening directly.

Fei qianqiong is the servant to listen. When he swore with the will rune, he made a death contract for his loyalty.

If listening dies, Fei qianqiong will lose his life under the will rune.Fei qianqiong according to listen to the instructions, secretly his whole body aura all without trace into the control heart silkworm Gu's body.

Be ready to wait for instructions.

Niulao suddenly raised a smile, like a taunt.

Looking at and listening to the eyes with a look and play.

"Do you want to show the affection of master and servant in front of me? The first time I see a master, I will say that I am willing to die for my dog. "

"Ha ha, and you don't have to do these small movements. The flow of spiritual power is as conspicuous as a colorful ribbon before my eyes. "

with that, Mr. Niu threw his crutch up. The crutch changed shape in mid air and turned into a strange tadpole not half the size of a palm.

There are seven or eight nerve tubes on both sides of the strange tadpole.

Each nerve canal has a row of dense compound eyes.

"With this dark eyed pole, any subtle change of spiritual power can't escape my perception."

"The dark eye pole uses the dark spirit to seal off."

When the voice of the old man standing on the back of the dark eyed scorpion tiger dropped, the dense compound eyes on the nerve pipe of the dark eye pole all twinkled, and the light in the whole room was directly darkened.

Fei qianqiong, who listens to and is injecting spiritual power into the heart controlling silkworm Gu, finds out that the spiritual power in his body seems to be firmly imprisoned.

Listen to feel that the spiritual power in your body seems to be directly turned into a crystal like substance, which can not be mobilized at all.

Fei qianqiong also felt the spiritual power that was imprisoned in his body, although it was not as hard to mobilize as crystal.

But it's no different from sticky asphalt.

At the same time, the flow of psychic power in the heart control silkworm venom is slow to the point where it takes a few seconds to prepare before using the instant skills.

Feeling this situation, Fei qianqiong couldn't help but sigh. He was a spiritual creature about to enter the Lord rank.

How do you do that?

There's no solution!

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