Published at 8th of January 2024 08:02:29 AM

Chapter 566

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Now this season is the best time to cultivate paradise fish, which grows very fast in cold environment.

After growing into adult fish, the paradise fairy fish will speed up the speed of removing their fish clothes in a warm environment.

Now let's cultivate them to the mature stage. When the weather gets warmer, the fish will take off a layer of fish coat every once in a while.

Originally, Lin Yuan wanted to wait until the new year to find Gao Feng.

I don't want to disturb Gao Feng's new year's day. When Gao Feng celebrates the new year, he still wants to help himself find the blissful fairy fish.

Now that Gao Feng has something to look for himself, Lin Yuan can bring his own needs to Gao Feng a year ago.

The juvenile fish is less than one finger long. Even if it grows into an adult fish, it has to be the size of a palm.

The area of the artificial lake is already very large, but after the expansion of the artificial lake, the area will be increased more than twice.

This makes Gao Feng have enough to eat no matter how much he finds.

Such as the paradise fairy fish, this colorful fish spirit when cruising together, its beauty degree is several times more than that of a single swimming.

Lin Yuan nodded to show that he knew, said to Wen Yu.

"I'll call Gao Feng later and ask Gao Feng what's up."

Lin Yuan was talking when he heard Liu Jie's voice behind him.

"Young master, it's very kind of you to be OK!"

Together with Lin Yuan, he experienced life and death in the dimensional crack. Liu Jie used his body to pursue the true meaning of the shield on his bodyguard's badge, helping Lin Yuan block the killing blow.

At this point, Liu Jie's consciousness fell into a blur.

However, at that time, the enemy still existed in the dimension crack. Liu Jie knew how dangerous it was.

Before in the training to see Lin Yuan Liu Jie has been at ease, but now it seems that, but particularly down-to-earth.

Lin Yuan saw Liu Jie carrying a lot of rare ingredients.

Most of them are the food materials of some marine fish spirits.

Liu Jie has asked Lin Yuan what he likes to eat in Chuci and knows the taste of Chuci.

The manor usually does not always eat fish, this time Liu Jie bought so much, it is obviously for Chu Ci preparation.

Lin Yuan was also worried about Liu Jie's mother and asked.

"Brother Liu, you said there was something wrong with your mother worm mutation. How is the situation now?"

Speaking of the insect mother, Liu Jie thought of the experience from yesterday afternoon to this morning, only to feel like a dream.

However, in this half day's time, Liu Jie was completely transformed.

"The mother worm has completed the mutation. Now the mother worm has become very strong."

Lin Yuan frowned at Liu Jie's words.

Liu Jie is never a publicity person, on the contrary, Liu Jie is extremely down-to-earth and introverted.

Liu Jie now says that the mother worm has become very strong, and it is obvious that the mother insect has greatly improved before the mutation.

Lin Yuan is very happy for Liu Jie.

"Congratulations, brother Liu."

When Liu Jie heard Lin Yuan say congratulations, he felt both heavy and relaxed.

Liu Jie knew about the injuries he and his mother had suffered before he fell into a coma.

There is only one possibility that he can survive the injury at that time.

Lin Yuan treated himself immediately.

Therefore, when Liu Jie wakes up and knows that Lin Yuan is in a coma, Liu Jie's heart is unusually remorse.

He always thought that Lin Yuan spent too much spiritual power to cure himself, which led to Lin Yuan's coma for seven days because of his injury.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Liu Jie felt relaxed.

Because Liu Jie thinks that now he is finally qualified to become the strongest shield in front of the youth in the process of galloping forward.

Lin Yuan keenly found the change of Liu Jie's eyebrows and eyes. Liu Jie is now obviously more confident than before.

Liu Jie looked at the Chu Ci, which was held by Wen Yu's arm, and immediately said, "Miss, you..."

Liu Jie's words have not finished, Chuci has been the first to reach out to Liu Jie, said.

"Brother Liu, I always listen to Lin Yuan talking about you. My name is Chu Ci. You know that."

With that, Chu Ci blinked at Liu Jie.

Liu Jie saw Chu Ci's outstretched hand and directly covered it.

The big hand wrapped the small hand of Chuci, shook it and said.

"Chu Ci, I bought some thin Lin star spots and red tailed snow bass here. I remember Lin Yuan said that you don't like spicy food. Then I'll make you sweet and sour fish and steamed fish with honey sauce."

Since childhood, Chuci, which has been closely related to Lin Yuan, is extremely sensitive and is good at feeling other people's emotions.

Chu Ci was still nervous for the new acquaintance of a large group of people.

But now Chu Ci can feel the kindness of Wen Yu and Liu Jie.Both of them look at their own eyes with a kind of elder brother and sister doting on their sister.

This sudden feeling that many people care about themselves makes Chuci feel warm on the one hand.

On the one hand, some astringent feeling.

Before Chu Ci, I didn't know what Lin Yuan was busy with every day.

Every time I make a phone call, Lin Yuan is always asking about his latest situation.

Ming Ming Lin is far from a talker.

However, whenever I want to hang up the phone, I always have to turn it over and tell myself some small things that are good for your health in life.

Lin Yuan never said about his hard work.

But now seeing all this, Chu Ci can imagine how hard Lin Yuan has been.

At this time, the mother of blood bath in the house, endless summer and Hu Quan all came out of the house.

The conversation was obviously heard at the door.

Endless summer steps forward and puts his hand on the shoulder of Linyuan, feeling the situation of Linyuan.

After confirming that Lin Yuan was free, he went to Chuci and handed it a pink purple hydrangea flower like diamond step trapped soul box.

After taking over the trapped soul box, Chu Ci only listened to endless summer.

"Here are all the jewelry and clothes I have collected in this period of time. You can take them if you like them."

Lin Yuan heard the words of endless summer and hurried forward with a vigorous step.

A diamond step trapped soul box that snatched endless summer and handed it to Chuci was handed back to endless summer.

"Endless summer, you should keep these things well, but don't give them Chu Ci."

Lin Yuan can still remember that there was a period of rural non mainstream and agricultural heavy metal before endless summer.

At this stage, endless summer buys the most accessories and aura clothing.

Chu Ci is not yet mature, and its aesthetics has not been finalized.

If you learn these things of endless summer in the songs of Chu, you can still get it?

The mother of blood bath stands behind endless summer, looking at the red eyes of Lin Yuan.

After seeing Lin Yuan's mother of blood bath, she has a lot to say with Lin Yuan.

Just think of xuanyue and his words after the month and his dereliction of duty as a Taoist priest.

Let the mother of blood bath suddenly don't know how to open mouth to Lin Yuan.

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