I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1000

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:40:06 AM

Chapter 1000: 1000

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"I'll give you one last chance to tell you where the holy chestnut comes from. I can spare your life." Simon Chang sneers and threatens Han 3000 that his main purpose is to get more holy chestnut, but Han 3000's life is worthless in his eyes, so he doesn't want Han 3000 to bring such precious news into the coffin.

"In your position as Simon's master, even if I tell you, you will kill me later." Han 3000 said with a smile, Simon Chang has always been arrogant, with his attitude, how can he easily let go of himself.

Of course, Han Sanqian is not afraid of the strong man in the nine lamp world, but feiling'er appears inexplicably at this time, which makes him feel peeped.

The more he was exposed, the more Phileas would understand him, but his understanding of Phileas is still blank.

"You know yourself very well. Maybe I'll be merciful and let you go. Maybe I'll give you a pleasure and let you die without too much pain." Said Simon Chang.

Han three thousand light smile, said: "since the vertical and horizontal are dead, why should I tell you, and the source of holy chestnut, is a more dangerous place than the dark forest, do you dare to go?"

"Hey, how long do you want to talk nonsense? Fight now." Fei ling'er is impatient. It's not that she has no patience, but that she can't wait to see what level Han 3000's strength is, so every moment is suffering for her.

"Little girl, our business is none of your business. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll kill you first." Simon Chang looks at Fei ling'er coldly, and his tone is extremely arrogant.

The master of jiudengjing heard this sentence, but his cold sweat was more severe.


Even emperor Zun didn't dare to talk to her with this attitude.

How dare Simon Chang threaten her like this? Isn't he looking for death?

Fei Ling Er turned a white eye helplessly, this old thing is really arrogant, if not have good play to see, she just don't want to waste time here.

Seeing that Fei ling'er didn't speak any more, Ximen Chang turned to Han 3000 and said, "I'll give you another chance. You can do it yourself."

"Ah." Han 3000 sighed suddenly. This battle is inevitable. Even if Fei ling'er can see through his strength, Han 3000 can only do it. In the face of the strong in Jiudeng realm, he can't wait to die.

Simon Chang thought that Han 3000 would compromise, and he was showing some pride in his heart. But he heard Han 3000 say, "today next year will be your death day."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Simon Chang's face changed, and he was almost ferocious. He said to the strong man in jiudengjing, "give him away. I will torture him slowly until he tells me the origin of Shengli."

Jiudengjing strongman is not willing to take action, because feiling'er's appearance makes him dare not underestimate Han 3000, but now, he has to take action even if he doesn't want to.

"Little brother, I've offended a lot." The strong man of Jiudeng said to Han 3000.

The battle of the strong is bound to be earth shaking. If it is fought in this city, countless innocent people will be hurt. This is not what Han 3000 wants to see.

"Please follow me out of the city and have a good fight." As soon as Han 3000's voice falls, he will jump all his life, and the whole person will disappear like a meteor.

Then the strong people in jiudengjing did the same. In a short time, they had already arrived at no one's place outside the city.

"It's trouble." Fei Ling Er complains casually and disappears at the top of the wall without anyone noticing.

Seeing this, Ximen Chang and others rushed out of the city.

Although Ximen Jin has expressed his intention to Ximen Chang very frankly, when he follows Ximen Chang, he doesn't have the slightest timidity, and even has no change as before.

"I didn't expect that you would place your hope on an outsider. It would be the most wrong choice in your life." Ximen Chang said to Ximen Jin.

"Grandfather, you forced me to have no way to go. This is my only choice." Ximen Jin said lightly.

"Hum, all of Simon's family are mine. If I give it to you, you can take it. If I don't give it to you, it's a sin for you to look at it more. You can't covet the position of patriarch at will." Ximen Chang disdains to say that although he has been training Ximen Jin as the future patriarch, it doesn't mean that the position of patriarch will definitely fall on Ximen Jin.

Now Ximen Chang himself has the chance to become a strong man in the extreme teacher's environment and prolong his life. Of course, he is more willing to continue to sit in this position.

People are selfish, and in the life of this huge temptation, Simon Chang made such a choice, there is nothing to blame.

"If you don't give it, I have to fight for it. If not, what's the point of living? I'm not your puppet." Ximen said.

"When he dies, I hope you have the courage to say that." Said Simon Chang.

Simon Jin is very calm on the surface, but his heart has set off waves. His trust in Han 3000 is 100%, because now, he has no other choice, but his trust and worry are not in conflict. He has to worry that Han 3000 is not the opponent of the strong in jiudengjing. Once han 3000 fails, he will fall into the abyss.

"Grandfather, do you really think he will lose?" Said Simon. This sentence seemed to make Ximen Chang hear a big joke. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Ximen Jin, Ximen Jin, don't you know the realm of Zhong Qishan? He is a strong man in jiudengjing. Unless feilingsheng comes forward, who can be his opponent“ He is not only a strong man in jiudengjing, but also the one closest to the Supreme Master. " Simon said with a heavy face“ Maybe we haven't been outside the city, he has been abandoned, and you will no longer be a member of the Simon family. " Ximen Chang said that Ximen was full of ambition. Naturally, Ximen chang would not leave such people around him. For Ximen Jin, he only cares about the position of clan leader, but he doesn't care about the blood relationship at all. What's wrong with Ximen Chang? In Ximen Chang's eyes, only right and status are the most important, and Ximen Jin is just a dispensable inheritance for him. When he becomes a strong man in jishijing, he doesn't need ximenjin's inheritance at all. He can even use his ability of rejuvenation to cultivate a new generation“ Today next year, if it's not your death day, it's mine. " Simon Jin tone firm said, it seems that he has made a decision, once han 3000 lost, he will not pity his life. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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