I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1016

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:39:43 AM

Chapter 1016: 1016

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Is it my carelessness?

Or is it that Feiling's way of doing things is too secretive to find out?

This kind of thinking makes Han 3000 feel a sense of crisis, because if Feiling really does something and he doesn't find it, it's a wake-up call for him.

"Why did you start a school?" Fei ling'er asks, for Han 3000 to investigate Yi Qingshan's identity, she is not in the slightest panic, because as early as before she came to see Han 3000, she had already dealt with this matter.

At this time, Yi Qingshan admires Fei ling'er very much. He didn't know why Fei ling'er had to do it too much before, but now he knows how powerful Fei ling'er is.

"Are you curious?" Han 3000 asked.

"If I'm not curious, will I ask you? And you don't know that emperor Zun's consent is needed for the establishment of the sect. Obviously, you didn't inform Huanglong hall about this. " Said ferring.

"Are you from Huanglong hall?" Han 3000 didn't answer Fei ling'er's question. After all, he couldn't give Fei ling'er an account of his own affairs.

"It seems that we can't get the answer that each other wants. In this case, is it meaningful to ask?" Feilinger said with a smile.

"How can it be meaningless? If you evade this question, it is enough to show that there is something wrong with your identity, so I have got the answer I want." Han 3000 said.

Feiling Er suddenly frowned. Although Han 3000's words were more or less what she meant, in a way, she really lost in the language battle.

"It's hard to deal with people like you." Fei ling'er sighed and said that she was thoughtful and deep-seated. This is her view of Han 3000, and such people are often difficult to deal with.

"So, if you are smart, you can leave as soon as possible, and don't wait for the day when you lose." Han three thousand finish this sentence, directly turned away.

Felling clenched his fist in anger.

Seeing this, Yi Qingshan joked with a smile: "I didn't expect that you would be angry one day. This young man is really not simple."

"Are you reading my joke?" Fei ling'er looks at Yi Qingshan with a sense of killing.

Yi Qingshan shook his head and explained, "how can I laugh at you? I just think this young man really has something extraordinary."

"Hum." Feiling Er snorted coldly and said, "I will know all the secrets about him sooner or later. In the imperial court, nothing can hide from me."

Yi Qingshan carefully turned his mouth, nothing can hide from her? Isn't it bragging? Now Han 3000's identity, she doesn't know.

Of course, Yi Qingshan can't say that. Feiling Er is angry. If he adds fuel to the fire, he will never come to a good end.

Although Yi Qingshan is not inferior to Fei linger in the realm, he has a strong desire for Fei linger, so he will naturally fall behind.

"Guess how emperor Zun would see his establishment of a sect?" Yi Qingshan is curious.

Fei ling'er thought about it, then shook his head and said, "if he wanted to stop Han 3000, he should have sent someone to come. But as far as I know, there is no movement in the Huanglong hall. In my opinion, it is estimated that the emperor will turn a blind eye."

"Ah." Yi Qingshan sighed and sighed: "even the emperor dare not interfere in this matter. It seems that the pattern of the imperial court will change greatly."

Although Fei ling'er wanted to refute Yi Qingshan's words, he made a lot of sense, so that Fei ling'er could not find the point of refutation at all.

After the news spread that Fenghuang Mountain opened a sect, many people gathered in Fenghuang mountain, many of them with their children. It seems that they hope their children can enter the sect.

Most of these people are the lowest class in the imperial court. If they want to change their fate, it's the best choice to join the sect, because once they become practitioners, they can get rid of the lowest identity. But it's extremely difficult for people like them to join the sect.

Now, if you want to join the clan in the imperial court, you have to contribute to the clan. Just like those children studying on the earth who want to go to a better school, they will pay a lot of school building fees before entering the school. This has become an insurmountable threshold for those poor families.

So most people, with their own children to try their luck, did not want to really join the clan, just want to seize this opportunity to try.

"Master, there are many people gathered in Fenghuang mountain now. They should all want to join the sect." In Ximen mansion, when Huang Xiaoyong learned about it, he immediately informed Han 3000.

Now is the beginning of the establishment of zongmen. It's a good thing for someone to join in. So Han 3000 said directly, "you go to deal with this matter and get it done for them as soon as possible. As for zongmen waist token, I've asked Ximen Jin to do it. Once it's done well, it can be given to them."

Han Sanqian used the Apocalypse method to distinguish the status of the disciples in the sect according to the level of heaven and earth xuanhuang, and each of them would be equipped with a waist tag to give them proof of identity.

"But Shifu, those people are all poor." Huang Xiaoyong said with a embarrassed face, he knew that many disciples of the sect, except those with great talent, would spend a lot of money to join the sect. Only in this way can the sect continue to grow, but now those people in Fenghuang mountain, one by one, are poorer. It is obviously impossible for them to come up with money. If they support a large group of poor people, they will have to eat the clan down in the future“ What happened to the poor? " Han three thousand frowned, he is not snobbish, and is the most hate snobbish people, so Huang Xiaoyong's words, has touched Han three thousand unhappy point“ Shifu, if you think about it, these poor people can't even afford to eat. They are sent to the clan every day. If they don't give money, the clan's financial expenditure will be a huge expense. " Huang Xiaoyong said that his worry was reasonable, but he forgot that Han 3000 was a man who regarded money as dirt“ Huang Xiaoyong, I didn't ask for your money when I took you as an apprentice. What's the value of the holy chestnut I gave you, you don't know. If I asked you to pay, could you do it? " Han 3000 said coldly. Huang Xiaoyong's eyelids jump. The value of Shengli is not equal to that of Longyun city master's mansion. It's priceless“ Master, I know what to do. " Huang Xiaoyong said“ Don't worry. With the support of Ximen family, zongmen won't be embarrassed by money. " Han 3000 said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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