I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1031

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:39:20 AM

Chapter 1031: 1031

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"There's really no real evidence for these things. They're all spread around the world. Many children really listen to them as stories." Zhan said.

Han 3000 turns to look at Zhan Tai Liuyue. Unexpectedly, this beautiful woman even swears around the corner.

"Do you mean I'm a child?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

Zhan Tai Liu Yue shook her head. Naturally, she didn't think so. She said, "if you want to know the truth of these things, you can know it by going to Huanglong hall."

"This is the second time you mentioned that I should go to the Huanglong hall. I know that even the strong in the extreme teacher's realm will be afraid of the emperor if they appear in the Huanglong hall. Although I don't know the reason, I can guess that there must be something to improve the emperor's realm in the Huanglong hall, and even the strong in the extreme teacher's realm is not an opponent. Can I understand that, You are sent by Emperor Zun to tell me this, but you just want me to die in Huanglong hall? " Han 3000 did not question, very insipid said these words.

He has every reason to suspect that Zhan Tai Liuyue did so. After all, she mentioned the Huanglong palace twice, and both of them aroused Han 3000's great curiosity. Isn't that tempting Han 3000?

With the strength of God's respect in Huanglong hall, Han 3000's understanding is beyond reproach.

"To die? Why do I want you to go to Huanglong hall to die? " Zhan Tai Liu Yue asked.

"My existence has threatened emperor Zun. He wants me to die. What's so strange?" Han Sanqian said with a smile that Han Sanqian was very clear about the miserable situation of the bailing family. It was because the bailing family was too strong and threatened the emperor that he was killed. If he could do this for the first time, he would do it for the second time.

The establishment of the three thousand sect absolutely threatened emperor Zun. Although it has not yet broken his face, it will happen sooner or later.

Zhan Tai Liuyue heard Han 3000 say so, just understand why han 3000 doubt her, but this is reasonable.

"I guess emperor Zun must have wanted you to die before. After all, you killed his people, but now he doesn't think so." Zhan said.

"Go on, let me see what else you can make up." Han 3000 light way.

"The movement of the dark forest is probably related to Linlong. If Linlong really wakes up, a strong man like you is a powerful helper against Linlong. The emperor can't kill his own helper." Zhan said.

"There's no flaw, but I still don't trust you." Han 3000 disdains the way.

"Why?" Zhan Tai Liuyue looks at Han 3000 puzzled. Although she is not sent by Emperor Zun, she has few ways to prove herself. If Han 3000 can't trust her in this case, she can't clear her suspicion.

"Because beautiful women don't believe what they say." Han 3000 said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue was directly confused. She never thought that Han Sanqian didn't believe in herself because of this.

But from another point of view, Han 3000 thinks she is beautiful, which seems to be a good thing.

It's hard for Zhan Tai Liuyue to be attracted to ordinary people, but after seeing Han 3000's picture album, she has a feeling of infatuation, because there are too few people like Han 3000 in Xuanyuan world, which is a rare existence. She has no interest in other men, Zhan Tai Liuyue naturally has some unusual feelings about Han 3000.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Zhan Tai's eyes are like twinkling stars, staring at Han 3000, hoping that this answer is very important to her.

"Of course." With these two words, Han 3000 shook his head with regret and continued: "but not as beautiful as my wife."

"Wife?" Zhan Tai Liu Yue was stunned. These two words made her confused. She didn't expect that Han 3000 had a wife.

"Not only my wife, but I have a lovely daughter." Han 3000 said.

Zhan Tai Liuyue felt a little empty in her heart, just like she lost something suddenly.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not a big deal to have a wife in Xuanyuan world. After all, three wives and four concubines are normal in Xuanyuan world. Who is not a multi chambered woman in those big families?

"You make me wonder what your wife looks like. Don't you know if I have a chance to see her this time?" Zhan Tai Liuyue asked, with an obviously unconvinced tone. In the whole ethereal clan, she is one of the top beauties. There are countless important people in the clan, even those in the big family, who are eager for her. Therefore, she is very confident in her appearance, which makes her a little unconvinced. She wants to meet Han 3000's wife.

"I want to see her, too, but it's not the right time." There is a trace of loss between Han 3000's eyebrows. Every time he thinks of Su Yingxia and Han Nian, Han 3000's mood will have a very serious change.

After all, these are the two most important women in his life, but now, he can't be with them.

As soon as Zhan Tai Liuyue was about to ask why, Han Sanqian said, "if the master of Zhan Tai doesn't have anything else to do, I have to go back to the clan. After all, today is the opening day. There are still many things I need to deal with."

"Master Han, go and be busy. I will stay in Xixiang city for a while. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time." Zhan said. Han 3000 did not take over, but turned and left. Zhan Tai Liuyue's eyebrows flashed a trace of women's unique pride. She didn't expect that Han 3000 didn't covet her beauty at all. This is something that Zhan Tai Liuyue had never met before. When any man met her before, who could do Han 3000 like this“ I'll know sooner or later whether you're acting serious in front of me or not. I don't believe you can be beautiful. I'm not moved at the moment. " Zhan Tai said to herself. Back in zongmen, Han 3000 has nothing serious to do. As a shopkeeper, he has already given Jiang YingYing and Huang Xiaoyong the big and small affairs in zongmen. When these two people are busy, Han 3000 is in a state of nothing, and he doesn't even have the idea to help. With time, Han 3000 will be able to calm down and try to figure out the story that Zhan Tai Liuyue told. In Han 3000's opinion, the truth of the story has a lot of moisture, especially the appearance of headless soldiers, which makes Han 3000 feel absurd. However, that might be the strong one in the divine realm, and the Linlong in the dark forest, which aroused Han 3000's great curiosity. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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