I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1057

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:38:43 AM

Chapter 1057: 1057

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"I'm not going." Feilingsheng looks at Han 3000 with a firm face. She can't leave at this time, because she knows very well that a holy chestnut can't make her reach the real divine realm, so she must stay.

Han 3000 light smile, said: "you now answer is very fast, but it's a pity has no use."

Feilingsheng didn't know whether it was useful or not, but she was firm in her heart and would never leave this point, so no matter what Han 3000 said, it was useless.

On the other hand, Yan Qinghua, who was on his way, finally came to the place Yi Qingshan said when night fell.

Yi Qingshan didn't cheat. Yan Qinghua found Jiang Yingying in a cave on the mountainside.

Yan Qinghua knows that Jiang Yingying's coma is caused by Yi Qingshan, so it is impossible for her to wake her up with her ability, so Yan Qinghua does not waste time, but carries Jiang Yingying on her back and goes on her way again.

For Yan Qinghua, this is not an easy thing. After all, her state has not reached the point where energy can be used indefinitely. In addition, she has to bear Jiang Yingying's own weight on her return journey, so her speed will naturally be slower and harder.

But yanqinghua, even when she is very tired, never wants to rest. She must send Jiang Yingying back to Han 3000 as soon as possible. Only in this way can she finish the task Han 3000 gave her and be closer to Han 3000.

If Fei Lingsheng could have half of Yan Qinghua's persistence, maybe her image in Han 3000's mind would be completely different.

"When will you let me go?" Yi Qingshan, oppressed by Han 3000, asks. He is very worried about the sequelae of threatening Han 3000. Once Jiang Yingying comes back, he is worried that Han 3000 will kill him.

Yi Qingshan did not expect that he would be so easily subdued by Han 3000, so there is a huge gap between his plan and reality. If he had known that, Yi Qingshan might not have done it.

"What's the hurry? It's too late for you to be afraid." Han 3000 light said.

Let Yi Qingshan go?

How could that be!

In Han 3000's heart, Yi Qingshan is already a corpse. As long as you see Jiang Yingying, Han 3000 will kill Yi Qingshan without hesitation.

Learn the truth in the earth, let Han 3000 understand that Yi Qingshan this kind of goods can never survive, because only the dead, will not give him trouble.

Besides, this is not the earth. Han 3000 doesn't have to be too constrained in killing people.

"Will you kill me?" Yi Qingshan asks Han 3000.

"What do you think?" Han 3000 asked.

This sentence let Yi Qingshan forehead cold sweat DC, Han 3000 did not directly say let him go, this is not in disguised expression to kill him?

"Han 3000, I didn't hurt your sister. I just want to get Shengli. Now I know it's wrong. Let me go. As long as you're willing to let me go, I'll be a cow and a horse for you." Yi Qingshan began to beg for mercy, which is the only thing he can do at present.

Seeing this scene, Fei Lingsheng could not help sighing that those who are very powerful now have to beg for a chance to live.

In the past, Jishi was supreme, but now, with the emergence of Han 3000, the status of Jishi is no longer so high.

"Yi Qingshan, I knew now, why did I have to do it at the beginning?" Han 3000 said.

Yi Qingshan's heart is full of bitterness. How dare he fight Han 3000?

It's because I don't know what will happen now that Yi Qingshan dares to take Jiang Yingying as a chip and threaten Han 3000.

"Han 3000, he is the best teacher of Xia state, and plays an important role in Xia state. If you really kill him, I'm afraid Xia state will not let you go." At this time, feilingsheng said to Han 3000, in feilingsheng's opinion, these words are a kind reminder. After all, it will be difficult for anyone to deal with the whole country, but she forgot that Han 3000 would not care about these. Her words not only won't win Han 3000's favor, but also make Han 3000 more disdainful.

"If Yingying is injured, I will not let Xia Guo go." Han 3000 said.

This sentence is very simple, but it is extremely arrogant. Does one person want to challenge the whole country?

Han 3000 is very powerful, which feilingsheng can't deny. But when Han 3000 said this, feilingsheng still thought it was a joke.

"In your present situation, even emperor Zun wants to kill you and provoke another country. Do you really think you can handle it? Once the heads of both countries want you to die, you will not be able to do anything in Xuanyuan world. " Said ferlingson.

If Han 3000 wants to rule the whole Xuanyuan world, it is bound to have a fierce war with the Three Kingdoms. Originally, Han 3000 intended to break it one by one, but now, he doesn't care if he offends the two countries at one time. For Han 3000, Jiang Yingying is just like her sister. If she can't protect her, what's the use of her ability?

Although Han 3000 was irrational at this time, he was the real Han 3000. He thought his feelings were above everything else.

"Now that you're afraid, just leave. My business won't affect you." Han 3000 said. Feilingsheng grits her teeth. She is not afraid of being implicated, but for Han 3000's sake. However, this man is ungrateful at all. She hopes to use her kindness to make Han 3000 change her view of herself. But now, instead of seeking any benefit, Han 3000 is more repelled. Although feilingsheng didn't live as well as other strong people in the world for more than a hundred years, she also had a lot of insight. She had seen all kinds of people, except Han 3000, who was stubborn. Is it necessary to offend a whole country for the sake of a woman's life“ Han 3000, why are you so arrogant? " Said ferlingson. Arrogance? Han 3000 asked himself, is it arrogant? Compared with the second generation on earth, Han 3000 is a very low-key role. In the days of the earth, most of Han 3000 is in the stage of forbearance, and Han 3000 will never be ruthless until he has to. Now some people say he is arrogant? Perhaps, it is a little bit, but Xuanyuan world, is not a place to respect strength? Now that we have great strength, why not be arrogant“ You will see my real arrogance, then you will know how low-key I am now. " Han 3000 said. At this time, feilingsheng didn't understand the meaning of Han 3000's words, because she didn't know the purpose of Han 3000's plan to rule the Three Kingdoms. If feilingsheng knew this, she would think Han 3000 was crazy. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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