I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1089

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:37:56 AM

Chapter 1089: 1089

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"Whatever you want to do, I will kill you today." Han 3000 said coldly.

Now that he knows that Tianjie has no use for Linlong, Han 3000 no longer plans to use the power of Tianjie to deal with Linlong.

Although his own strength is only in the divine realm, which can't reach the level of dealing with Linlong, as Linlong said, anger can explode a person's maximum potential. At the moment, Han 3000's body is like a black hole, constantly devouring the spiritual power of heaven and earth. This time, unlike the one against emperor Zun, Han 3000 doesn't care, I don't worry about whether the strength will break his body.

Su Yingxia and Han Nian are dead. He has no memory of this world.

As long as he can avenge the two, Han 3000 will not hesitate even if he pays his life.

"Yes, that's it. Only with your maximum potential, can you be qualified to be my tool." Seeing the rapid growth of Han 3000, Linlong is not worried, but excited and looking forward to it.

For many years, Linlong has been escaping from the pursuit of the high-level world. The only way to really solve this problem is to seal the whole Xuanyuan world so that people inside can't get out and people outside can't get in.

To achieve this, we must have strong energy.

In those days, all the arrays that could build the dark forest were the actions of Linlong to seal the sky. Unfortunately, the energy at that time was not enough to achieve this, so Linlong had to sleep for thousands of years and wait for the opportunity.

Now the opportunity finally appears. Linlong can't wait. It knows that Han 3000 can complete the great feat of sealing heaven as long as he can burst out enough energy.

"I hope you don't let me down. I've been waiting for thousands of years and I don't want to wait any longer." Lin long was suddenly a little nervous and even prayed in his heart.

Han 3000's power rises rapidly, his clothes are torn up again, and his whole body is naturally exposed between heaven and earth. If Huang Xiaoyong sees this scene, he will probably say that.

At this time, Han 3000 felt that there were some ready forces in some parts of Xuanyuan world, and this kind of power was very familiar to him.

It's bone!

It's the power of bones!

Han 3000 carefully sensed the location of the strength of the skeleton.

Let's go.

Break the world!

All the skeletons are coming towards Han 3000 from all directions.

Seeing this scene, Linlong is more excited.

"I didn't expect that you were really him. I didn't guess wrong, I didn't guess wrong." Linlong said excitedly.

Han 3000 doesn't care what Linlong is saying at this time. When the skeleton is attached, Han 3000 feels that his state has been upgraded to a higher level again. The huge power in his body has been out of control.

"Take revenge for your wife and daughter, take your life!" Han three thousand one suddenly drink, the whole person formed a huge power storm, attacking toward Linlong.

"It's really powerful. Unfortunately, it's a little weaker for me, but it's enough to seal the sky." Lin long said.

At the moment when Linlong's voice fell, his huge body turned into human shape, white clothes floating.

Although his body shape has changed, Han 3000's goal remains unchanged. No matter whether he is a human or a dragon, Han 3000's only goal is to kill him and avenge Su Yingxia's mother and daughter.

"Go to hell." Han three thousand one suddenly drinks, rushes the fist to attack.

Lin long smile, and did not show dignified appearance, it seems that Han 3000 show the power, he did not put in the eye.

"Maybe you haven't recognized the gap between us." Linlong light said.

When the fist is coming, Lin long lightly stretches out his left hand to resist with his palm.

Han 3000 immediately felt his fists on a copper wall and iron wall, full of half an inch of progress!

"How could it be, how could it be." At this time of Han 3000, he can clearly feel his unprecedented strength, but he never dreamed that under this power, Linlong can deal with it so easily, without any effort!

"What's impossible? This is the gap in strength. Don't you forget what she said. We come from different worlds and our strength is not in the same level fundamentally." Lin long said.

After he finished, he waved his hand gently. Han 3000 was like a heavy hit, and his whole body retreated violently.


Hit on the wall of Xuanyuan mountain, Han 3000 appears extremely embarrassed.

All the strength, at this moment all collapse, Han 3000 feel all the bones of his body, are like falling apart in general.

"If you don't have me, you are the absolute ruler of the Xuanyuan world. With your strength, no one can be your opponent. You can even see the strength of another world through the advent of natural calamity. Unfortunately, when you meet me, maybe it's fate that you will become my tool to seal the sky." Lin long said to Han 3000 with a smile on his face.

Can't revenge, can't kill Linlong, Han 3000 heart is not willing. But no matter how unwilling he is, he can't do anything in front of absolute power. At this time, Han 3000 suddenly thought of a thing. He had read about space tunnels in the library, and even knew how to reverse time and space. If we can find a space tunnel, if we can reverse time, will this be an opportunity? Back in the past, will su Yingxia and Han Nian survive? This idea may be absurd, but in the case of Han 3000 having nothing to do, it has become the only hope. Even if it's only recorded in the secret dictionary and no one has ever done it, Han 3000 has to find a chance to have a try. Give up? Accept one's fate? This will not be Han 3000's final choice“ I can't beat you. Can't I run? " Han Sanqian pretended to be running and went to the top of the mountain. Seeing this scene, Linlong couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that the man with backbone just now had become a coward. Sure enough, in the face of death, everyone is afraid“ In my territory, you still want to run. You don't really think you can leave the dark forest Lin long said with a smile. Han Sanqian doesn't care. According to Su Yingxia, the space tunnel is in Xuanyuan mountain. As long as he has enough time, he will find it. Therefore, he doesn't need to talk to Linlong now, even if he is regarded as a coward afraid of death by Linlong“ Ah, I'm really a poor man. Even if I give you a chance, where can you go? It's better to be my tool and finish the move of sealing heaven for me. " Linlong said that he was not in a hurry to stop Han 3000, because in his eyes, Han 3000 was a turtle in a jar, and there was no place to escape. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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