I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1090

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:37:55 AM

Chapter 1090: 1090

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No matter what Linlong said, Han 3000's mentality has not been affected, because this is the only chance he can seize. No matter what the result is, he will try.

Give up these two words, never appeared in Han 3000's life, and Su Yingxia and Han Nian's death, for Han 3000, is a thing that must be reversed, unless he also died.

"Space tunnel, where is the space tunnel?" Eager Han 3000 silently recites, he knows that his time is running out, and then drag on, once Linlong loses patience, he will become a tool for Linlong to seal the sky.

At this time, Linlong didn't know Han 3000's plan. He just felt that he was a desperate man, so he ran away and wanted to find opportunities for his own life.

But in front of it, how can anyone survive?

With the strength of Linlong, it is the absolute master in Xuanyuan world. No one can disobey its meaning.

"Han 3000, your wife and daughter are dead. Why don't you go with them? Even if you run away, can you still live with peace of mind?" Lin long said with a smile, in his eyes, Han 3000 is like a mole ant struggling to death. This kind of picture gives him a strong sense of superiority. When he was ravaged by the strong in the high-level world, he was also in such a mess.

At this time, Han 3000 had reached the top of Xuanyuan mountain, and a huge underground cave appeared in front of him. It seemed to run through the whole Xuanyuan mountain. He couldn't see it at a glance. It should be the best place to hide in the space tunnel, but Han 3000 couldn't feel any space waves.

"Oh, so you're looking for a space tunnel. You want to use the space tunnel to get out of here." Linlong suddenly realized, but he didn't show any worry on his face.

"Is this a space tunnel?" Han 3000 asks Lin long.

"Yes, it's really a space tunnel, but it's a pity that it has already failed. If you want to leave here and go back to your original world, it's impossible." Lin long said.

The word despair has been staged many times today. Han 3000 did not expect that his last chance would end in this way.

The failure of the space tunnel means that there is no way to carry out his plan.

Is that really the case?

Is fate a dead end for him?

Han three thousand suddenly leaped for life.

Lin long saw this and laughed. He didn't expect that Han 3000 hadn't given up, but it was already a piece of waste land. What's the use of jumping down?

"I don't want to waste so much time with you if my strength hasn't recovered." Linlong disdains to say that in order to complete the Fengtian, in addition to Han 3000's sacrifice, Linlong also needs his own strength as a blessing. In the case that it has not recovered its peak strength, he has no 100% grasp of Fengtian, so he can only wait. After all, this opportunity is what he has been waiting for for for thousands of years. He doesn't want to fail because of any mistakes.

Han 3000 fell into the cave. As Lin long said, the space tunnel seems to have really failed. Even if Han 3000 fell to the bottom of the cave, he didn't feel any energy fluctuation.

Han 3000's eyes are full of blood and tears. He knows that his last chance is really gone. He can only accept the fact that Su Yingxia and Han Nian are dead, and he is about to usher in the last moment of his life.

Countless unwilling, let Han 3000 body power become restless up, he has never been so powerless.

Gradually, the power in Han 3000's body forms an energy storm. Based on the blessing of the whole skeleton, the storm becomes bigger and bigger, with strong winds and sandstorms.

Taking Han 3000 as the eye of the wind, the storm turned into a huge tornado in a very short time, covering almost the whole cave running through Xuanyuan mountain.

At this time, Han 3000, with his eyes closed and his cheek bloodstained, had no idea what had happened.

At this time, in his mind, he constantly recalled the words he had read in the secret dictionary.

"What's going on?" Feel the power of the cave changes, Lin long showed a face of horror.

It has been sleeping in Xuanyuan mountain for thousands of years. It knows better than anyone about this space tunnel. Many years ago, the power of the space tunnel was absorbed by the array of dark forest. This place has long been an abandoned place. How can such a strong force wave suddenly appear.

"This is not the power of the space tunnel, this is Han 3000's?" Linlong felt a little incredible, because Han 3000 had burst out all his strength before. At that time, Han 3000 was already in the peak state, but at this time, how could he become stronger again!

At this time, the earth Apocalypse also happened an incredible thing.

All the strong men of Tian Zi level arrived at the forbidden area at the first time, and even Yi Lao appeared at the first time.

"What's going on? Why is the space tunnel collapsing?"

"Is the space tunnel going to be closed?"

"If the space tunnel is closed, will the threat to the earth be removed forever?"

"But Han 3000 hasn't come back yet. Does he want to stay in the second world forever?" There is a lot of discussion, and some people are glad that this is a good thing, because after the space tunnel is closed, the earth will no longer be threatened by the second world. However, some people are regretting Han 3000. After all, Han 3000 risked his life to go to the second world. Maybe he did the collapse of the space tunnel, but he has not come back yet. Once the space tunnel is completely closed, he will never come back. Yilao shivers a little. As the nominal master of Han 3000, he thinks highly of Han 3000. He even thinks that the future of Apocalypse will be borne by Han 3000. Only he can revive the apocalypse. However, the current situation is likely to make Han 3000 unable to return. Even if the space tunnel is closed, the earth will not be threatened, and the Apocalypse does not exist, which makes yilao feel that it is no more important than Han 3000's safe return“ How much have you paid for this matter? Do you want to use your own life to help the earth relieve the crisis? " Old Yi said bitterly that although the sacrifice was great, he didn't want to see it. After all, Su Yingxia and Han Nian also went to the second world, and the three members of the family were likely to die. But the fact is already in front of us. Even if yilao is not willing to accept it, he can only face it“ All on their knees. " Yi old a strength after, he took the lead to kneel down. Others have followed suit. This is the greatest gratitude to Han 3000. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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