I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1153

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:36:24 AM

Chapter 1153: 1153

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"What are you going to do now?" Han Sanyi looks at each other with a smile. This guy's self-knowledge comes quickly. He must have worked hard to appear in front of him when he is being chased. He doesn't know what his inner activities are at this time.

The man didn't expect that things would be like this, so he didn't know what to do for a moment, and didn't speak in situ.

"Since you can't think of a way, let me think of one for you." Han 3000 said.

The man nodded and looked at Han 3000 seriously.

"As my staff, if you can show your value, I will help you solve this problem, OK?" Han 3000 said.

Han 3000 said that, not to meddle in his own business, but rather that Tinghan would come to him sooner or later, and Han 3000 did it conveniently.

After all, the other party is a killer organization. Han 3000's strength can frighten them in a short time and make them dare not launch new actions easily. However, in the case of such a big loss, it is obviously impossible for them to think that nothing has happened.

"Will you help me?" That person incredible looking at Han 3000 to ask a way.

"In fact, in a sense, it's not helping you. It's not over at all. They will come to me sooner or later." Han 3000 said.

That person also knew that the killers of Pok would never allow themselves to suffer such insults, and would definitely make Han 3000 pay the price. Otherwise, if this matter was spread out, it would become a laughing stock of others.

But staying with him is equivalent to exposing his whereabouts. He doesn't know whether he should believe Han 3000 or find a place where he can't see the sun and continue to live like a street mouse.

"You've had enough of hiding on the plateau. Otherwise, you won't come to me." Han 3000 asked.

The man nodded heavily. The fact is that he came to Han 3000 at great risk because he didn't want to continue to live an invisible life.

"My name is mo Feng, as long as there is a place you can use, just open your mouth." Mo Feng said.

Han Sanqian smiles. This is his first real hand after his rebirth. He is also a killer, and his strength is not low. It's a good thing for Han Sanqian.

"Find a place to rest. I'll contact you." Han 3000 threw his mobile phone to Mo Feng.

Looking at Han 3000's back, Mo Feng does not regret his choice. He knows that in the eyes of others, although he is only a child, his strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The reason why Mo Feng risked his life to find Han 3000 is that he heard that Han 3000 made Tinghan return home in a dilemma. After seeing Han 3000, he affirmed Han 3000's strong identity.

"The Chinese nation is really terrible. It's a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. At such a young age, it already has such a strong strength." Mo Feng said with a sigh.

After a tour, Han 3000 can almost go home to have a rest. At this time, Wu Xin will probably go home, so Han 3000 goes back to his home.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as the elevator door opened, Han 3000 saw Wu Xin, and her appearance seemed to be deliberately waiting for her.

"What are you doing here if you don't go home so late?" Han 3000 light asks a way.

Wu Xin wears a long dress with suspenders. Most men can't help looking at it. However, Han 3000's eyes don't stay on her.

This is what she deliberately dressed up, and was ignored by Han 3000.

Is it that this little boy doesn't understand the beauty of women at all, or does he have no desire in this aspect now?

"Where have you been?" Wu Xin asked.

"Wu Xin, do you want to know about my private life? Where have I gone? What does it have to do with you?" Han 3000 asked.

"Why can't we have a relationship? I... we are neighbors. Can't I care about you?" Wu Xin said.

"If it's just the neighbor's concern, it's too much for you. Don't do it again." With that, Han 3000 was ready to go home.

Wu Xin directly blocked in front of Han 3000, angry that called a rough.

"Han 3000, you little boy, can't you find the beauty of your sister?" Wu Xin said very directly that although she didn't admit that she liked Han 3000 in her heart, in fact, her behavior was expressing her feelings. Probably from the boss's incident, Wu Xin had an inexplicable heart for Han 3000. Although he was young, in Wu Xin's eyes, His mentality and means of doing things are very mature and fascinating charm.

"Want the old cow to eat the tender grass?" Han 3000 said.

Wu Xin Leng for a while, this words listen, how so harsh?

The key is that Wu Xin has no way to refute.

In terms of their age, Wu Xin is called Lao Niu, but he has no sense of disobedience.

"I'm not an adult. It's against the law for you to do so." Han continued.

Wu Xin faltered and said: "I... I, when do I say I want to eat you, and my sister, I'm not old cow at this age." Han Sanqian has no choice but to smile. His peach blossoms used to be very popular. He never thought that they would not be reduced in his whole life. Even at this age, women would like them. It seems that he died in the peach garden in his last life“ I have something important to do tomorrow. I have to go back and have a rest. If you have nothing serious to do, don't disturb me. " Han 3000 said. Wu Xin still has a lot to say, a lot to do, and even... Even she has an impulse to bring Han 3000 back to her home to sleep. However, she did not do so in the end, but gave way to Han 3000. When Han 3000 returned home, Wu Xin went back to her home. Thinking of her behavior and thoughts, Wu Xin turned red in the face, like a hot iron“ Wu Xin, Wu Xin, what's the matter with you? You want to take a child home to sleep. When did you become such a brute Wu Xin gently fanned her face and said to herself. When Han 3000 came home, he found Shi Jing sitting in the living room with a very strange expression on her face, as if she was trying to resist her smile“ Mom, did you hear that? " Han 3000 can't help asking. Shi Jing nodded and didn't speak, because she was really holding a smile. She was afraid that she could not hold her breath“ Don't let her come at home in the future. At my age, you don't really want me to fall in love Han 3000 exhorted. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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