I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1189

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:35:18 AM

Chapter 1189: 1189

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"I didn't expect him to live in such a shabby place."

After Han 3000 enters the community, Mo Yu's sisters appear. Obviously, they follow Han 3000 back to their residence, which must be to avenge Yan Bingfeng.

"It is said that he has been driven out of the Han family. It seems that this is true."

"Mo language, we don't really want to go to this kind of place. It's all for the lower class. It's filthy."

"Yes, I don't want to go to such a rubbish place."

People who can become sisters with Mo Yu have a good family background, so they are full of disgust when they face this old community. After all, they are all Miss Qian Jin who lives in the villa compound. When did they go to this place.

Mo Yu puts her eyes on Wu Xin at this time. Han 3000 had a conversation with her just now. These two must be friends. There is a very simple way to let Han 3000 show up.

"No, look at that woman. She must be Han 3000's friend." Mo said.

After listening to Mo Yu's words, several friends immediately understood the meaning of Mo Yu.

"Go on, don't let her run away."

"If she goes in, we won't have a chance."


A few people swarmed up.

Wu Xin is about to go home, and several bright women stop in front of her.

"What do you want to do?" Wu Xin asked with a puzzled face. She didn't know these people. How could they stand in front of her?

"Come with us." Mo language light said.

Wu Xin felt very strange and asked, "why?"

"You don't need to know why." Mo said.

Wu Xin rolled her eyes. Who are these people? Do you have to go if you want her to go?

"Sorry, I'm going home." Wu Xin was ready to leave.

Just after wiping the tube with Mo Yu, Wu Xin was suddenly grabbed by her hair, and it was still the kind with great strength. Wu Xin cried out in pain.

"What do you want? Let me go." Wu Xin said.

Mo Yu tugged at Wu Xin's hair and said, "cheap woman, I don't want to fight with you, but you are so illiterate, don't blame me for being impolite."

Finish saying, Mo language pulls Wu Xin directly, walk toward own car.

Wu Xin wants to struggle, but her scalp is almost torn off by Mo Yu, so she has to follow her.

After the party got into the car, Mo Yu didn't intend to release Wu Xin, just like venting his anger at Han 3000 on Wu Xin.

"What do you want to do?" Wu Xin has an uncertain premonition. Although she doesn't know these people, her intuition tells her that those who come are not good. If she follows these people, it may be dangerous.

"There's so much nonsense. Shut up now." Mo language, one of the girls set off Wu Xin noisy, directly give Wu Xin a slap in the face.

These little girls hit people, but they were not soft at all. Wu Xin immediately had a red mark on her face.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll strip off your clothes and throw you out of the car." Mo language gnashing teeth said.

Wu Xin looked at Mo Yu's fierce eyes and was scared.

She knew that the woman in front of her was not a simple woman. She had a famous brand and was definitely not born in an ordinary family.

But Wu Xin could not imagine where she had offended these rich women and why they would deal with her.

The car is heading for a famous villa area in Yanjing, which is a place that very rich people can afford. Wu Xin once felt guilty when she passed by. She didn't expect that one day she would be able to enter the villa area. Just in this way, she was very worried.

After parking in front of a villa, Wu Xin was taken home.

Decoration can be described by four words of resplendence, which is the most luxurious that Wu Xin has ever seen in her life, so that she can't describe it with words at all.

Just when Wu Xin was immersed in the shock, someone suddenly kicked her, so that she fell directly on the ground, which made Wu Xin recover from the shock.

"I haven't seen such a luxurious place. Compared with the broken community you live in, is it like heaven?" Mo Yu said to Wu Xin with a sneer that Mo Yanshang bought this place for her. Except for her, no one else in the Mo family is qualified to live here.

"What do you want to do? I have nothing against you. Why do you do this to me? " Wu Xin is very helpless to say that she is still at a loss. She doesn't know what she has done wrong, and she thinks that she can't offend this level of young lady. After all, she hasn't contacted her.

"I don't understand now. You will know later. If you want to blame it, you can only blame you for being ungrateful." Mo language disdain said, at the thought of Han 3000 that kind of arrogance, Mo language especially for Yan Bingfeng fight against injustice.

In Mo Yu's eyes, Yan Bingfeng should be invincible. How can he lose to a little boy? Moreover, this little boy is also a famous waste young master of the Han family.

Mo Yu thinks that there must be something fishy in it, so she must find a way to get rid of it and vindicate Yan Bingfeng.

"Mo Yu, what should she do?" A girl friend asked Mo Yu. Mo Yu took a look at Wu Xin and said, "I'll find the rope and tie it up first. I'll torture you for a few days." Several women smile at each other without any objection to Mo Yu's behavior. It seems that in their eyes, this is just a very common thing. These people, with strong protective umbrellas behind them, have made a lot of mistakes since they were young. However, due to the reasons behind them, they have never paid for their mistakes, which leads to more and more lawlessness. In fact, they have done this kind of kidnapping for a long time, and often because of small disputes. At this time, Han 3000 was at home. Shi Jing asked Han 3000, "are you really going to move?"“ Yes Han Sanya naturally said that the only way to get rid of Wu Xin is to leave her life circle“ I have to be so heartless. I'm a girl anyway, but I just care about you a little more. " Shi Jing advised“ Mom, I have my own reasons, and this is to protect her in disguise. " Han 3000 said. Seeing that Han Sanyi was unmoved, he thought it was useless to continue to persuade him. Shi Jing had no choice but to say, "OK, you can do whatever you want. I just mention it casually. The most important thing is to do it according to your own wishes." Han Sanqian laughed and said, "in the future, I will definitely tell you the reason. At that time, you will understand why I want to do all this." Although Shi Jing is curious, Han 3000 has made it very clear that she will tell her later, so she is not in a hurry to ask. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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