I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1204

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:34:57 AM

Chapter 1204: 1204

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"I didn't expect that he could find me." Chongyang said with a sigh that when he retired from the world, he almost cut off all contact with the outside world. In order to cultivate Qi Hu wholeheartedly, he chose such a deep mountain and old forest, but he didn't expect to escape Nangong Boling's eyes.

"No one can escape what the owner wants to know." Zhong Changqiu said lightly.

Chongyang nodded. The sphere of influence of Nangong Boling is really amazing. And since he promised Nangong Boling in those years, now that he is found, he has no reason to refuse.

Looking at the rabbit that he was chewing away, Chongyang asked, "what does he want me to do?"

"Yanjing is holding the Wuji summit. He hopes you can attend it." Zhong Changqiu said.

"Wuji summit?" Chongyang was slightly surprised. As a martial arts man, he knew the Wuji summit, but he didn't quite understand the reason why Nangong Boling asked him to attend.

Nangong Boling also had his own influence in the hot summer, but these forces never surfaced. Nangong Boling relied on many puppets to control the situation, because he liked to develop his own power in this hidden way.

Now, Nangong Boling is going to attend the Wuji summit in public. Is it true that he is tired of keeping a low profile and is ready to make his name known in Yanxia?

However, Chongyang himself felt that there was something wrong with such speculation, because Nangong Boling was not such a person at all, and he disdained to do so.

"Can I ask why?" Chongyang said.

Zhong Changqiu shook his head and said, "if you want to know the reason, you can ask the owner after you see him. I'm not qualified to tell you."

Chongyang sighed. In fact, it doesn't matter what the reason is. The important thing is that he once promised Nangong Boling. Now Nangong Boling sends people to come to him, and he can only get out of the mountain.

It's just a pity to delay Qi Hu's training, and if Qi Hu's training is delayed for one day, his training rhythm will be completely broken.

If Qi Hu is left alone on the mountain, Chongyang will worry about his safety.

"I can take my apprentice with me."

"No problem, of course."

Chongyang went to Qi Hu's mouth full of oil.

Qi Hu raised his head, showed a bright and honest smile, and said: "master's craftsmanship is very good. It's delicious."

Chongyang habitually kicked Qihu, said: "hurry to pack up, ready to go down the mountain."

This is not Chongyang's abuse of Qi Hu, but the master and apprentice have been used to this way of getting along. If Qi Hu is not kicked twice a day, he will not be used to it.

"Down the mountain?" Qi Hu looks at Chongyang puzzled, because the master said that he is absolutely not qualified to go down the mountain before he meets the requirements.

"Master, why do we go down the mountain?" Qi Hu asked.

"There's so much nonsense. I'm going down the mountain. Do I need to explain it to you?" With that, Chongyang raised his feet again.

Seeing this, Qi Hu quickly slipped back to the cabin to pack up.

Although Chongyang had a lot of doubts in his heart, he didn't ask Zhong Changqiu. He knew Zhong Changqiu's identity. He didn't dare to answer these things easily.

The three of them set out to go down the mountain that night without a moment's rest.


Since Han 3000's opponents have abandoned the competition one after another, Han 3000 seems to have nothing to do, but he is not idle. Since Nangong Boling has come to Yanjing, there will be a meeting between him and Nangong Boling sooner or later.

"It's a little strange these days." Sitting in the living room watching TV, Han 3000 suddenly hears Shi Jing talking to himself with her mobile phone.

"What's the matter?" Han 3000 asked suspiciously.

Shi Jing goes to Han 3000 and hands the mobile phone to Han 3000.

Shi Jing and Wu Xin are chatting on their mobile phones. Looking ahead, they are having a good chat. However, the messages Shi Jing sent to Wu Xin these two days have not received any response.

"What's so strange? I've made it very clear to her. It's normal that she doesn't want to talk to you." Han 3000 said with a smile, it is not back to the message, he thought it was a big thing.

Shi Jing shakes her head and does not agree with Han 3000.

He is really ruthless to Wu Xin, but Shi Jing doesn't think it will affect her relationship with Wu Xin, and Wu Xin is a very polite child in her mind. How can she not return her information for no reason.

"Son, in my heart, I always feel a little uneasy, like something happened." Shi Jing said.

"Don't worry, what can happen, and even if something happens, it has nothing to do with us." Han 3000 said that the first time he met Wu Xin, he saved her at night. If Wu Xin is still stubborn, it has nothing to do with Han 3000, so he doesn't care about these things at all.

"What if it had something to do with you? Why don't you stay with me and go home and have a look. " Shi Jing said.

Hearing this, Han 3000 immediately became alert.

Should this not be Shi Jing's stratagem, deliberately trying to let him meet Wu Xin in this way“ Mom, it's really impossible for me and her. You don't have to think about these useless ways to let me meet her. " Han 3000 says helplessly. Shi Jing gently hammered Han 3000's shoulder and said, "I'm really worried, and I've given up the idea of matching you and her for a long time. How could I do that on purpose?"“ She is an adult and should be responsible for all her actions. If she causes danger to herself, she should also bear the consequences. " Han 3000 said faintly that he didn't care about Wu Xin. If it was really dangerous, Han 3000 didn't plan to do it“ Aren't you afraid it's about you? What if it's your enemy who's bothering her? " Shi Jing said“ How could it be, my enemy, how could it be found on her head? " Han Sanqian is sitting on the sofa, looking weak“ If you don't go, I'll go myself. " Shi Jing said, back to the room picked up his bag, ready to go out. Han three thousand one face tangled, he does not intend to meddle in, but also can't let Shi Jing go alone. What if Wu Xinzhen meets with any trouble and drags Shi Jing into the water“ I've really convinced you. " Han 3000 stands up helplessly and keeps up with Shi Jing. Shi Jing laughed and said, "why, I'm still worried about your mother. I thought you were so heartless."“ Mom, this is the last time. After that, you'd better break up contact with Wu Xin. " Han said he didn't want to get involved with Wu Xin too deeply. He was not afraid that he would be affected, but worried that Wu Xin would be unable to extricate himself from the relationship. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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