I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1213

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:34:45 AM

Chapter 1213: 1213

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Although there is no way to confirm Chongyang's identity, Han Sanqian has confirmed it in nine cases out of ten, and it is doomed that he and Qi Hu will meet in advance.

In other words, the rebirth of Han 3000 has changed another thing, and it is likely to have a huge impact on Qi Hu.

After all, when Qi Hu went down the mountain at the beginning, he had reached the stage of becoming a master of martial arts. In the secular world, he was already a master.

Now, Qi Hu is just a child, and his martial arts practice is just at the beginning. Now he goes down the mountain, which will inevitably affect his achievements in martial arts.

More importantly, Chongyang was found by Nangong Boling. If he lost the game, what kind of hidden danger would happen? This is not what Han 3000 can be sure.

Once Nangong Boling turns over and refuses to recognize others, Chongyang may become Nangong Boling's vent of anger. At that time, Qi Hu may lose his master.

"What's the matter, a look of sighing, what happened?" Shi Jing came to the living room and happened to see Han 3000 sighing, so she asked puzzled. After all, Han 3000 rarely had such a performance during her contact with Han 3000.

"The day after tomorrow's competition has been determined, Nangong Boling has arranged a world expert." Han 3000 said.

Han 3000 said so, and then just sigh state, this can't help but let Shi Jing worry up, asked: "world expert, very powerful?"

Han 3000 thought about it. For him before, he was really powerful. When he went up the mountain, his skill was not Chongyang's opponent.

But now it's different. With Han 3000's strength, Chongyang's role is not worth mentioning at all.

"Not bad." Han 3000 reluctantly gave an evaluation.

"What do you have to worry about?" Hearing Han 3000 say so, Shi Jing can feel his confidence in the game, so she is even more surprised why han 3000 sighs.

"I'm not worried about myself, but for a friend. I don't know how much impact this will have on his life. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid I'm the only one to help him make some changes." Han 3000 said.

He is not particularly willing to change the world in order to change, but Qi Hu is a very important person for him, so he can't watch Qi Hu's future destroyed by Nangong Boling.

If necessary, maybe he can only be Qi Hu's master himself.

"With you, even if it will affect your friend, it's easy to change him. There's nothing to worry about." Shi Jing comforted.

Han Sanqian smiles, which makes sense. With his ability now, he comes forward to protect Qi Hu. Qi Hu can never have an accident, and he can easily change Qi Hu's future.

"Mom, just now Yang Wanlin called me. He said that Mo's family had gone to the hospital to meet Wu Xin." Han 3000 said to Shi Jing with a smile.

As soon as she heard about this, Shi Jing was interested in it. She sat down beside Han 3000 and asked, "what's the matter? Has Wu Xin made any offer?"

"Guess what." Han 3000 sold the key.

Shi Jing stares at Han 3000 and says, "your skin itches, don't you? You dare to play tricks with me."

Han three thousand a pair of helpless appearance, said: "in this case, then you guess a price, she offered a price, and Mo family also agreed."

This is a bit beyond Shi Jing's expectation. In her opinion, Wu Xin may not have thought of this at all.

"I didn't think of it. I'm worried that she won't think of such things. Since Mo Yanshang has agreed, it seems that there should be millions." Shi Jing said.

Han Sanqian shook his head and said, "the compensation is something that Mo Yanshang offered to ask her for. Although she didn't mention it, the price she offered is unexpected."

"A few million is not enough, is it ten million?" Shi Jing said.

Han Sanqian continues to shake his head and does not speak. He looks at Shi Jing with a smile on his face.

"More or less?" Shi Jing doubts.

"Less." Han 3000 said.

Ten million is even less.

For a rich family, this money is really nothing, but for Wu Xin, an ordinary girl, it is already very high.

Now that she's offering, where can she go?

"It's still 20 million. She doesn't have the guts." Shi Jing said.

"100 million."

"100 million!" Shi Jing exclaimed, this astronomical figure almost scared her.

It's just an ordinary person who dares to speak like a lion. This is a number that ordinary people dare not imagine.

"You're not kidding me, are you?" she said Shi Jing asked.

"Of course not, but I'm also a little surprised. How did she make such a price? But Mo Yanshang has agreed. Now she's a billionaire." Han 3000 said.

Shi Jingchang breathed a sigh, which really changed his life in one sentence. For Wu Xin, an ordinary office worker, who suddenly has a fortune of 100 million, her life will be completely changed by this money“ It's a good thing, and it could be a bad thing. " Shi Jing's face suddenly worried that Wu Xin, as an ordinary person, could keep her normal mind with such a large amount of wealth coming from the sky. Once she falls into the consumption of sudden wealth, even if she holds 100 million yuan, she will also degenerate, and 100 million yuan may not be able to make her life secure“ This is not something we can care about. The compensation I have given her is in place, and the next step is not for us to interfere in her choice. " Han 3000 said. Shi Jing understands this truth. If she is corrupted by money, it has nothing to do with anyone else. Just such an ordinary good girl, Shi Jing is really afraid that she will change completely because of the money“ I can already foresee that the first thing she will do is to buy a house, which is not cheap. Next, she will be obsessed with luxury goods, which may be a road to extinction. " Shi Jing said with a wry smile that Wu Xin has no ability to earn wealth, so she can only sit back and eat nothing. If this happens, Wu Xin will be ruined sooner or later. Han Sanqian didn't say anything. As he said, Wu Xin is no longer the one he should care about. If he has time, it's better to think about how to fight Chongyang in the challenge arena the day after tomorrow. Is it to save Chongyang some face, or to end the battle with the fastest speed, so that Nangong Boling can deeply feel his strength“ I don't know Chongyang yet. I don't need to give face, do I? " Han Sanqian thought for a long time, with a bad smile on his face. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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