I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1257

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:33:47 AM

Chapter 1257: 1257

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In the process of waiting for Han 3000, Yang Wanlin asked Yang Bin in a low voice: "Laozu, what do you think of this thing?"

When hearing this sentence, Yang Wanlin subconsciously looked at Yuan Hai. It was obvious that the other party came for money. Since he wanted money, he must have some capital, and Yang Wanlin could not think of other possibilities except that he was an apocalypse.

This means that he is likely to be the apocalypse, so he is qualified to expose Han 3000, but is Han 3000 a fake? Yang Wanlin is not sure. After all, Han 3000's strength is too strong, and Yang Bin doesn't want Han 3000 to be fake, because the Yang family needs Han 3000 to have such an identity.

"The worst result is that Han 3000's identity is false, and we may have to pay a big price." Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin's face changed in an instant. It was a small matter to pay a big price. But Han 3000's identity was false, which had a great impact on the Yang family. They wanted to rely on Han 3000's identity to become the real first family in Yanjing.

"Laozu, if he is fake, won't all our efforts be in vain?" Yang Wanlin said.

Yang Bin sighed. He understood Yang Wanlin's worry, but now this matter is beyond their control. If Han 3000's identity is true or false, they can't reverse it.

"Wait and see what happens." Yang Bin said.

It wasn't long before Han 3000 arrived at Yang's house.

When he saw Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin together, he felt something was wrong, and the two people's expression was obviously something on their mind.

Moreover, there was a strange face at the scene, which further showed that it was not easy for Yang Wanlin to find him.

"Lao Zu, it seems that you have guests." Han 3000 said with a smile.

"Han 3000, do you know the price of pretending to be apocalypse?" Yuan Hai said directly to Han 3000 that since he came to expose Han 3000's identity, he didn't have to waste his time.

Han three thousand picked pick eyebrows, hear this sentence, he will understand why Yang Wanlin will come to him.

It seems that this middle-aged man should be apocalypse, and the purpose of his presence in the Yang family should be to expose his identity.

If Han 3000 doesn't know about the apocalypse, he is qualified to tear down Han 3000. However, Han 3000 is a man who has entered the Tianzi level. He knows everything about the apocalypse and wants to tear him down, unless yilao comes in person, no one can do it.

"Who is this?" Han 3000 asked Yang Bin.

Yuan Hai stood up and said to Han 3000, "I'm apocalypse. You pretend to be apocalypse. I'll tear you down. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Han 3000 light smile, said: "why do you say you are apocalypse, and why do you say I am false?"

"Han 3000, do you know the consequences of pretending to be apocalypse? You did well at the Wuji summit, but for Apocalypse, you are more like a baby in infancy. In the face of the real apocalypse, you don't even have a chance to fight back." Yuan Hai said with a proud face that he didn't put Han 3000 in his heart, because he saw too many so-called secular experts, but these experts were just like ants to Apocalypse.

"You should be a member of the Yellow character class of apocalypse. Only members of the Yellow character class can wander in the secular world. Your task is to explore more talents for Apocalypse." Han 3000 said.

This sentence changed yuan Hai's face. For the level of apocalypse, only the real Apocalypse people would know. Although there are many rumors of apocalypse in the secular world, absolutely no one can know the four levels of heaven and earth.

"As far as I know, you yellow letter members often find excuses to collect money for themselves. Aren't you one of them?" Han Sanqian went on to say that he had personally experienced this saying in his position in Zhuang Tang. When he met Zhuang Tang's master and apprentice in Nangong family, they also turned the corner and asked Nangong Boling to pay for it.

Why did yuan Hai appear in the Yang family and why did he want to expose himself?

The only reason Han 3000 can think of is that Yuan Hai wants to use this to blackmail the Yang family.

Yuan Hai's face became more pale. Han 3000 knew so many things, and his manner of speaking was more like the accusation of a superior to a subordinate.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if the people above know that they use the Apocalypse's reputation to make money for themselves?" Han 3000 asked.

Yuan Hai showed a look of panic, he never thought Han 3000 could say these words, it seems that he is really apocalypse, otherwise, it is impossible to know these things.

"You... Why do you know so much?" Yuan Hai wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and asked. He had vowed that Han 3000's identity was fake, but after Han 3000 said this, he had to suspect that he was wrong.

"Four gates and three halls, which gate and which hall do you belong to?" Han 3000 continued to ask.

Yuan Hai's legs softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

He even knows four gates and three halls! If it wasn't for the apocalypse, how could it have known so clearly? Originally, Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin were worried about Han 3000's identity, but when they saw that Yuan Hai was scared to kneel down, they couldn't help laughing. Obviously, Han 3000's identity is true. The reason why yuan Hai doesn't know Han 3000 is that his level is not enough“ Laozu, it seems that his status in Apocalypse is not low. " Yang Wanlin said with a soft smile. Yang Bin nodded with satisfaction, which was the result he most wanted to see“ Are you yilao's person or he Qingfeng's person? " Han continued. At this moment, Yuan Hai's heart is about to jump out. He Qingfeng, the next elder, is the two leaders of Tianqi. If he can know their names, he has already identified Han 3000“ I'm a strong man in heaven. You are only in yellow. You dare to question me, and you want to use this to make money for yourself. Do you know what's wrong Bang! Yuan Hai's ears sounded like spring thunder. Yuan Hai was confused by the four words of "Tianzi level strong"! The reason why he doubts the identity of Han 3000 is that he has never heard of the name of Han 3000, but it is not surprising that he has never heard of Han 3000. Tianzi level strongman is the most mysterious group of people in the apocalypse. He is the lowest member of Huangzi level. How can he know such high-level things? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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