I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1352

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:31:35 AM

Chapter 1352: 1352

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Han Sanqian doesn't know what Bruce Lee is thinking. If not, he'll knock Bruce Lee on the ground, because this fool doesn't need to take responsibility for himself.

From the day that the woman landed on the island, she had no choice but to choose her own fate, and Bruce Lee's choice of her was just the result of her taking risks, not Bruce Lee's fault.

It wasn't long before the helicopter was ready.

Nangong Boling solves the spy's problem with the fastest speed, and then comes to see Han 3000 off.

You don't have to think about the fate of those spies. Even Nangong Boling's brother can't escape the fate.

"I hope we can meet as soon as possible." Nangong Boling told Han 3000 that he couldn't wait to unlock another world, and he knew that the next time he met, he would definitely have a chance to go to another world.

"It won't be too soon, because I don't want to die." Han 3000 light said.

Nangong Boling's face did not change, but he was slightly surprised. He had seen Han 3000's extraordinary ability, and Han 3000's life was in danger in that world, which was enough to imagine how dangerous it was there.

Of course, in Xuanyuan world, Han 3000 is already invincible. After all, he has the strength of divine realm, which no one in Xuanyuan world has ever achieved. However, the strength of Linlong still makes Han 3000 unable to ignore.

In terms of human beings, Han 3000 is the strongest, which is beyond doubt.

But the existence of Linlong is a mountain that Han 3000 can't cross.

"I'll be waiting for you." Nangong Boling said.

Han Sanqian waved his hand at will, and then got on the helicopter.

The woman had a big doubt in her heart. Although she knew Han 3000 was the guest of honor of Nangong Boling, she could see that Nangong Boling's attitude towards her was more than that of the guest of honor.

Even in Nangong Boling's eyes, she saw a little fear of Han 3000, which made her very confused.

Nangong family is the strongest seclusion family in the world. There is no one of them. How can Nangong Boling, the owner of the family, be afraid of a child?

Does this little boy have the power to make Nangong Boling afraid?

The helicopter is heading for the island country nearest to Nangong Island, which is also under the control of Nangong family.

Helicopters can't fly for a long time, so they have to change to long-distance planes in this island country.

The plane of island countries has been ready for a long time. After boarding the plane, the woman always focuses on Han 3000. Because she is so curious about Han 3000, she doesn't know how such a child is valued by Nangong Boling.

At the same time, she also thinks that if she can use the child to do something for herself, then her status in her family will no longer be a tool.

Han 3000 can feel that she is looking at herself. However, Han 3000, who keeps her eyes closed, doesn't want to have too much communication with her, so she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything.

However, such evasion does not seem to work.

When the woman took the initiative to move her seat and sat down beside Han 3000, he knew that what should come, after all, came.

"You wonder who I am?" Without waiting for her to ask, Han 3000 took the initiative to say.

"As far as I know, Nangong Boling is the most powerful man in the world." Said the woman.

Han three thousand light a smile, say: "can you feel, I am even worse than him?"

"It's not fierce, but I saw his fear of you in his eyes. It's not such a simple thing that you are stronger than him." Said the woman.

Han Sanqian didn't expect that she saw it very thoroughly. Nangong Boling was indeed afraid of him, but it's natural for a mortal to be afraid of God. There's nothing strange.

But Han 3000 won't reveal his identity to her.

"Even Nangong Boling is afraid of me. How do you think you can find out my identity?" Han 3000 light way.

This made the woman speechless and didn't know where to start, because she really didn't have the right to know who Han 3000 was.

"But I'm your woman."

This made Han 3000 almost laugh and embarrassed Bruce Lee.

He is just Han 3000's subordinate. Is he qualified to know Han 3000's secret?

"Don't disturb my boss." Bruce Lee stands up and says to the woman, with the appearance of letting her away from Han 3000.

Although he is fond of women, Bruce Lee is clear about Han 3000. He will never let a woman destroy the relationship between him and Han 3000, and he will not be unfaithful to Han 3000 because of a woman.

The woman grits her teeth. She knows that Bruce Lee likes her. She also knows that as long as she is with Bruce Lee, maybe she can get Han 3000's help.

But after all, Bruce Lee is just a little brother. As a last resort, she never wants to be with such a person, thus lowering her identity. Sitting back in her place, the woman closed her eyes and began to rest. All the way speechless, in the second turn, Bruce Lee and her farewell, but also left their own contact information, this is a chance for Bruce Lee to leave. Cloud City at this time. Moyang has helped Han 3000 get the office building, and the office building has played the signboard of Fengqian, especially big and eye-catching. For a moment, Yuncheng was curious about the background of Fengqian company. When it first appeared in Yuncheng, it bought the whole office building, and it was Moyang who came forward to help fix it. This reminds people of the amazing power of Fengqian's boss. After all, in Yuncheng, it's not a simple matter to want Moyang to help. Su family villa. The old man of the Su family called everyone to a meeting. The emergence of Fengqian, a new company, is bound to have an impact on the current business structure of Yuncheng. However, they still don't know what kind of business Fengqian is involved in. Therefore, we must have comprehensive consideration to cope with Fengqian's sudden involvement in Yuncheng. Of course, there is another point. If you can make friends with Fengqian, or even have the opportunity to reach some cooperation with Fengqian, it is the best situation for the Su family. The Su family all sat in the company conference room with a lazy look. It was only when the old man appeared that they reluctantly picked up their spirits“ You must have heard about Fengqian? " The old man sat on the throne and asked seriously. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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