I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1366

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:31:15 AM

Chapter 1366: 1366

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In addition to the first group of brand leaders who arrived in Yuncheng, dozens of them arrived one after another on the same day. These people represent almost all the famous luxury brands in the world. At this time, even those who don't know the inside story may feel some signs.

After all, it is impossible to gather so many responsible persons of luxury goods for no reason.

For a time, the major families in Yuncheng began to guess the possibility of things.

The Su family, taking advantage of the news, has begun to deploy cooperation plans with Fengqian.

As the person in charge of the cooperation between the Su family and Fengqian, Su Guoyao came to the gate of Fengqian immediately after hearing the news.

Now who is the boss of Fengqian? No one knows, so Su Guoyao can only wait for the hare in the most stupid way.

At the same time, Su Guolin, who wants to be against Su Guoyao, is thinking about how to destroy Su Guoyao's plan.

A private tea garden will not receive ordinary guests here. There are only VIP customers in the tea garden. If you want to drink tea here, you must pay a certain amount of threshold fee in advance.

Of course, there is a reason why a tea garden can make such a high standard.

The environment of the tea garden in Yuncheng is absolutely first-class, and the privacy of each room is very good. It is especially suitable for talking about cooperation, or exchanging very confidential things here. We are absolutely not afraid that the walls have ears and will disclose the news.

Su Guolin is here today, and the person he is going to meet is always the enemy of the Su family.

The other party is also doing building materials business in Yuncheng. As the saying goes, peers are enemies. Su Guolin obviously has an unusual purpose to invite the other party.

"Su Guolin, I didn't expect that you would ask me for tea. I can't understand why." The other side is a fat middle-aged man with greasy face and rich appearance.

"Yang Guangyuan, I'm looking for you today. I have something good to tell you." Su Guolin said.

Yang Guangyuan disdains to smile. The competition between him and the Su family has never stopped, and he often uses means secretly in order to seize the partners. It's not that he has never been red faced in these years. Is it not bullshit that Su Guolin has good intentions to find him?

"Don't tell me that. Don't I know what kind of person you are? I remember the customers you stole from me now. " Yang Guangyuan said coldly.

"In that case, haven't you robbed my customers? That's all Su Guolin said.

Yang Guangyuan looked impatient and said, "if you have anything to say, please say it quickly. Don't waste my time. If it wasn't for your face, I wouldn't come today."

"Sit down first and chat slowly. You will be very interested in what I say." Su Guolin then poured a cup of tea for Yang Guangyuan.

Yang Guangyuan wanted to turn around and leave, but he was curious about what Su Guolin was looking for. After all, they were enemies. How could they ask her out for no reason?

Curiosity drives Yang Guangyuan to sit down in front of Su Guolin.

"Go ahead." Yang Guangyuan said.

"Do you know who is coming to Yuncheng today?" Su Guolin asked.

"This matter has been spread in Yuncheng for the first time. How can I not know? However, there are all kinds of guesses about the reasons why these people came to Yuncheng, but I feel that none of them seems to be true." Yang Guangyuan said.

"I know the truth." Su Guolin said with a smile.

Yang Guangyuan's curiosity was immediately hooked up, because so many luxury goods owners appeared, which made him always feel that something big had happened, but he thought about it and couldn't figure out what would happen.

If Su Guolin really knows the inside story, he can help him out.

"What do you know?" Yang Guangyuan asked curiously.

"If you want to know about it, I hope you can promise me one thing." Su Guolin said.

Yang Guangyuan frowned and said unhappily: "Su Guolin, you don't want me to give you any cooperation. It's impossible. Although no one knows the truth, it will come out sooner or later. I'll wait for a while, so I will know."

"Don't worry, I don't want your cooperation. As long as you promise me, you can't tell anyone about our conversation today." Su Guolin said.

Yang Guangyuan slightly stunned for a while, said: "so simple?"

"It's that simple!" Su Guolin said.

Yang Guangyuan looked at Su Guolin with his hands akimbo and a dignified expression on his face, and said, "Su Guolin, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd

"Mr. Yang, how can I set you up? Are you afraid of me?" Su Guolin said with a smile.

"Afraid?" Yang Guangyuan snorted coldly and said, "the labor union is afraid of you. Are you kidding me? OK, I promise you. Let's talk about what those people came to Yuncheng for."

"When they come to Yuncheng, they have a decisive relationship with Fengqian." Su Guolin said.

"Don't you mean nonsense? Many people have seen them walk into Fengqian's office building with their own eyes. You think I don't know. You're not playing with me, are you?" Yang Guangyuan said with an unhappy face. Su Guolin waved his hand, motioned Yang Guangyuan not to worry, and continued: "it's not so simple for them to go to Fengqian. Fengqian wants to build a new urban area in the west of the city, and these luxury goods will enter the west of the city. According to Fengqian's boss, he wants to build the west of the city into the largest shopping center in the Asia Pacific region. Can you imagine what this concept is?" The biggest shopping center with all the luxuries? Just west of the city? Yang Guangyuan subconsciously digs his ears, suspecting that he has hallucinations. The west of the city is just an abandoned factory. How can anyone build a new city in the west of the city? Moreover, the largest shopping center in the Asia Pacific region, not everyone is qualified to say this“ Are you playing with me? Is it the largest shopping center in the Asia Pacific region? Do you think I'm a fool? " Yang Guangyuan said. Su Guolin shook his head helplessly. His words were so clear that Yang Guangyuan didn't realize it was not a joke. If Fengqian doesn't do this, how can it call so many people in charge of luxury brands“ Yang Guangyuan, you don't think it's possible, so why do the people in charge of these luxury goods appear in Cloud City? " Su Guolin asked. Yang Guangyuan was forced to ask this question. Yes, if Fengqian doesn't plan to do this, why do so many luxury goods directors come here? But how could su Guolin tell him such important first-hand information? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!