I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1423

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:29:54 AM

Chapter 1423: 1423

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When Liu Fang saw Han 3000, she was still a little shy. It was estimated that she was too quick to establish a relationship with Mo Yang, so she was inevitably a little shy.

At this moment, Han 3000 suddenly some admire Moyang.

He and Su Yingxia met earlier, but until today, Han 3000 has not really finished Su Yingxia.

In contrast, Mo Yang has already finished Liu Fang in just a few days. Is it difficult for Mo Yang to do some special tricks in picking up girls?

This can not help but let Han 3000 some want to ask Moyang for two moves.

"To introduce you, this is my good brother, Han 3000." With that, Mo Yang looks at Dao 12. He doesn't know the strange face, but he knows that since he can stay with Han 3000, he must have an extraordinary relationship with Han 3000.

"His name is Dao 12. Just call him 12. He is also a good brother." Han 3000 said.

Mo Yang stretched out his fist.

Dao 12 knew it very well. He hit Mo Yang with his fist.

"Since he is 3000's brother, he is my brother of Moyang." Mo Yang said.

Dao 12 smiles and nods. For the killer industry, there are no friends, but he can see from Mo Yang's eyes that there is no hypocrisy in his words. This feeling is strange to Dao 12, but it is very comfortable.

"Is this my sister-in-law?" Han 3000 looks at Liu Fang and asks with a smile.

Mo Yang smiles brightly, while Liu Fang nods shyly.

Han 3000 sighed in his heart. At this time, he was not convinced. Even Liu Fang took the initiative to admit it.

"You know who he is, and you want to be with him?" Han 3000 said to Liu Fang jokingly.

"He has promised me to quit the world." Liu Fang looked at Mo Yang and said.

Mo Yang laughs and picks up the head and says to Han 3000, "we plan to open a cram school in Yuncheng."

Han three thousand this just remembered this matter, originally Mo Yang for Liu Fang gold basin wash hands, now and Liu Fang together, will naturally repeat the old story.

However, once Moyang withdraws from the world, it will cause a lot of troubles. The only difference is that with Han 3000, the safety of Moyang and Liu Fang can be guaranteed.

"Do it yourself, no matter what you want to do." Han Sanqian didn't persuade Mo Yang, because he doesn't need Mo Yang's help in the road with his current ability. Moreover, when Mo Yang quits, Dao 12 can make up for the vacancy, which will not affect the overall situation.

Mo Yang mysteriously pulled Han 3000 aside and said in a low voice: "3000, although my decision is a little hasty, it is also after my careful consideration. I may not be able to help in the future. Don't blame me."

Han Sanqian laughed and said, "it doesn't matter to me if I have your help. I can't stop what I want to do. And now with Dao 12, he can take your place."

Mo Yang was relieved when he heard this. What he was most worried about was that it would cause Han 3000's dissatisfaction. After all, Han 3000's development in Yuncheng could get twice the result with half the effort and save a lot of trouble with the help of his identity. Now Han 3000 agrees, so he can rest assured.

Mo Yang makes an OK gesture to Liu Fang, and Liu Fang's expression is obviously relaxed, which makes Han 3000 a little confused.

Is Mo Yang saying something bad about himself in front of Liu Fang?

"Mo Yang, what have you done? Why is Liu Fang afraid of me?" Han 3000 asked.

Moyang shook his head like a rattle and said, "no, no, I didn't say anything."

Looking at Mo Yang's disguised expression, Han 3000 wants to kick this guy to death, but in front of Liu Fang, he still wants to save face, so Han 3000 holds back.

"There is a very important thing to tell you in the future. At that time, you will be faced with a choice, which will change your life." Han 3000 said.

Mo Yang Leng Leng, asked: "what choice."

"I'll tell you later, now it's just a psychological preparation for you." Han 3000 has not yet worked out how to let ordinary people practice. After all, the earth is not a suitable environment for cultivation. If ordinary people want to do this, it is as difficult as heaven. Han 3000 must solve this difficult problem at the beginning.

"OK, no matter what I do, I'll follow you, as long as I don't mix with society." Mo Yang said.

Han three thousand helpless smile, it seems that for Liu Fang, he is really has left everything.

The rivers and mountains in Yuncheng are not big, but they are not small. Moreover, it took Mo Yang a lot of effort to fight down. For a woman, if you give up, you will give up. True love.

"You hand over Dao 12, and let him sit in your position smoothly." Han 3000 exhorted.

"Yes, I'll arrange everything."

Dao 12 stays in mulinsi and has some problems with Moyang. After Han 3000 greets Liu Fang, he leaves.

If you want ordinary people to practice, the biggest problem is how to have enough cultivation aura. The only place on earth with this kind of environment is the apocalypse, but if they go to the apocalypse, Han 3000 can't help anytime and anywhere. After all, he has Su Yingxia in Yuncheng, and he can't live in the Apocalypse himself“ If we can gather all the auras of the earth in one place, it should be a wonderful cultivation environment. " Han three thousand to himself, the first time thought of the hillside villa. It's absolutely the best choice to build the hillside villa into a place for cultivation. However, how to gather aura is a very big problem for Han 3000“ Apocalypse, apocalypse Han three thousand silently read twice, suddenly thought of something. Since the Apocalypse can gather aura, it shows that the Apocalypse must have something unique. As long as we find out this unique place, we may be able to perfectly copy the way of gathering aura to the hillside villa“ It seems that we have to go to the apocalypse. " Han 3000 sighs and says, but before going to Apocalypse, Han 3000 still has to deal with the black sheep organization. Once he disappears, the black sheep organization is likely to attack people around him, which Han 3000 absolutely does not want to see. Unknowingly, Han 3000 came to the school gate, which was like a rope pulling him. This alone had doomed the immortal marriage between Han 3000 and Su Yingxia. But at the gate of the school, Han 3000 found a strange thing, a few guys, squatting on the opposite side of the road, like to do something bad. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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