I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1459

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:28:50 AM

Chapter 1459: 1459

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In the face of feilingsheng's problem, Han Sanqian can only shake his head and deny it.

Feilingsheng is showing a very incredible expression, because at the moment of Han 3000 in her eyes, has been too strong to use words to describe, the real God, means that he has the strength to go to another world, and Han 3000 himself said, he can open the gate of heaven, this amazing strength, unexpectedly is not the opponent of Linlong!

"How can this be possible? Is Linlong so powerful?" Feilingsheng said that she didn't want to believe that Han 3000 was modest and even wanted to hide his strength.

"Do you know where Linlong came from?" Han 3000 asked.

He didn't know the inside story.

But after Han 3000 asked this question, feilingsheng guessed it.

"Is Linlong also from Tianmen world?" Feilingsheng blurted out.

Han Sanqian nodded and said: "yes, in Xuanyuan world, it dare not take out all its strength. It's afraid that people in Tianmen world will find it. But if it comes to the time of life and death, do you think it will retain its strength?"

At the critical moment of life and death, who will retain their own strength? There is an obvious answer to this question.

"That's why you're not sure how to deal with it?" Said ferlingson.

"It's not enough for me to win a 100% overwhelming victory, but at least now I can compete with it." Han 3000 said.

"And Su Yingxia? If she recovers her strength, can't you deal with Linlong? " Feilingsheng asked.

About Su Yingxia, Han 3000 didn't want to let her deal with Linlong. After all, this is a dangerous and uncertain thing. How can Han 3000 let her take risks.

But feilingsheng said that, in essence, there is no mistake. With the help of Su Yingxia, Han 3000's winning rate can be improved a lot.

"It's all in the future. Let's talk about it later. How did you come to the earth?" Han 3000 asked suspiciously.

Fei Lingsheng didn't know the answer to this question. At the beginning, Han 3000 was fighting against Linlong in the dark forest. Her ability couldn't help at all. She could only look at it from a distance and vaguely remember that after Tianlei was born, she knelt down on the ground because she couldn't bear the pressure brought by Tianlei. Then her mind was blank, and she didn't know how long it took, Only when the earth came to life.

"If I tell you I don't know anything, do you believe it?" Feilingsheng asked cautiously, for fear that the answer would cause Han 3000's dissatisfaction.

However, Han 3000 didn't feel that feilingsheng was hiding anything, because even he didn't know what was going on.

"Letter, because I don't know what happened just like you." Han 3000 said.

Hearing these words, ferlingsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Feilingsheng, as a strong person in Xuanyuan world, has never lived so carefully. However, in front of Han 3000, she does not dare to make any disrespectful moves, because in Han 3000's eyes, the extreme teacher realm is nothing more than a mole ant realm. She does not dare to stand high in front of Han 3000.

"When are you going to return to Xuanyuan world?" Feilingsheng finally asked the question that she was most concerned about, because she had to practice first. If she wanted to enter the divine realm, the first condition was that she had to return to Xuanyuan world, because the environment of the earth was not suitable for practice at all.

"With your ability, you should be able to find the space-time channel back to Xuanyuan world. Why wait for me?" Han 3000 is a wonderful person.

Dao 12 has been waiting for him for three years, which Han 3000 can understand. After all, he saved Dao 12 and explained their previous relationship with Dao 12, but feilingsheng is different.

Between her and Han 3000, there is no deep feeling, and it is not worth her waiting for three years.

"It's not difficult for me to return to Xuanyuan world, but only you can lead me in how to break through the realm and reach the divine realm." Feilingsheng said that she did not hide her purpose, because she knew that it was useless to hide in front of Han 3000.

Han 3000 faintly smiles. This is what Fei Lingsheng really plans to do. It's just that he can't help him to reach the divine realm. The reason why han 3000 is so strong has a lot to do with the bones in his body. Otherwise, with his ordinary body, how can he withstand the impact of this powerful force.

However, Han Sanqian doesn't intend to tell Fei Lingsheng the truth. Since this woman wants to use him, he can also do it in his own way. After all, Fei Lingsheng is a strong teacher and has great use value.

"In a short time, I will not leave the earth, and I don't need to explain more to you." Han 3000 said.

"I have plenty of time to wait." Feilingsheng said that she has a life span of several hundred years, but now it's just over a hundred years. She doesn't worry about wasting time at all, because if she wants to break through the situation, she has to stay with Han 3000 to have a chance.

"By the way, do you have a way to gather aura, for example, in some arrays?" Han 3000 asked. He always wanted to create a suitable environment for cultivation, but he couldn't find any clue. Feiling had lived for a hundred years, maybe she would have a way.

"Gathering aura is something that every reclusive person will do. It only needs a simple array. However, with the scarcity of aura on earth, even gathering together will not help you in any way, even for me." Feilingsheng said that gathering aura is very simple, but the upper limit of the earth is just like this. Even doing so will not help Han 3000. After all, he already has the divine realm, so a little aura is dispensable to him“ It's useless to me. It should be of great use to ordinary people, right Han 3000 said“ If you are a person who has never practiced, it is really very useful. " Said ferlingson“ That's it. " Han Sanqian couldn't help laughing, troubled for a long time, but feilingsheng helped him solve the problem, which is a happy thing. And feilingsheng also understood Han 3000's intention, he was not for himself, but for others“ Where do you want to set the array? " Feilingsheng asked“ Of course, it won't be here. Come back to Cloud City with me, and my home in the future will be the biggest spiritual array on the whole earth. " Han 3000 said. Feilingsheng thought that she could not get any benefits by working hard, but she could go home with Han 3000, which means that she could always follow Han 3000 in the future, which is a good thing. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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