I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1516

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:27:26 AM

Chapter 1516: 1516

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Looking at Han three thousand expression serious silence down, Yi old dare not casually open mouth to interrupt Han three thousand thought, but he himself in the heart also pondered this matter.

Since Han 3000 thinks that Yi Qingshan's strength can't hide his breath, is there any other possibility?

Did Yi Qingshan use some kind of God?

In other words, someone helped Yi Qingshan cover up his breath, which is possible.

After a long time, Han took a deep breath and said, "this is a big trouble. He can hide his breath so that I can't find him at all, which means that he can do whatever he wants with me."

"Is there no other way?" Su Yingxia asked.

Han 3000 shakes his head. Unless Yi Qingshan is willing to show up, otherwise, it's very difficult to find him, because he can change his appearance at will. In this case, even if he passes Han 3000, Han 3000 may not be able to find him.

"Shishuzu, is it possible that he could cover up his breath with the help of something or someone?" Old Yi said his guess.

But this kind of speculation can not help the current situation, because the problem is that the focus is not on how Yi Qingshan did it, but on Han 3000, there is no way to find him.

"It doesn't matter. I have to find a way to find him." Han 3000 finished and looked at Su Yingxia.

Su Yingxia thinks that Han 3000 looks at himself specially. He must have something to say, so he asks, "whatever you want me to do."

Han Sanqian has no choice but to smile. The reason why he sees Su Yingxia is that he wants to go to Tianqi to see the situation of the space tunnel. By the way, he can also discuss this matter with Fei Lingsheng.

But Su Yingxia's present condition, also does not know whether can accept the power of the support shake.

"I'm leaving Cloud City for a while, and I have to take you with me." Han 3000 said that if he left Su Yingxia, Yi Qingshan is likely to be unfavorable to Su Yingxia, which Han 3000 would never like to see.

"Yes." Su Yingxia, with a look of flying eyebrows, said: "I'll take it as a trip. You don't know, from small to large, I've left Yuncheng a few times, let alone to a farther place."

"You continue to stay here to recuperate, and then go back to Apocalypse after the injury is completely healed." Han Sanqian turns his head and says to yilao that although yilao's injury has recovered more than half, he has not recovered after all, and only in the hillside villa can he get a higher recovery.

Old Yi has already regarded Han 3000 as his uncle, so he must obey what he said.

"Don't worry, uncle. I'll take care of your home." Yi said.

"In that case, let's go." Han 3000 said to Su Yingxia.

Su Yingxia is very excited. Although she doesn't know where Han 3000 will take her, it's a happy thing for her to leave Yuncheng and see the outside world.

"Don't you have to pack?" Su Yingxia asked.

"No, as long as you have money, any problem can be solved." Han 3000 light way, this is the advantage of money, can use money to buy things, where also need to clean up.

"Tut Tut, it's very rich." Su Yingxia said with a shriveled mouth.

Han three thousand light smile.

When they decided to start, they started immediately.

After leaving Yundingshan villa area, Han 3000 has a strange feeling in his heart. He always feels that someone is staring at him in the dark, but when he uses his divine sense to sense, there is no one nearby. This is probably the shadow in his heart caused by his inability to control Yi Qingshan's whereabouts.

Han 3000 didn't care too much about this problem. As long as Su Yingxia was with him, as long as he could ensure Su Yingxia's safety, it was not a big problem for Han 3000.

Moreover, even if Yi Qingshan wanted to deal with him, he would not go to Dao 12 Mo Yang and other people for trouble.

When she arrived at the airport, Su Yingxia obviously became a little nervous, because she had said before that even the number of times she left cloud city was very few. Han 3000 could probably guess that Su Yingxia had never been on a plane.

"Compared with the roller coaster, the plane is much more stable. The roller coaster is not afraid. Are you still afraid of flying?" Han 3000 said to Su Yingxia with a smile.

Su Yingxia really had a little bit of fear in her heart. After all, it was something flying in the sky. Once there was any accident, she would probably die.

"The failure rate of aircraft should be very low, right?" Su Yingxia asked casually.

"Of course." Han three thousand heart a smile, if the failure rate of the plane is high, who dare to fly.

After saying these two words, Han 3000's smile suddenly froze.

The natural failure rate of aircraft is indeed not high, and before each flight takes off, there will be checks to ensure that the aircraft can operate safely.

However, this is a normal situation without external force interference. If there is external force interference, no one knows what will happen.

For example, the track of roller coaster! Think of this, Han 3000 catch up with Su Yingxia's hand, stand up, ready to leave the airport“ What's up? I'm afraid, but I'm not so afraid to sit. Won't I sit? " Su Yingxia asked Han 3000. If the plane crashes, Han 3000 can guarantee the safety of him and Su Yingxia, but other passengers will be involved because of him, so Han 3000 changed his mind. Of course, Han 3000 has the ability to save the whole cabin, but once he does, it will be international news“ If you don't remind me, I'll forget about the playground. " Han 3000 said. Playground? Su Yingxia suddenly thought of the roller coaster, which just understood why han 3000 didn't take the plane“ That man is a nuisance. He ruined my chance to fly. " Su Yingxia said discontentedly. After walking out of the airport, Han said“ If you want to experience the feeling of flying in the sky, I can satisfy you, but it will take night Hearing this, Su Yingxia turned her eyes and asked, "can you fly?"“ For me, it's just a pediatric thing. " Han 3000 said with a smile“ Really? " Su Yingxia asked expectantly“ Of course, it's true. Let's play around during the day and drive at night. How about that? " Han 3000 said. Since Su Yingxia has never traveled, Han Sanqian simply takes this trip as accompanying Su Yingxia to travel, and playing in the daytime and driving at night will not delay too much time. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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