I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1519

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:27:22 AM

Chapter 1519: 1519

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The process of demonstrating Dao 12's ability is very simple, and it's easy for him. However, after Liu Fang saw it, he was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

Even Mo Yang himself could not believe his eyes.

After a long time, Mo Yang asked: "Dao 12, is that magic?"

One side of Liu Fang nodded, she also think so.

But the word "magic" means that they think it's fake. After all, magic is just a cover up, but the ability of Dao 12 is not fake at all.

"If you don't believe it, I can't help it, but the best way to verify it is to go to the hillside villa. You will feel what real cultivation means." Dao 12 said to Mo Yang.

Mo Yang swallowed saliva, turned to look at Liu Fang, said: "wife, do you believe it now?"

Liu Fang seems very tangled. After all, she paid attention to science in her life. How can she believe this kind of thing now.

But even if she didn't believe the fact, she had no way to prove it was false.

"I don't know." Liu Fang said.

"Mo Yang, if you don't want to believe 3000 words, who else in the world can be trusted?" Dao 12 said.

Mo Yang never doubts Han 3000, but some things are really hard for him to accept in a short time, and he has to find a way to make Liu Fang believe it.

"Go and do your business. My wife and I will digest it slowly." Mo Yang said.

After Dao 12 nodded, he left the Moyang family. What kind of decision the couple will have in the end is not what Dao 12 can influence.

After Dao 12 left, Mo Yang began to persuade Liu Fang. Even if she didn't believe it, she could go to the villa on the hillside for a while to have a try. Moreover, if all this was false, she could use this time to expose Dao 12's tricks.

After a period of painstaking, Liu Fang finally agreed with Mo Yang.

on the other hand.

After the night, Han 3000 directly carries Su Yingxia on his back. They cut through the night sky and rush to the direction of the apocalypse.

Su Yingxia has always been skeptical about Han 3000's ability to fly, but now, when she really feels that she is flying in the sky, she knows how stupid her doubt is, and she should not doubt Han 3000, because Han 3000 will never cheat her.

At first, Su Yingxia was still a little nervous, but when she got used to it, she let her whole body fly. She didn't even need to hold Han 3000 tightly, open her arms, and snore.

In this way, they traveled at night, traveled during the day, and stopped for nearly a week before they arrived at the apocalypse.

Because Han 3000 was famous in the Apocalypse for making he Qingfeng kneel down, no one knows. So when he entered the apocalypse, the secret people didn't come out to stop him. Instead, they immediately sent the news back to the territory of Tianzi.

When he Qingfeng heard Han 3000's words, his face became very different. Because Han 3000 brought him too much power to suppress, he had no desire to resist. Therefore, in his heart, he had formed an indelible fear of Han 3000.

"Why is he here again?" He Qingfeng, who received the news, was very helpless. A few days ago, he was taught a lesson by Fei Lingsheng. Now Han 3000 has come again. He Qingfeng can't help but wonder when there are so many experts in this secular world, and one by one.

"Lord, are we going to meet you?"

He Qingfeng thinks about it. Although Han 3000 has no position in the apocalypse, and as the leader of the three halls, he doesn't need to meet anyone. After all, Han 3000 is a strong man who makes him kneel down. He should have respect.

"Go ahead." He Qingfeng sighed. He had been the leader of the three halls for so many years. He had never been so oppressive, but he could not change this situation.

Before Han 3000 and Su Yingxia had reached the xuanzi level, he Qingfeng appeared.

There is no battle with a large army, and there is only one disciple around. The appearance of such a low-key shows that he Qingfeng does not dare to set up a plan in front of Han 3000.

"He Qingfeng, are you coming to meet me?" See he Qingfeng appear, Han 3000 slightly some surprised asked, in his opinion, he Qingfeng should be in his own place quietly hide, how dare to come out to see him.

"When a strong man like you comes to the apocalypse, I will welcome him personally." He Qingfeng said.

"I don't want to see you smiling at me." Han 3000 light way.

He Qingfeng quickly shook his hands and said, "how dare I think like this? It's the honor of the apocalypse that you can come to the apocalypse. How can I not want to see you?"

"Don't be so hypocritical in front of me. Have you seen the woman who came a few days ago?" Han 3000 asked.

He Qingfeng has been taught a lesson.

"She's in the forbidden area." He Qingfeng said“ All right, it's none of your business. Step back. " Han 3000 said. The dignity of the Lord of the three halls seems to be trampled on the ground by Han 3000 at this moment, but he Qingfeng dare not show any accident, because in front of such a strong man, even if he has an accident, he can only bear it in his heart. If it's not Han 3000's opponent, how dare he Qingfeng say anything“ Yes, if you need anything, please feel free to call me He Qingfeng said. Han 3000 casually waved his hand and pulled Su Yingxia to brush past he Qingfeng. After walking far away, Su Yingxia asked Han 3000 in a low voice: "3000, who was that just now? It seems that he is very powerful."“ The Apocalypse is divided into four gates and three halls. The four gates are controlled by yilao, who is the master of the three halls, he Qingfeng. " Han explained. Although Su Yingxia couldn't imagine what kind of position the leader of the three halls was, he must be a very high-ranking person, and such a person would be so respectful to Han 3000“ The Lord of the three halls, but I think he looks like he's afraid of you. Is your position higher than him? " Su Ying Xia doubts a way“ Status? I have no position in Apocalypse, just a nobody. " Han 3000 said. Su Yingxia pouts her lips discontentedly. It's obvious that she doesn't believe what Han 3000 said and complains that Han 3000 didn't tell her the truth“ What I said is true. He is afraid of me because he has been beaten by me, and he knows he can't beat me, so he is afraid. " Han 3000 said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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