I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1574

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:26:06 AM

Chapter 1574: 1574

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It was almost eleven o'clock when the old man was ready to go out, and the sun was already shining outside.

Outside the hotel, because the host did not show up, other people naturally did not dare to go to the hotel to enjoy the cool, one by one sweating outside.

Almost everyone has a big complaint in their heart, but no one dares to say it, because at this time, it is equivalent to leaving a story behind in front of their opponent.

In case these words are maliciously spread to the ears of the old man, let alone cooperation, it would be good not to be targeted by the Su family.

Finally, the old man's car came slowly. When it came to the door of the hotel, those who had been waiting for a long time began to make a commotion.

"Old man."

"The old man is as blessed as the East China Sea."

"I wish you a long life."

The scene of numerous people's welcome is like welcoming a big man.

Although the old man of the Su family was treated like this for the first time, he was not afraid at all, because he had already accepted the fact that he was superior, and even he felt that all this was taken for granted.

Today, he is well received by business people in Cloud City. It's not strange. After all, everyone wants to get a share in Su's company.

"Let's wait a long time. Let's cool off in the advanced hotel." Said the old man.

The birthday party is located in the largest main hall of the hotel. In order not to be disturbed by other people, the Su family directly took care of the whole hotel. Since a week ago, no guests were allowed to stay in, which can be said to be a big deal.

When you come to the main hall, the setting of the birthday banquet is already very appropriate, full of luxury.

Su Guoyao personally managed all this, and the old man who was very satisfied with it also praised Su Guoyao repeatedly.

Without Su Guolin, Su Guoyao would be very happy now, but now, he can't laugh.

Su Guolin returned to the company. Although he was only an ordinary employee, to a certain extent, he would still cause some troubles to Su Guoyao, which Su Guoyao did not want to see but could not avoid.

When he came to the throne, the old man directly sat in the upper position, and the guests presented gifts one after another at this time.

There is no cheap gift, the lowest is above six figures, and there are many treasures. The birthday party instantly becomes a gift competition, and every family is bleeding, praising what they have given.

The old man is as calm as water on the surface, but his heart has been excited for a long time. He never dreamed of such a gift reception.

And not only today, since two days ago, the old man has received a lot of valuable gifts, and his family has almost piled up.

The whole process of giving gifts lasted for almost an hour, which is enough for Yuncheng people to talk about after dinner.

Su Guolin has been waiting for the opportunity. As the final stage, he can't wait for a long time, because he is confident that the gift he gives is absolutely what the old man likes.

Although some people are more valuable than him, in Su Guolin's opinion, none of the gifts are really sent to the old man's heart.

At this time, Han 3000 and Su Yingxia outside the hotel finally arrived.

Su Yingxia looks at Han 3000 with a face of complaint. He has talked about it many times on the way. They all blame Han 3000 for being so upset last night, which leads to their over rest. At this time, if they miss Su Guolin's gift giving show, they would not have been busy before.

"Don't worry, there must be time. There are a lot of people giving gifts today. With Su Guolin's mentality, he will definitely come out." Han 3000 said to Su Yingxia.

"If you do this again, sleep on the floor," Su Ying Xia threatened.

Han Sanyi looks ashamed. With the improvement of his strength, his ability in some aspects has also improved a lot. He did not expect that he could toss all night.

When he came to the main hall, Su Guolin just came to the old man with his gift.

Seeing this situation, Han 3000 and Su Yingxia were relieved. They finally caught up, and their efforts were not in vain.

"You're lucky." Su Yingxia said to Han 3000.

Han three thousand's heart in the heart of the stone also fell down, he knew that if missed this good play, I'm afraid I can really sleep on the floor.

"Dad, I was confused before and made some mistakes. Today, I specially selected the gift you like. I hope you can forgive me." Su Guolin stands in front of the old man with a face of admitting his mistake. This is what the old lady taught him. He must be sincere. As long as he can go back to the company, he can put down his face for the time being.

Since a few days ago, the old lady has been brainwashing the old man of the Su family. She said that Su Guolin had almost run all over the nearby cities in order to find him gifts, and her legs were almost broken.

It is precisely because of this that the old man is soft hearted and mentions Su Guoyao's return to the company.

So the old man is looking forward to his gift.

"Open it up." Said the old man.

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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!