I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1646

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:24:25 AM

Chapter 1646: 1646

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"It's true." Emperor Zun said in a deep voice.

Seeing that emperor Zun didn't mean to joke, the expression under the moon became serious.

"It's hard to say that Han 3000 is the one with strong spirit?" Almost all of the events in this period were caused by Han 3000, so Yue subconsciously believed that Han 3000 was the one who was strong in the divine realm in emperor Zun's mouth.

"Yes, her request is that I can kill Han 3000." Emperor Zun's tone revealed a trace of helplessness. In the face of the strong God, even if he had the array blessing, he had no confidence, because it was beyond his cognitive strength.

"Kill the strong in the realm of God?" The moon unconsciously swallowed saliva, said: "this is not a simple thing, ah, why doesn't she do it by herself?"

On this issue, Emperor Zun also thought that Chi Meng could kill the powerful people from all over the world, and the divine realm might be a simpler thing for her.

But if she didn't do it, it must be a secret that emperor Zun could not guess at will.

"I don't know, but she can't do it for some reason." Emperor Zun said.

Chi Meng is not unable, but dare not.

She does have the strength to kill Han 3000, but in the process, Han 3000 also has time to destroy her.

Once the body is damaged, Chi Meng, as a sword spirit, will naturally be involved. At that time, I'm afraid she will directly turn into a aura and disappear.

"But if you want to deal with those who are strong in the divine realm, aren't you going to die?" On the next face anxiously said.

"She can make the array stronger, so as to enhance my strength. Since she asked me to do this, she would help me with all her strength." Emperor Zun said.

Yuexia nodded. If so, Emperor Zun might still have a chance to deal with Han 3000.

"But now I'd like to know if he is really a God strong man." Emperor Zun is willing to believe Chi Meng's words, but he also wants to confirm it by his own means.

After all, for Xuanyuan world, the divine realm is still a little unbelievable.

"By the way, feilingsheng has arrived. Maybe she knows about it." Yuexia said that for him, who is in charge of all intelligence, the first time feilingsheng appeared in huanglongcheng, he had received the news.

"How could she suddenly come to Huanglong city?" The emperor respected the wonderful way.

"I'm not sure, but I'll call you to ask, won't I?" Said the moon.

"Yes." Emperor Zun nodded and said, "please invite her. I'll see her right away."

A private courtyard in Huanglong city.

This is feilingsheng's home in Huanglong city. Although she doesn't often go back to this place, feilingsheng always lives here when she comes to Huanglong city.

The reason why she appears in Huanglong city is actually related to Han 3000.

Because emperor Zun invited Han 3000 to Huanglong City, and Fei Lingsheng came to see what emperor Zun wanted to do with Han 3000.

Feilingsheng still has the memory of the past, so she knows that emperor Zun once died in Han 3000's hands, whether history will repeat itself, and whether emperor Zun will die in the same way, which is something feilingsheng is very curious about.

More importantly, feilingsheng also wanted to see who could kill Fuling.

"I didn't expect that not long after I got home, Mr. Yue had already come to me. The news is really smart."

When Yuexia stood at the door of feilingsheng's house, feilingsheng already felt it.

Yuexia didn't show any surprise. After all, feilingsheng is a strong teacher. It's natural for her to feel this.

"Master Fei, Emperor Zun wants to see you. Please come with me." Said the moon.

Although feilingsheng was the most powerful person in the imperial court, she had to obey the emperor's summons.

But emperor Zun came to the door so quickly that feilingsheng didn't understand what he wanted to do?

On the way to Emperor Zun's courtyard, Fei Lingsheng asked Yuexia, "Lord Yue, what can emperor Zun do for me?"

"I'm just a messenger. Elder Fei really thinks highly of me. How can I know what the emperor wants you to do?" Said the moon with a smile.

"Lord Yue is really modest. Who in the imperial court doesn't know that you are emperor Zun's confidant and know everything about Emperor Zun? How can you not know such a small matter?" Feiling said with a smile, this old thing must know the reason, just don't want to reveal it.

"Master Fei is joking. How can I know everything about Emperor Zun? He is the superior emperor Zun, and I am just a slave." Said the moon.

"Since Lord Yue didn't mean to say it, I don't want to. I just hope Lord Yue doesn't ask me for help in the future. Otherwise, I may not be able to help." Feiling said coldly.

Two people no longer speak, all the way to the imperial court.

The imperial court, literally, is the residence of the emperor.

It can be said that it is the most luxurious courtyard and the most heavily guarded place in the whole imperial court.

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