I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1700

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:23:09 AM

Chapter 1700: 1700

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Han 3000 did not know that he had fallen into a big trap laid by the old man with white beard, and one by one.

At this time, Qin Shuang outside the temple has been staring at the temple.

But after watching for a long time, there was no influence in the temple until she was in a trance. Suddenly, an old man's peaceful voice came to her: "little girl, the grandmaster can only help you here. With your peerless appearance and the power of the falling rain sword, the future is promising."

"Who are you?" Qin Shuang is shocked and shouts.

But there were only a few laughs in my head, and there was no reply.

Inside the temple, the old man suddenly had a bright eye and a smile.

"What else do you want?" Han 3000 didn't notice that he was different.

"Under the death spirit temple, thousands of dead souls are suppressed. These souls are people or animals who died in the battle of the king of beasts in those years. They are very resentful. If I take away the gold body, it will inevitably lead to the balance of good and evil forces in the temple. At that time, the imbalance of yin and Yang will lead to chaos here. "

"Therefore, if you want to have a golden body, you must activate the golden energy in your body and surpass all the dead spirits under the dead spirit temple. Otherwise, even if you save anyone, I will not agree with you."

Han Sanqian nodded. He had no problem with all the finishing work. But the problem is that he can't do it: "senior, as I have said, I won't use the energy in my body."

The old man said with a slight embarrassment“ This power is very strange, you don't understand it, it's normal that you can't use it, because... Because I can't either. "

Seeing Han 3000's worry, the old man said with a smile: "but there are two concepts of being able to use and not being able to use. I'll teach you a set of Wuxiang skills. Using this skill, you can force the golden energy in your body, but I have a request..."

Han 3000 is impatient. If I don't think you are an old man and I really have low ability at present, I really want to beat you to death: "master, can you just finish it in one breath?"

"Master, you can be young, but don't be so impulsive. After all, wuxiangshengong is a self-made skill that I am proud of. It takes only a little bit of my own strength to get out ten times as much as I can. Isn't that good? "

Han 3000 almost cried out subconsciously. Fortunately, he restrained himself in time. He found that the old man had a magic power that could always take you to the side, and then entered his rhythm“ What do you want, master? "

"I passed on my unique knowledge to you all my life. You said this..." the old man suddenly smiled.

Han three thousand one Leng: "elder mean, want me to worship you as a teacher?"

"No, I owe it to you."

Han 3000 almost fell to the ground. This NIMA didn't play according to the routine. He taught me how to do it, but he wanted to learn from himself. What's the operation?

Although it's not difficult to accept an apprentice, Han 3000 knows that he's good at it, but he hasn't expanded to that point. He repeatedly wonders, "master, what do you mean?"

Shen Xuzi naturally has his own plan. Han 3000 is a man with Pangu axe. What's the concept of Pangu axe? That's the first thing to kill.

Sometimes, don't talk about strength, talent or adventure. In the face of absolute suppression, everything is bullshit.

And Pangu axe is the existence of absolute suppression.

Of course, shenxuzi would like to have such a backer. After all, in the world of all directions, if there is a backer, you can really walk horizontally.

Look at the three real God families. Which one is not horizontal?

Don't shenxuzi want to? Of course he wants to!

Originally, he was a gifted leader of nihilism. He practiced very fast, but when he challenged the real God, only one ghost was left. So he sealed the last ghost on the forbidden book of nihilism, so that he could become an instrument, greatly increase the power of the forbidden book, and become a killing weapon of nihilism. At least he could die, but at least benefit future generations, Make a good name forever.

But unexpectedly, when he was in charge of the forbidden temple, he met Han 3000, the master with Pangu axe!

This made him completely change his original idea.

He eagerly hopes that he can make his soul strong again, and then look for a new physical rebirth, and then... Rely on this backer to rise his nihilism again!

For this plan, he not only bet on himself, but also Qin Shuang.

As for how to strengthen their own ghost, it's very simple, Han 3000.

Han 3000 didn't know that he was clearly arranged by others. At this time, he was still a little flattered.

"Master, i... I'm too weak. Besides, I'm just a slave of nihilism. How can I accept you as an apprentice?" Han 3000's dilemma.

"If you want to learn from me, you will have a skill. How about you agree or not?"

Han 3000's face is speechless. What's the matter?!

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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!