I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1731

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:22:24 AM

Chapter 1731: 1731

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At this time, Yang sister ran into the inner room, if the rain frowned, then, the jade finger gently covered his nose, could not help but voice: "you fell into the cesspit? So smelly? "

As soon as she saw Ruoyu, sister Yang was crying. She cried for her father and mother. She hammered the ground and cried out in pain: "sister Ruoyu, you have to make the decision for me. I'm more bitter than the bitter gourd in the vegetable garden."

If the rain impatient stare at her: "don't come in front of me this set, in the end is how."

Sister Yang's acting skills were excellent. After hearing this, she stopped crying and said, "sister Ruoyu, I've been bullied. I'm making lunch for you. I just made it. I met Han 3000. Do you know Han 3000? It's the wild man of elder martial sister Qin Shuang... No, the slave. "

"And then?" If rain coagulates eyebrow to ask a way.

Elder sister Yang said that she was going to cry again, with a runny nose and tears: "Han 3000, relying on the support of elder martial sister Qin Shuang, he had to grab the food prepared by the slave girl. The slave girl said that it was prepared for elder martial sister Ruoyu, but he didn't care about it. He took a bucket of swill and asked the slave girl to send it to you to eat. Of course, the slave girl would quit and bully her, How can you bully elder martial sister Ruoyu? Therefore, my servant complained about your injustice. When he was aggrieved in a few words, he became angry and beat me

Finish saying, Yang elder sister is again a wail big cry, almost a pair of hears sad, listen to the scene of tears.

With this acting skill, she can cry for the filial son of a village.

If the rain is also made by her some headache, the spirit is a little weak, Yang elder sister this splashy fight wild Kung Fu, even she also some can't stand.

"Well, well, don't cry, so you're looking for me to give you justice, right?" Ruoyu frowned and asked.

Hearing this, sister Yang stopped to cry, came to the spirit, loyal way: "I'm humble, I don't care whether I'm fair or not, but I'm really angry that Han 3000, Ruoyu, elder martial sister, you're not the same thing."

If the rain impatiently stood up: "OK, you this set, less in front of me, I do not understand you?" Yang Jie's personality, if the rain naturally clear, she is not that kind of fool, let others abet, on the contrary, she ice snow smart, the management of Sifeng is quite good.

Otherwise, she won't let Lin Mengxi rest assured that all the affairs of Sifeng will be handed over to her.

She hardly needs to think about it. She can tell the real process of things from her words. It must be that she has done too much, but she is not good at learning. She has been taught a lesson. When she comes back, she makes up her own right and wrong and wants to vent her evil spirit.

Originally, if you are not good at learning, you have nothing to say.

But as the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner. Even if sister Yang is wrong, Han 3000, a little slave, has no right to teach her own people.

Yang elder sister was if rain a see through, low head dare not speak.

"Where is he?" If the rain is cold.

Yang Jie quickly looked up: "it's over there in the kitchen."

Ruoyu hums coldly and starts to walk towards the kitchen. Sister Yang, hehe Yile, gets up quickly and follows Ruoyu behind.

Han 3000 and Xiao Tao have just returned to the inner room. At this time, Ruoyu has already brought several disciples and Yang Jie to the door.

See Han three thousand, although Yang elder sister stands at the back, but still can't say on the face of proud!

Han Sanqian gently smiles and comforts Xiao Tao, who is already pale beside him. He gets up and walks out of the door. He salutes and says respectfully, "Han Sanqian has seen elder martial sister Ruoyu."

If the rain coldly glanced at Han 3000 and coldly said, "don't be polite. Why do I come here? You should be clear in your heart?"

Han Sanqian smiles and nods. He is about to speak. At this time, he suddenly feels that there is an invisible force at his knee, squeezing himself desperately to make himself kneel down.

Han San quickly gritted his teeth to resist, but he still had to bend down at his knee.

If the rain cold voice a smile: "can't see, Qin frost teaches you well." Finish saying, she fiercely increases strength.

Han Sanqian immediately felt that his knees were completely out of control, and his whole body was leaning forward. He quickly tried his best to resist, and at the same time, he simply leaned more along the posture of dumping his body, so that his body would drop directly to the ground, and then he would support the ground with his hands in a push up shape.

"A bit of backbone." If the rain cold voice a smile: "I would like to see, how long you can hold."

Han 3000's forehead is cold and sweaty, and his knee is under the pressure of the mountain. At this time, his supporting hand starts to tremble slightly. Han 3000 knows that he can't hold it any more.

Suddenly, at this time, Ruoyu, who is quite proud, suddenly feels that her knee is suddenly pushed by gravity, and the whole person is about to fall forward and kneel down. Although she supports with energy in time, the whole person is also surprised. I can't believe that she looks at Han 3000!

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