I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1795

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:20:35 AM

Chapter 1795: 1795

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Su Yingxia looks at Gu suzhan angrily, and his mouth is bleeding.

Seeing Su Yingxia's eyes, Gu Su's eyebrows coagulated and disdained to smile: "what? Not convinced? It's a pity that the more unconvinced you are, the more unwilling you will be to be humiliated by me after our marriage. Instead of this, you'd better obey me. At least, you can be more comfortable. "

With that, Gu suzhan patted the dust on his hand, and looked at Su Yingxia with love and ridicule: "Fu Yao, if I were you, I would marry obediently. At least, it's good for you Fu family, but it's not bad. You will also enjoy the endless wealth and status. Why bother yourself?"

Su Yingxia snorted coldly and said firmly: "I have only Han 3000 men in Su Yingxia's life, and there will never be a second man. You don't have to expect me to live well with you. As long as I get better, I will commit suicide immediately. "

Bang, Gu suzhan slapped the table to pieces in anger, and roared: "Fuyao!"!!! Up to now, you are still stubborn, still thinking about that bullshit Han 3000? He is just a waste of the blue earth, and I, Gusu war! The only descendant of Gusu city master, the future city master of feijiang city! How dare you compare him with me? You are incoherent, you have lost your mind

Su Yingxia laughed and spat out the blood in her mouth. She said in a cold voice, "I shouldn't compare you with him, because you don't even deserve to give him shoes!"


Another slap. Gu suzhan looks at Fu Yao angrily. The more beautiful he is, the more fascinated he is. However, in this case, Fu Yao talks about other men's kindness in front of himself. This man is just a piece of rubbish in the blue world.

"I'll carry his shoes? I tell you, in the world of Fuyao, as long as I'm willing to cheer up, there are thousands of girls waiting in line to marry me. What's your waste?! In my eyes, he is worthless, like rubbish. "

Su Yingxia rarely shows a smile: "many people in the world also say that he is rubbish, so it's not bad for you, but do you want to know what the end of these people is?"

Gu suzhan didn't speak, but he was obviously waiting for Su Yingxia's answer.

"In the end, they all paid a heavy price, and you, too."

Gu suzhan suddenly sneered, "is that right? Then I'll wait to pay a painful price. My wedding with you will be held in three days. In these three days, I'll let the world know that I'm waiting for him to appear. Then I'll make him a disabled person who can't take care of himself. Before I throw him in the garbage, I'll let him watch me and teach his wife how to do it! "

With these words, Gu suzhan slammed the door heavily and left.

Wait for Gu Su Zhan to leave, Su Ying Xia this just heavily gave a tone. But at this time, the door was opened again, help away from the bruised, the spirit of the poor came in.

Su Yingxia noticed that almost everywhere on her jade like arms and long legs were traces of whips.

Su Yingxia was shocked: "help me leave you..."

Fuli reluctantly squeezed out a smile. Aoyi was just like a pervert last night. She let out her anger wantonly on Fuli and regarded her as a tool: "it's OK. Fultian didn't find out about us. I just fell off accidentally. By the way, are you ok?"

Su Yingxia also reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "it's all skin injuries. It's not in the way. By the way, is there 3000 people's whereabouts?"

"Fu Yao, Han 3000, won't you come to the world?" Although Fu Li couldn't bear it, he still said his doubts.

Su Yingxia firmly shook his head: "I can feel that he has come, and, with my understanding of him, he will certainly come."

"But I've asked people to look around, and now there's no news. Now there's only Tianhu city left, but... There's something in the way." Help out of the way.

"What's the matter?" Su Yingxia road.

"The golden light in the east of Tianhu city is highlighted. Now the whole city is under martial law and no one is allowed to enter or leave. However, I don't think Han 3000 is likely to be there."

Su Yingxia suddenly has a strange idea, that is, can this golden light be made by Han 3000? He opened the gate of heaven, so

Su Yingxia is about to ask, but Fuli has seen through her mind and smiles bitterly: "don't worry, it has nothing to do with Tianmen. I have some gossip that the golden light is actually related to Pangu's secret treasure of Pangu clan."

Su Yingxia nodded. Even if Han 3000 came to the world, he was just a newcomer. Tianhu city is a big city. As far as Han 3000, a newcomer to the world, is concerned, he will not be allowed to enter the city without proper identity.

Fuli continued with a smile: "it's ironic to talk about the secret treasure of Pangu. It's said that anyone who can get the secret treasure of Pangu will have the ability to destroy heaven and earth, and can fight against the true God. For thousands of years, people from all over the world have been salivating about it. Ten thousand years ago, they carried out a massacre of Pangu people, It's a pity that we haven't gained anything. As a result, the secret treasure of Tianhu city suddenly came out this time. It's said that it was taken away by a young man. Do you think it's ironic

The reason why Fuli said this was that she thought it was a good opportunity. If she could get to know the person who got the treasure, they would have the possibility to overthrow Fuli. Su Yingxia is so clever that he can't hear the meaning of Fuli. He says with a smile, "are you looking for this person to help us?" Fu Li nodded, but now her hands are all looking for Han 3000, so it's obvious that she's meeting Su Yingxia“ It's OK. You don't have to look for three thousand. Take a group of people out to look for the one who has the treasure. "“ I didn't mean that, Fu Yao. " Help to leave the false way“ It's OK. Anyway, Gu suzhan has said that his marriage with me will be widely publicized in all directions. I'm afraid Han Sanqian will come when he knows about it. So I'll just leave a little staff and wait outside the city. If he finds out, it's OK to stop him from entering the city. " Su Yingxia road. Help to leave eyebrow a wrinkly: "you don't want him to save you?"“ I want him to come, but I don't want him to come either. Originally, it was very difficult for him to cope with the power of supporting the family. Now, the people of eternal life sea area are here, and the Gusu people are here. If he wants to come, don't take me away. Even if he wants to leave alone, it's impossible. " Su Yingxia's heart is very contradictory. Her body is poisonous and she can't resist, so her only hope is Han 3000. However, she also knows what Han 3000 means“ If you see him, tell him not to use his loyalty. Su Yingxia will never betray him and let him go back. He will take revenge for us when he has a chance. " Su Yingxia road. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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