I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 183

Published at 15th of October 2021 10:00:03 AM

Chapter 183: 183

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Husband and son!

These four words give Han 3000 an overwhelming impact.

In particular, the word "Godson" makes Han 3000's heart pounding. Although he says that he is sleeping in the same bed with Su Yingxia, he hasn't done anything deviant. Is it true that Su Yingxia's words imply something?

"By the way, what do you mean, let me be the chairman?" Han 3000 hasn't recovered. Su Yingxia has already started the next topic, which makes Han 3000 regret so much that his intestines are green. I'm very sorry why he didn't pick up the topic just now.

"Banks can operate, and Su's company can buy it." Han 3000 said it very simply, but it was really not difficult for him. He just bought Su's company directly.

"It's going to cost a lot of money, isn't it?" The Su family is now in debt. Although it is said that the shutdown of Chengxi project will bring great crisis to the Su family, in recent years, the Su family can still survive on the money in hand. It is not easy for Su Yingxia to do this.

"The Su family can't stand the pressure from the bank. Su Haichao can't hold on for a long time. Selling the company is his only choice. As for spending money, the project in the west of the city is enough for you to earn back." Han 3000 said.

"Didn't you say that weak water real estate would stop cooperating with the Su family? Are you going to trouble your classmates again? " Su Yingxia said.

"Since they are all old classmates, once, twice and three times, there is no difference." Han 3000 laughs.

Su Yingxia looks at Han 3000 suspiciously. Can the friendship between classmates really be so deep? Again and again let others help, Han 3000 not only did not feel embarrassed, but also naturally?

Su Yingxia had some ideas before. Shen lingyao's words still linger in her mind.

"3000, when can I meet your classmates?" Su Yingxia asked.

"When it comes to this matter, it should be very soon. He will come back to China after dealing with his foreign affairs. I have made an appointment with him, and he will come to Yuncheng after returning to China." Han said.

Su Yingxia heard this, no longer have any doubt.

If her circle could be bigger and she could know more about Yanjing, Han 3000 would have shown her feet. It's a pity that Su Yingxia is in Yuncheng. She has never heard of Yanjing thousands of miles away, except some famous scenic spots. The circle is different, and she can't touch things in higher fields.

Su's company.

The people in the meeting room are as anxious as ants in a hot pot. The cooperation between the West and the city is in vain, and the banks are constantly exerting pressure. Now the Su family company is like a tottering building, which may fall down at any time.

Once the Su family falls down, all the relatives of the Su family will be crushed to death in the ruins. They have no ability to live a simple life in the Su family. If they go to other companies, they will be eliminated by the reality. The comfortable life for them is very dangerous.

"Haichao, this matter is caused by you. You have to find a way to solve it."

"The bank has given a deadline. The project in the west of the city can no longer cooperate. We have completely lost the ability to repay. The bank has a legitimate reason to ask us to repay in advance. If we can't, the company can only announce a flaw."

"Hai Chao, you are so stupid. Don't think we don't know that you forced Su Yingxia away. Have you forgotten everything that happened before? Now it's not su Yingxia who killed the Su family, but you who killed us. "

Relatives gnash their teeth and look at Su Haichao one by one. Su Haichao is responsible for the situation. So they can only vent their discontent by blaming him.

"Have you said enough?" Su Haichao said coldly: "enough, let's listen to what I have to say. What contribution have you made to the company? Now what right is it to blame me? "

"Hai Chao, what do you mean?"

"Have you ever made any achievements in the company before? You can be chairman because you are a man. "

"Some waste people really regard themselves as capable people. If it wasn't for the old lady, you would be qualified to be the chairman of the board. I think Su Yingxia is more capable than you."

"If I had known that Su Yingxia would be the chairman of the board of directors, there would not have been so many bad things. Maybe the company could develop better, and it has only been in your hands for so long."

Hearing this, Su Haichao is more angry, Su Yingxia that bitch, why with him?

"If you are dissatisfied with me, you can get out of the company now. When the company is in crisis, you don't need to make things worse." Su Haichao said.

"Trying to get us out of the company? Su Haichao, do you think anyone else in the company will listen to you? "

"You have no right to drive us away."

Just as there was a lot of noise in the conference room, Du Hong arrived at the company.

As the original president of the Su family, Du Hong was signaled by Han 3000 to put pressure on the Su family. Today, the purpose of his coming is to bring good news to the Su family.

However, Du Hong didn't quite understand why han 3000 had to do these things behind his back. In his eyes, a small Su family was not even like Mao. Why did he spend so much energy? When Su Haichao knew that Du Hong had arrived at the company, he immediately asked his secretary to welcome Du Hong to the conference room“ President Du, why are you free today? " Su Haichao asked Du Hong“ Su Dong, I've brought you good news. " Du Hong said. Hearing this, Su Haichao looks happy. Although the cooperation in the west of the city project is gone, as long as the bank gives leniency, the Su family still has a chance to turn over“ President Du, are you willing to give us time? " Su Haichao was surprised“ Give you time? " Du Hong looked at Su Haichao with disdain and said, "without the project in the west of the city, how can the Su family get a loan? Even if I give you time, can you still get the money?" Su Haichao frowned. Du Hong himself said the good news. If he didn't want to extend his time, what kind of good news would it be“ President Du, what do you mean? " Su Haichao asked“ Isn't it good news that some people are willing to buy your company, and those who are working can stay in the company? " Du Hong said“ No way. " Su Haichao refused even though he didn't think about it. When the company was acquired, he didn't take the hot position as chairman of the board of directors. It's something he absolutely can't accept. But when other relatives heard this, they held different opinions. As long as they can stay and continue to work, it is a good thing for them to maintain their current position. As for who will be the chairman, is it important“ Su Haichao, now it's an opportunity for the Su family. If someone is willing to take over this mess, why don't you snicker Du Hong said“ President Du, the company belongs to the Su family and will never give it to others. I am the chairman of the board. No one is qualified to squeeze me out. " Su Haichao said with a tough attitude“ Su Haichao, you have to die by yourself. Why do you want to pull us together“ Don't you know how to appreciate and cherish such a great opportunity brought by Mr. Du? Do you want the Su family to go bankrupt? "“ When you are the chairman of the board, you will only harm the company. Do you still have the face to sit in this position? " Listening to the relatives, Su Haichao's face was very blue. Before, these guys were licking up to him, but now they treat him as enemies one by one“ I'm the chairman of the board. You don't have to talk here. Shut up. " Su Haichao said angrily“ I think what these people say is very reasonable. Su Haichao, I'll give you another three days. Otherwise, I'll file an application to the court for enforcement. At that time, not only the company will go bankrupt, but all of you will be on the streets. " Duhon got up and left the conference room. Three days! These three days are dispensable for Su Haichao. He can't do anything. Is the Su family really going to end“ Su Haichao, you can think clearly. If you really want to enforce it, you are the chairman of the board and bear the greatest responsibility. At that time, you don't even have a place to live. "“ How many days can I stay as chairman? Do you have to see the coffin to know you're crying? "“ It's a bad time for the old lady to die. Otherwise, the company would not have come to this stage. " The Su family said indignantly that they would like to sell the company, but the decision-making power is in Su Haichao's hands. If he doesn't want to, he can only watch the company go bankrupt. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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