I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1833

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:19:40 AM

Chapter 1833: 1833

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You should know that jade sword is the essence of Chi Meng. Chi Meng's sword spirit is very powerful. Its essence is not so strong, but its hardness is absolutely first-class.

But it was a little bit distorted by this strong man!

"It's a little interesting. It's a waste of talent if you don't farm with your strength." Han three thousand wrung eyebrows to smile slightly, the whole person quickly rushed up again.

When he heard Han 3000's words, Hu Chi was even more furious. With the confidence of the attack just now, he was even more powerful. He rushed to meet Han 3000.

Two people in an instant, directly hand in hand.

But this time, Hu Chi was no longer as sure to hit as he did in the first time. On the contrary, a few fierce attacks were sure to win, and all of them hit the air one after another. Han 3000 was like a ghost. When he moved quickly, he occasionally raised his sword to cut.

Although it won't do any harm to Hu Chi at all, Han 3000's left and right looks like a fly.

A few rounds down, Huchi burst into a rage, his body, has been Han 3000 even broken several knives, clothes broken.

"Oh, this boy is a little interesting. He is very flexible."

At this time, there are wine guest surprise way.

"Ha ha, how long can he hold on just by hiding? What's more, he sent himself to death. Didn't you see that Huchi was angry? That boy, he's going to have no good fruit to eat. "

Different from all the drinkers, Fu Mei looks at the two in the fight, but her face is blue and red.

Obviously, this tiger mania is really powerful. She is really worried that Han 3000 will be killed by this guy. If so, all her plans will be in vain. How can she be willing to let Han 3000 die at this time?!

But when she thought of Han 3000 fighting against such a strong man like a bull for the sake of a woman in a sack, she turned a deaf ear to him and even handed him over. She was very angry. She wanted Han 3000 to be killed immediately.


All of a sudden, at this moment, the strong man suddenly roared, his whole body energy dissipated, his coat shattered, revealing his extremely strong muscles. At the same time, the scattered energy shattered all the tables and chairs several meters around.

The drinkers who were close to me immediately scattered and fled!

"Die for me!"

Taking advantage of the energy will be Han 3000 earthquake back when, tiger crazy with all the strength in the fist, aimed at Han 3000 directly hit in the past.

This punch is powerful!

Han three thousand suddenly a little smile, then, in the eyes of all people can't believe, also slowly raised his right fist, to tiger Chi's giant fist, directly blow!

"What?! Is this kid crazy? "

"He... How dare he fight fist to fist so hard?"

A group of drinkers were as shocked as hell!


A loud noise!

Tiger Chi's huge body suddenly fell back, like a huge iron ball thrown out. It was smashed by people and objects. Finally, it hit the wall heavily, and it barely stopped!


Tiger crazy throat a hot, big mouth big mouth of blood as if don't want money, constantly from his mouth.

His whole right fist, completely twisted in the elbow position, meat into a pile, white bones out!


All the people on the scene, all pale, can't believe looking at the scene!

For a moment, the whole scene was silent, and the needle could be heard!

"It's... It's impossible, isn't it? Tiger... Tiger lost

"He... He was crippled by that counsellor... No, that young man?"

No one answered, because all of them were deeply shocked.

No one thinks Han 3000 will win, and even many people are guessing that he will be killed in a few minutes, but Han 3000 subverts everyone's cognition and ideas with one punch!

At the moment when everyone was shocked and unable to move, Han 3000 got up slightly, raised the two sacks on the table, shook his head slightly, turned and walked towards the second floor!

"You... You... You stand for me... Stop, oh... You... You dare to hurt me, you... You... Do you know... Do you know who I am?"

Seeing that Han 3000 was leaving, the unwilling tiger maniac kept trying to swallow the blood and said to Han 3000.

Although he was young, he relied on his strong cultivation and body. In recent years, he had no taboo in the octagonal world, and even many old people in the octagonal world died under his fist all their lives.

But today, his fist and strength, which he was proud of all his life, were lost to an unknown boy.

How can he be reconciled?

Hearing this, Han Sanqian stopped in the stairwell and didn't even look back: "I'm not interested in who you are, but before that, you should make sure who I am."

Leaving this sentence, Han 3000 carried two sacks and went upstairs slowly. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!