I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1856

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:19:08 AM

Chapter 1856: 1856

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At the end of the withered and yellow old tree, there is an ancient temple. In the wind and rain, it has been in disrepair for a long time, with broken walls, broken walls, leaking walls and overgrown weeds.

In front of the temple, a wooden plaque has been slanted, endless desolation, endless loneliness.

In the courtyard, the old man just now bent down and walked slowly into the temple.

As soon as he went in, he took out a large bag of medicinal materials from his arms. Then he lifted the broken curtain and entered the inner hall.

Han 3000 also went in at this time, and came to the hall through the night. The four evil gods in the hall did not become gentle because of the erosion of age. On the contrary, because they were missing, they were even more ferocious. In this night, they were like four evil spirits.

The air was filled with a stench. The ground was very dirty and messy. Hay was everywhere. There was a pile of thatch inside. It should be the place where the old man slept.

Han Sanqian just wanted to go inside, but he didn't notice. He suddenly moved on his feet and kicked a cauldron that fell on the ground. Suddenly, he made a stabbing sound.

Han three thousand as like as two peas were picking up the furnace, the whole frown was wrinkled, because the tripod he had kicked down was almost the same as the tripod he bought before.

At this moment, as soon as the curtain was opened, the old man came out from the inside, his face was a little chilly. When he saw that it was Han 3000, he relaxed a little: "is it you?"

Han 3000 nodded. This old man is the one who sold the tripod to him just now.

"What do you mean? Are you going back? I'm sorry, I've already spent the money. " The old man said coldly.

Han Sanyi laughs: "a cauldron, sold a million Amethyst, you can take the money carefree, but it is to go to the medicine shop, bought all kinds of valuable medicine, to your body bone, should not be so."

"You followed me? Besides, it's my business. You don't have to take care of it. "

Han Sanqian shook his head: "don't worry, master, I didn't mean to follow you. I'm not here to return the goods. There's no malice. I'm here to deliver the cauldron."

With that, Han 3000 took out the previous green dragon tripod and handed it to the old man. In fact, he didn't want the broken cauldron either. The reason why he bought it was because he saw a kind of anxiety hidden in the old man's eyes. His intuition told him that the old man must be short of the money. Otherwise, he would not sell his most precious cauldron.

Although Han 3000 didn't think it was rare and precious, the old man's eyes told him that at least it was very important to the old man.

So this million, Han 3000, is more of a relief to the old man.

According to Han 3000's intuition, this old man is by no means a common man. On the contrary, he is very strong, so he will never be like this until he has to.

"What do you mean? Have pity on me? " The old man frowned.

"I know that it's very important for you. A gentleman doesn't win people's favor. Although I'm not a gentleman, I want to get closer to a gentleman. I don't know if you will give me this opportunity." Han 3000 laughs.

Feeling Han 3000's kindness, the old man's vigilance suddenly relaxed a lot, and he turned to the other side of his body: "I will never take back what Han Xiao sold, not to mention this tripod. Even if it's my life, I won't regret it at all. Take it back. As for your kindness, I understand it

Han Sanqian smiles, nods and turns around to leave. Although he is kind-hearted, he doesn't want to force others.

Just at the gate of the temple, suddenly, Han Xiao said, "are you really here to send the tripod?"

Han Sanqian did not speak.

"Well, since you're in love, I'll do it on purpose, and you'll come back." Han Xiaodao.

Han 3000 frowned. He didn't know what the old man was going to do, but he walked over honestly.

The old man squatted, picked up the cauldron Han 3000 had just kicked down, and then directly threw the cauldron to Han 3000.

Han 3000 has no choice but to smile bitterly: "senior, or the previous price?" Said Han 3000 will pay.

"No, I gave you this tripod." The old man said.

Han 3000 shook his head: "no merit, no salary."

The old man glanced at Han 3000 and said in a cold voice, "this is a double dragon tripod. A single tripod may not be valuable, but once the two dragons are merged, it will be the strongest tripod in the world. It's very valuable."

With that, the old man's hands suddenly transport capacity, and Han 3000's two tripods suddenly fly up, and then in mid air, with the old man's control and crazy operation.

With the flourishing of the two cauldrons, the two cauldrons turned fiercer and fiercer. Finally, with a bang, a big cauldron with enough thickness to be surrounded by one person suddenly fell in front of Han 3000.

What is different from just now is that this tripod has a new look. Even in the moonlight, it is shining with blue light. The most amazing thing is that the tripod body and two green dragons are swimming slowly around the tripod body.

Han three thousand see this, the whole person immediately frown tight wrinkle, unbelievable looking at the front of the giant tripod.

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