I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1870

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:18:48 AM

Chapter 1870: 1870

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On the way back to the inn, Han 3000 was in a bad mood.

"Cruel, cruel. It's really cruel. I've never been lucky with my boys. It's not unexpected." At this time, Lin long suddenly sighed.

Han 3000 frowned slightly and ignored it.

See Han 3000 ignore oneself, Lin long continues Ba Ba Ba lie of way: "how? I'm afraid to admit what I've done? "

"I, Han 3000, have never been guilty. What can I not admit?" Han 3000 said coldly.

"Not bad? He is so merciless to Qin Shuang. " Lin long whispered.

"Heartless?" Han Sanqian smiles bitterly: "but I feel that this is my only choice and the only thing I can undertake for her. Knowing that there is no result, why let her waste her youth on me? "

"Although Qin Shuang's accomplishments are not as good as Su Yingxia's, her beauty is absolutely superior. She is one of the best in the world. I really don't understand why you want to refuse him." Lin Long's strange way.

In its cognition, the dragon can marry many wives, and even if it is human, as long as you are strong, isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines?

There is a beautiful woman like Qin Shuang as his wife. It's a blessing that many men have cultivated for eight generations. But Han 3000 refused directly.

"If you are not me, how can you know how much I love Su Yingxia? Except for her, there is no woman in the world that I can care about. Qi Yiyun and Qin Shuang were not good before. " Han three thousand smile, and just melancholy is not the same, a said Su Yingxia, his mouth always involuntarily show a smile.

Lin long sighed. Obviously, he underestimated Han 3000's loyalty to Su Yingxia: "so, refuse Qin Shuang in this way?"

"Qin Shuang is a good girl. Without me, she can also find many excellent men. If I don't know Su Yingxia, I must be one of the fierce pursuers. Therefore, she can live a natural and unrestrained life without me, and Su Yingxia and I can't live without each other."

Lin long shook his head and said, "then why don't you make it clear to her that she at least has the right to know?"

About Qi Yiyun, Han Sanqian said that it was impossible to be OK. On the contrary, for many years, he had been like a thorn in his heart. At the beginning, Han Sanqian thought that way, but what happened?

Even if Qi Yiyun reincarnates for two generations, he always loves Han 3000, but Han 3000 can only make her wrong after all.

Han Sanqian doesn't want to repeat the tragedy, so the best way is to let one person give up completely on one person.

"When she is completely disappointed in me, she will start a new life." Han 3000.

"But if you admit that you are a demon, Qin Shuang will give up on you, but have you ever thought about how many enemies you will set up? Or, what do people outside think of you? " Lin long worried.

At least, in the future, once we see Han 3000, we will attack him.

"Between friends, there will always be something to pay, that is no turning back, as for how others see me, is it important? I never live for strangers, I only live for my friends and my love. " Han 3000's firm way.

Other people's eyes will only make their own life more tired. It's better to be free and unrestrained. If you have three or five friends and a man with a white head, it's what you want.

Back in the inn, see Han 3000 safe return, Fu Mei and Chutian very excited, Xiao Tao with the last crowd, quietly looking at Han 3000.

"Brother 3000, are you ok?" Fu Mei showed an urgent concern at this time, as if she was more anxious than Han 3000.

"Yes, those guys made it clear that it was a Hongmen banquet. How could they let you back safely, Han 3000? You won't promise them anything, will you?" Chutian was surprised, but soon he had some doubts.

After all, it's hard to imagine that Han 3000 would retreat if he didn't agree with them.

Chutian was even more suspicious that Han 3000 had joined them.

"Brother 3000, you can't promise them. The smiley face demon is a famous demon in the world. Burning, killing, looting, doing all kinds of evil, and being with that kind of people will only ruin your reputation. Moreover, most importantly, at night, I heard that someone on the right side organized an alliance to deal with the smiley face demon." Fu Mei is in a hurry.

Han three thousand smile, straight through the crowd, to his room: "pack up, ready to start."

"Now?" Chutian puzzled looking at Han 3000: "this meeting is in the middle of the night."

"Right now." Han 3000 knows that now is the best opportunity. If there is an accident in the manor, the Liucheng master will send a large number of troops to support him. So now is also the time when the gate defense is the weakest.

If you don't leave at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

Several people are completely confused and look at each other. They don't know what medicine Han 3000 gourd sells.

However, since Han 3000 has given orders, a group of people can only do what he wants. Taking advantage of the night, a few people in a hurry to pack up their things, settled the bill, and walked out of the city.

There was a lot of noise in the city. Many people in black were killed in the direction of the manor. It was obvious that the soldiers in dew City disguised themselves. Others didn't know it, but Han 3000 knew it. At this time, some people in the river and lake wake up because of the city's unexpected changes. Many people either stop to watch, or decide to join in the fun, or like Han 3000, they are afraid of trouble and choose to leave the city. In the early morning, more and more people are on their way to the top of Qishan mountain. Because the time out of the city is similar, the road is very busy. With Fu Mei and Xiao Tao, and the war of restaurants and inns, many people have seen Han 3000's style. Therefore, there are always a large group of "ambitious" people around Han 3000, who want to be close to each other or covet the strength of Han 3000. In a word, the independent path set by Fu family for Han 3000 seems to be the best, It's counterproductive. At noon, Han 3000 and others found a place to sit down, and the group around them also sat down with them. At this time, a group of people each took out their own prepared all kinds of exquisite dry food, courteous like to please Han 3000 people. Han 3000 helplessly shakes his head and takes out his steamed bread. He is preparing to eat it. When he lowers his head, the sun on his head suddenly darkens, and then the whole ground shakes violently. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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