I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1954

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:16:39 AM

Chapter 1954: 1954

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The only true God in the world!!

Hear this, Han 3000 obviously slightly a Leng, next to Qin Shuang is feel strange, think the old man seems to be joking.

After all, with the old man's simple dress and approachable character, from a certain point of view, he is not the kind of ambitious or ambitious person. Even for Qin Shuang, the old man said that the possibility of Han 3000's seclusion is far greater than that of Han 3000's hegemony in the world.

More importantly, this kind of hegemony is unique.

If he hadn't seen the old man's real ability, Qin Shuang really thought that the old man was a madman.

But even if I have seen it, Qin Shuang thinks it's incredible.

Not to mention being the only true God in the world, even if you can be one of the three true gods, it's already a life goal that countless people dream of but can't achieve.

After all, in the world of all directions, there are so many masters with extremely strong personal cultivation, not to mention that these masters often have huge power behind them. In this case, it is more difficult to challenge them and become one of the true gods than to ascend to heaven.

And the old man said, even want to be the only true God!

That is to say, Han 3000 needs to defeat Yongsheng sea area and the top of blue mountain.

This is simply impossible.

As long as this person is not crazy, he can't do this kind of thing.

"How's it going? Are you afraid? " The old man sneered.

Han Sanqian shook his head: "in fact, the eternal sea area and the top of the blue mountain have their own revenge on Sanqian for killing his wife. Needless to say, Sanqian will take revenge on them. It's just

"You're afraid you're not good enough?" The old man said.

Han Sanqian does not deny that although his personal strength has improved by leaps and bounds, he still has some distance from those big men.

"No one in the world is more capable than you, otherwise, the old guy won't let me help you. You know, in the past tens of billions of years, don't let the old guy ask me, even if he can politely tell me a few words, he won't want to, but you, he broke the example, how much he hopes for you, you never know."

"You don't know how much secret you have in your golden body. When you realize it one day, you won't think so." The old man gave a smile. Then he reached out and touched Han 3000's head. With a smile, he looked like he was looking at his grandson.

"Go ahead, child, you should also rely on yourself to break out a piece of world. You need to explore your own way."

Han 3000 nodded: "by the way, master, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Do you want to ask about the bone breaking and soul chasing powder?" The old man said with a smile.

Han 3000 said, "exactly."

The old man patted Han 3000 on the shoulder: "everything, because you will understand, you remember, do as you please."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man suddenly disappeared from Han 3000's eyes, and then the whole world began to shake violently again. At this time, in the sky, the old man's voice did not know where to start: "child, remember, the eight wild books are the best place for you to practice."

With the long sound, the whole world collapsed even more. When the whole world fell back, the white light flashed. Han 3000 and Qin Shuang were already in a corner of Qishan palace.

"We're back in the hall of Qishan?" Looking at the surrounding environment and listening to the fierce fighting in the distant arena, Qin Shuang looks at Han 3000 strangely“ Where were we before? "

Han 3000 doesn't know the answer. He can only explain all this with mirage. However, Han 3000 also understands that this statement is just a lie to himself, because the place he stayed with the old man just now is very real, and it's not mirage.

It's just that Han 3000 doesn't know much about this kind of master who has lived for more than 10 billion years, so he can only explain it in this way.

Han 3000 looked at Qin Shuang and said with a smile, "elder martial sister, it's time for me to go back."

After hearing this, Qin Shuang felt nervous. In fact, in the old man's place, she always hoped that time could stop, so that she could stay there with Han 3000.

"Good." Qin Shuang endure the sadness and loss of heart, reluctantly squeeze out a smile, to see the heartache.

Put on the mask, Han 3000 turned and left.

Looking at the back of Han 3000 leaving, Qin Shuang smiles on her face, but she can't help but shed tears.

In a wing room, Su Yingxia looks at nian'er, who is getting worse and worse in bed, and worries about Han 3000. For her, this is obviously the most difficult time. Her husband suddenly disappears and her daughter is in critical condition. She really doesn't know what to do.

Bai Xiaosheng in the lake sits on the chair in the room with the same look of anxiety.

At this time, the door a light ring, a familiar figure came in.

When they went with their reputation and saw that it was Han 3000, they were shocked.

Su Yingxia is a step forward, directly into Han 3000's arms, a time hard to cover the heart of sad, cry out.

"Three thousand, are you ok? Where have you been? " Bai Xiaosheng also cares about Tao. Han Sanyi patted Su Yingxia on the back and asked Bai Xiaosheng: "there's a little accident. It's OK. How long is my next game? Is there still time? "“ Two hours later. "“ OK, hold the door for you. " As soon as the voice fell, Han 3000 raised Su Yingxia in his arms and said gently, "I'll go into the eight wasteland heavenly books and wait for me." Su Yingxia nodded tearfully. Came to the bedside, Han 3000 took a look at Han Nian, and then, cross legged and sat down: "eight wild book, take me in." As soon as the words fall, Han 3000 suddenly disappears out of thin air, leaving only the eight wasteful books by the bedside. Su Yingxia runs over and holds the book in his arms for fear of being robbed. At this time, Han 3000 entered the state of cultivation after entering the eight wasteland Tianshu. He placed the Taiyan mental method in front of him. While he was following the mental method diagram, he set his posture and began to adjust his pulse and energy according to the mental method. At the beginning of everything, Han 3000's body, just like before, began to show golden color, and his hair, at this time, began to change from pure black to silver. At this time, there are seven big acupoints showing bursts of light. A moment later, seven light balls about the size of eggs fly out and slowly rotate around Han 3000. When the seven beads rotate and move, Han 3000 is like a huge black hole, frantically pouring the surrounding aura into the body. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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