I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1958

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:16:35 AM

Chapter 1958: 1958

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Just a shake in the hand, Zhao Zhenren directly back a few meters, and then hit heavily on the ground.

Just want to get up, Zhao Zhenren immediately a mouthful of blood essence, directly spray out, face shocked and ferocious looking at Han 3000: "Damn, sneak attack Laozi? What kind of hero are you

Han 3000 face if frost, gently looking at the arms of Su Yingxia, concerned asked: "who let you run out for me?"

Although Su Yingxia's body is very painful, his face is full of happy smile: "the challenge arena is ahead of time, and you are in the book of heaven, so..."

"So stupid to be on stage for me?" Han 3000 pretends to be slightly angry.

Su Yingxia said with a smile, "that's not true. I'll do it for you. I know you'll come back."

Han 3000 looked at Su Yingxia with love and pity: "yes, I will come back. Now, give it to me, OK?"

Su Yingxia nods. Han 3000 gets up and helps Su Yingxia down the challenge arena. At this time, Bai Xiaosheng, who has been watching the battle in the crowd and pinched Su Yingxia in a cold sweat, also runs to catch Su Yingxia.

When Su Yingxia stepped down safely, Han Sanqian stood up slowly. Under his mask, his whole face was as deep as water, and his eyes were full of hatred and anger.

Zhao Zhenren, who is being watched, suddenly shakes his body. His back is chilly as death stares at him.

He had never felt such a terrible look, never.

But in front of so many people, and this is the key battle of the group qualifying match, Zhao Zhenren's fighting spirit is strong, and his green snake double swords are slowly raised.

"If you plot against me in this way, you think you can win me? Mysterious man, you are really superficial. Now, I'll show you my real strength. "

With a roar, Zhao Zhenren suddenly had a big blue light on his body, and his green snake double swords also burst out a dazzling light.

The most important thing is Zhao Zhenren's right hand. At this time, under the huge light, a gossip mirror is slowly grasped by him.


A shout of rage, eight trigrams fierce pan green light, direct pressure think Han 3000.

"Mole ant!"

Han Sanqian does not retreat but advances. He laughs and does not say much. He just raises his hand, clenches his fist with one hand, and aims at the Eight Diagrams mirror, which is coming from the flying pressure. He simply blasts away.



With a crisp sound, the eight trigrams mirror, which looked fierce and abnormal, was broken in an instant, and then went back crazily.


"Shake the magic army with empty hands!"

"My God, is this made by a fuckin '!"

"This mysterious man... It's incredible. How can it be done?"

"My God, what kind of cultivation is this?"

"Too strong, a little bit too strong?"

Under the stands, all the people had goose bumps all over their bodies. What's more, they jumped up directly from their seats.

Even above the attic, at this time, Ao Tian clapped his hand on the windowsill, and the whole person stood up fiercely. He could not help shouting: "beautiful!"

Ao Yong opened his mouth slightly and forgot to close it for a moment. He had seen all kinds of fights and all kinds of fights of Li Bao, but it was the first time for him to hit Li Bao with one hand.

You know, the reason why any magic weapon Libao can be called magic weapon Libao is that they are made of special materials, far from being comparable to ordinary weapons and things.

Therefore, since ancient times, the magic weapons and Libao have always sacrificed their own magic weapons and Libao to fight. No one has ever dealt with them empty handed.

But today, Han 3000 not only subverts his cognition, but also directly changes his ideology. It turns out that he can fight the magic weapon Libao with empty hands!

Lu Ruoxin also flashed a little surprise in her beautiful eyes at this time, but a moment later, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Zhao Zhenren in the field is full of disbelief, however, at this time, Han 3000 has rushed, volley is a punch.

Zhao Zhenren hurriedly raised his energy and tried to resist. His hands were directly clasped to meet Han 3000's blow.


All of a sudden, Zhao Zhenren felt a huge force hitting his elbows. The next second, he flew straight back out and rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times. When he got up, he was bleeding from seven holes.

The internal organs of the whole body have been forcibly displaced.

Just as he got up reluctantly


With the spatter of blood, Zhao Zhenren, who has not yet stabilized his figure, now his pupils are wide open. Han Sanyi Jian picks his head straight from the center of his eyebrows. In his big eyes, he is full of shock to death. He did not expect that he would die so cleanly.

Han 3000's cold eyes are fiercely placed next to the challenge arena. The group of disciples wearing the same clothes with Zhao Zhenren.

With Han 3000's eyes swept, a group of disciples suddenly broke their courage. Some of them were timid and even scared on the spot. Their legs were shaking and their feet were soft. What's more, their crotch was moist.

"This... What does this guy want? He won't... He won't kill Zhao Zhenren's disciples, will he? "“ Look at this, it should be. After all, Mr. Zhao just now... He hurt the mysterious man's girl companion, and the disciples were making a lot of noise“ When it's over, Chong Guan turns red. But... There are rules in the hall of Qi Mountain. "“ Yeah, there are bad rules. Qishan's hall has always been famous. Life and death are not related in the challenge arena. No inch soldiers can be hurt under the challenge arena. This guy, do you want to risk the world? " Among the first disciples, the leader pressed his body reluctantly at this time. Although he drew out his sword, his body still stepped back step by step“ Don't come here. Don't come here. " Almost at this time, Guri, who had been supervising the battle on the sideline, flew over and stood in front of Han 3000: "young Xia, according to the rules of Qishan palace, you can't kill them."“ No? Who said that? " Han 3000 gave a scornful smile“ Immortal Zhao hurt my wife. Today, I want to let the world know that those who offend me can, and those who offend my women, will be killed The last three words, thunder Wanjun, all of you can hear this voice and feel the infinite anger in it“ Those who stand in my way, die Han 3000 roars, his eyes are bloodthirsty, and the next step is to step on the ghost footwork taught by the old man, and turn it into a still image seen by Qin Shuang on that day. It's better than before the ancient Japanese reflected it. Han 3000 has killed the crowd, and then it's like a dragon. Everywhere I went, there was a river of blood and wails everywhere. Countless heads were like ripe plums. Melons fell to the ground, and even a strong smell of blood could be smelled in the air! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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