I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1962

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:16:30 AM

Chapter 1962: 1962

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The whole crowd, suddenly boiling.

At this time, almost everyone stood up and exclaimed.

This kind of situation, even Han 3000 was scared.

"Princess Lu, here comes Lu Ruoxin."

"My God, is this, this, this beautiful? I... I just can't praise her with any words, this... "

"The most beautiful woman in the world. I'm lucky to see her here."

"Such a beautiful woman, even let me drink her foot water, I would like to ah, too beautiful."

With Lu Ruoxin and Lu ruoxian leading the people on the top of the blue mountain to come out, the crowd is just like being thrown a time bomb in general, directly exploded the pot.

Although she is following Lu ruoxian's later side, there is no doubt that Lu Ruoxin has created an invincible momentum in her own way.

She was so beautiful that many of the men on the scene had already lost their souls, lost their minds, and looked at her with dull eyes for a long time.

Even many of the women present could not help but bow their heads and feel ashamed. Because she is really beautiful beyond description, beautiful to perfection, want to find out her fault.

Only Fu Mei, who thinks highly of herself, is very angry at the sensation caused by Lu Ruoxin.

She hates Lu Ruoxin, and even more hates God. Why does God want to treat her like this? In the past, Su Yingxia was oppressed by Su Yingxia, but now Su Yingxia is dead, and another Lu Ruoxin?

She should be the woman who attracts the world's attention most, not anyone else.

"It's beautiful." On one side, Su Yingxia couldn't help praising.

From a certain point of view, Lu Ruoxin really should be one of the most beautiful women Han 3000 has seen so far. Even her appearance directly broke Han 3000's upper limit for beautiful women.

Han 3000 thinks that he has met many beautiful women, especially after appreciating Qin Shuang's beauty, he thinks that the most beautiful woman in the world will come to her. However, compared with Qin Shuang's beauty, Lu Ruoxin is even better than Qin Shuang in some aspects.

Qin Shuang is more of a temperament, cold and peerless appearance, and complement each other, Han 3000 is considered to be the world's first beauty.

But if Lu Ruoxin is not, she can convince the public simply by leaning on that face.

If Qin Shuang's beauty is to make people feel inviolable, then Lu Ruoxin's beauty is to stimulate the most primitive impulse in anyone's heart.

Perfect without any flaws, plus her more feminine, and elegant and rich, just like the dress of fairy princess, let her more extraordinary.

"Good looking is good-looking, but in my heart, you are the most beautiful." Han 3000 said seriously.

"Glib." Su Yingxia smile, but very happy in the heart: "however, she is really beautiful, beautiful to even I feel inferior."

"She should feel inferior to you." Han 3000.

"Why?" Su Yingxia is puzzled.

"Because you have the best husband in the world." Han 3000 smiles.

Before the game nervous, Han 3000's joke, appropriate to ease their mood.

"You look for a fight." Su Yingxia's angry fist gently hit Han 3000's chest.

Bai Xiaosheng in the river's Lake has been staring at him for a long time, and has never noticed the fight between the couple.

"The Lu family seems to have made a lot of money this time. Even Lu Ruoxin has come."

"With this beautiful woman, just smile, how many men have to bow down under her pomegranate skirt."

Han 3000's side, at this time someone is smiling and way.

And almost at this time, with the final closing of the three families, plus just the top nine, the final 12 of this competition has all arrived.

With Gu Yue waving in his hand, a border suddenly rose from the open space not far away.

At this time, Bai Xiaosheng woke up from the shock, grabbed Han 3000's arm and said excitedly, "Wow, do you see that? It's Lu Ruoxin, the most beautiful woman in the legend of the world. She's here. Do you see her

Han three thousand white eyes almost turned out of the sky: "brother, this is a few minutes ago." Finish saying, pointed to the boundary on the open space: "now all arrived this link."

"Oh." Bai Xiaosheng was embarrassed, and then looked at Han 3000: "then we should pass. As soon as the border is open, the game will officially begin."

With that, Bai Xiaosheng walks ahead, taking Han 3000, Su Yingxia and nian'er to the border.

When the four came to the front of the border, the game also began to enter the countdown.

But at this time, the clouds suddenly changed color in the sky, the sky above ten thousand meters, clouds moving, wind roaring, lightning and thunder.

All of a sudden, everyone felt a huge pressure coming down from the sky. Those with lower accomplishments found it hard to breathe on the spot, while those with higher accomplishments frowned tightly.

All of us feel depressed.

"True God, true God, true God is coming." All of a sudden, someone with higher accomplishments jumped up and screamed. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!