I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2025

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:15:08 AM

Chapter 2025: 2025

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Hearing this, several disciples were shocked: "palace master, what do you mean..."

"Yes, if we can knock us down with internal strength, it can only show that the gap between us and this guy is totally different, not in the same order of magnitude at all." Although unwilling to admit it, Ning Yue has to face this fact.

It's not difficult to shake people away with energy, whether it's offensive or defensive.

It's like a man can use it to cut something solid as long as he is strong enough, no matter what shield or spear he is holding. But if a man wants to break it away with his bare hands, it is obviously extremely difficult.


Unless this person is strong to another level.

"Since this man is so powerful, can he really help us out?" The female disciple asked strangely.

Ning Yue shook her head: "this, I don't know."

No matter how strong this person is, it's not easy to face a crowd of 70000 people?!

In other words, Han 3000 in the eyes of Ning Yue, strong is really strong, but strong enough to abnormal to that extent, Ning Yue does not believe.

At this time, Han 3000, standing in the center of the scene, was like a god of war.

"What the hell are you doing? Give it to me Fuye, a kind of reckless man, is similar to the gang who rushed to Han 3000 just now. He doesn't have the delicate mind of Ning Yue, let alone her cultivation. After suffering from Han 3000's great loss, the old man in Qing Yi also stood in the distance and didn't notice the wonderful part of Han 3000's anger.

Fu Ye roared, and a group of people roared and rushed to Han 3000.

At this time, Han 3000 Meng's body did not move to fly until he was in mid air!

The whole person is shining with gold.

Left hand sky fire, right hand moon wheel!

Jade sword flying!

Tianhuo moon wheel once again wrapped jade sword, flying bow!

One knee light lift, long arrow instant!!

The arrow did not arrive.

But all the people just feel that the color around them is changing, and they are dyed blue and white by the sky fire and the moon wheel. With a strong pressure, they are desperately squeezing from the mid air.

"This... What is this?"

"What the hell is that?"

A group of people panic, for them, usually bullying even if, but where to see such a world destroying attack?!

"Hold it, hold it, damn it, hold it for me!" At this time, master Fu roared angrily.

The four men in the medicine suit looked at each other and took the lead in jointly casting a spell to directly attack the moon wheel of heaven fire.

With the beginning of them, the old man in green followed, others were led, and naturally gathered together. All the people ran over and let go their magic.

Dayton time, thousands of light gathered together, suddenly boom to the sky fire moon wheel from the sky!


With a loud noise, ten thousand rays of light collided with the moon wheel of sky fire, and the earth trembled with it. The generated air waves made the surrounding trees shake violently and the houses shake slightly!

Ning Yue and a group of female disciples, including Fu mang on the mountain pass, were stunned.

Such a grand scene is just amazing!

"Mole ant!"

In the middle of the air, Han three thousand cold voice a smile, in the hand tiny dint!


All of a sudden, it seems that the more huge Wandao light is suddenly like paper meeting water. It just sticks to it for a while, and it is completely engulfed by Tianhuo moon wheel in an instant.

The red and blue light fell to the ground!


With a loud noise, the mountain trembled and the debris fell away!

At this time, half of the 60000 troops, a little far away from the battlefield, were knocked down by the strong light. Although the old man in Qingyi and his four disciples of Yaoshen Pavilion got away quickly, they were still shaken by the aftershock of the explosion like a broken line kite. After knocking down dozens of Tianding mountain soldiers, they managed to stabilize themselves.

Five people successively one mouthful blood spurts out, but has no time to eat the pain, because at this time of them, completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

In the center of the main hall of the Baguio palace, the moon wheel of the sky fire is the center of the explosion. Calculated by 50 meters in diameter, it is like a piece of scorched earth. Not to mention that there are only ten thousand people just now. Even the strong green bricks on the ground are completely turned into vermilion powder at this time. On the ground, there is only a huge pit about 10 meters deep!

However, at this time Han 3000, but slightly standing in the middle of the sky, with a vast body of gold, no exploration of power!

"What is this? What's this? " Some tiandingshan people, at this time, could not help shaking wildly under their feet, and they were completely frightened.

Thousands of people, thousands of people, all of them disappeared into the world in an instant, even without any residue.

What kind of terrorist power is this?!

At this time, they are recalling Han 3000's words just now. No one wants to leave alive. How ruthless they laugh at them on the spot. Now, how regretful and afraid they are!

What happened to them? Is it the Reaper from hell?! In an instant, thousands of people become fans“ Yes? Are you all dumb? Just now, isn't it arrogant? " In the middle of the sky, Han 3000 said with a smile. Although his tone was flat, his voice was like the call of hell Death in the ears of a group of Tianding mountain soldiers. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!