I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2047

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:14:34 AM

Chapter 2047: 2047

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Han three thousand eyebrows slightly wrinkled, at this time master Zhang suddenly stopped, but his eyes were a trace of blood red.

"Haha, haha, haha!" He suddenly smiled ferociously and wildly.

Return to Yin like God, sea like tide, God bless me, blood reborn!

Mr. Zhang finished a strange sentence. The next second, he pointed it on his forehead, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

"No, he's going to blow himself up!" Han three thousand cold sound a drink, in the hand a energy fierce one luck, forcibly prop up an energy wall to block in front, protect three female.

"God bless me, God bless me." Master Zhang gave a ferocious roar.


With his body burst open, blood four cheap!

The huge impact made all the furniture in the whole room crumble, and the soldier and maid were killed in the same place, their eyes were wide open, full of fear and unwilling.

Remove the energy shield, Han 3000 helplessly shook his head.

"Is this guy crazy? Not even life? " Su Yingxia frowned.

"Probably brainwashed." Qiushuidao.

Han 3000 grinned bitterly: "it's better to die. At least his way of death makes me more sure of my guess. It's not easy."

If it's just human trafficking, this guy shouldn't have to take his life so decisively for that matter.

After all, it's just for making money. Compared with life, money is nothing but external things. How can it be so extreme!

"Maybe there are some ulterior motives behind this." Han 3000.

And now the dark rain.

He has been led by Zhang Beibei to the Tianlao of Zhang Jia.

The Tianlong prison in Zhangjia was not built long ago, but it was large-scale. The cell was built underground, and the entrance was abnormally hidden. It was hidden in the middle of a well.

If Zhang didn't lead the way to the north by himself, I'm afraid that even if Mingyu wanted to break his head, he couldn't think that the entrance would be in such a place.

From the half person high pit of the well, you can enter horizontally and walk about three minutes inside. You can go down the stairs. What you see is a vast underground space.

All around are cells in four rows.

As soon as I saw Mingyu pulling Zhang to the north, many women's cries for help came from the cell!

"You beast Seeing the women who were locked up in the cell, they were very miserable one by one. The rain came from their heart and clapped their hands directly on Zhang Beibei's back.

Zhang Beibei was beaten to the ground and struggled to turn over. He looked at the dark rain in fear: "it's none of my business, it's none of my business."

Mingyu glared at him angrily, and drew a circle in his hand. Countless waves moved with his hand. The jade hand swung gently, and the waves broke into thousands of thousands, flying toward the surrounding cells, as if consciously.

When the spray gently touched the iron lock on the cell door, the iron lock immediately opened with a scratch.

The locked up women pushed open the cell door and ran out of the cell.

"All out." In the hand of Mingyu, there is another painting, a unicorn made of water: "follow it, you can leave here safely."

A group of women nodded gratefully. Everyone bowed slightly to her and then followed shuiqilin to the entrance of the well.

Mingyu stood in the same place, watching them leave one by one, and counting the number of people.

"Forty three..."

Waiting for everyone to leave, the dark rain murmured a word, then, eyes slightly raised, worried to look inside the cell.

In the innermost corner of a cell, although the light is dim, some can't see clearly, but Mingyu still found a corner of white clothes.

Ningkong is a hydrosphere, which directly covers Zhang Beibei in it. Zhang Beibei can't move at all. Mingyu walks quickly to the cell in the corner.

When you come to the corner of the cell, the rain is in place.

The scene in front of us can only be described as extremely miserable. The grass on the ground is trampled and scattered, and there are even mottled blood stains in some places. A young woman's clothes are shrunk in the corner of the wall, shivering, and her long hair is piled on her head like weeds on the ground.

Through the hair gap, you can see the beautiful eyes, but at this time it is completely occupied by fear, panic and pallor.

Dark rain Leng Leng looking at the original place, tears slightly in the eyes around.

Just at this time, the sound of footsteps starts slightly. Han Sanqian and her three daughters see Shui Qilin and the girls who are fleeing outside the hospital. They also follow the direction and enter the dungeon. Seeing Mingyu standing in front of the cell, they walk slowly.

However, when Han Sanyang and his party came over, the girl's pale eyes suddenly became more and more scared, and her body could not help holding tighter and shaking more severely.

"She seems to be afraid of you?" Su Yingxia gently reminds Han 3000, and then blocks Han 3000 behind him, trying to calm the girl's mood.

Han 3000 nodded noncommittally“ Animals Mingyu clenched his teeth, and a trace of hatred rose in his tears. He drank it out loud and moved his hand. The distant Zhang flashed panic in his eyes. The next second, the whole person flew directly in front of Mingyu with the water ring on his body. Bang! The whole person wrapped in the water ring hit the ground heavily, and turned several circles in a row before stopping. Without time to cry, Zhang Beibei quickly took advantage of the broken water circle and got up. He glanced hastily at the woman in prison, knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy: "fairy, it's none of my business. It's my father... It was my father's beast."“ Is it just him? " Mingyu is looking at Zhang Beibei coldly. Zhang North desperately shakes his head, but his eyes are deliberately to escape the cold direct vision of the dark rain. Although Xingyao is a village girl and peasant woman, she is not only the most perverse and beautiful of the 44 women, but also the most beautiful girl that Zhang's father and son have met for many years. How can she escape from the clutches of the father and son?! However, Mingyu and Han 3000 are here. In order to protect their lives, Zhang Beibei doesn't dare to admit it“ Xingyao is good-natured and dignified. Although she comes from a humble family, she is bound to find a good husband and marry a good son-in-law to live a good life. However, she is all ruined by you. If Mingyu doesn't kill you, I will have no face to face Xingyao and even more to face thousands of people in the world. " Cold sound a drink, dark rain pinch a bullet, a small water ball will fly straight toward Zhang north of the forehead“ Wait a minute At this time, Han 3000 suddenly made a sound. But the water ball has already flown to the half way, but see at this time the dark rain suddenly wrist a turn, that water ball unexpectedly instantly turns into water vapor, evaporate not to see“ Sir, sir. " See Han 3000, Zhang North squeeze than cry also ugly smile, fangfo saw the straw. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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