I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2165

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:11:37 AM

Chapter 2165: 2165

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Ye Gucheng got up one by one. Almost when the ginseng baby didn't pay attention, he got up one by one and directly pushed away the ginseng baby standing on half his feet.

At the same time, Wu Yan's four men also waved their hands and rushed to save Ye Gucheng with all of them.

"Bring me that thing." Ye Gucheng drinks loudly, and Wu Yan immediately takes three elders and hundreds of soldiers to surround renshenwa.

And the rest of the disciples also protect Ye Gucheng, light up their weapons one by one, and aim at Qin Shuang and others.

"Ye Gucheng is such a bitch." Qin Shuang drinks angrily and rushes over with her sword.

Ginseng baby has let him go, but this guy is so mean.

"Don't mess about." Mingyu quickly got up to block Qin Shuang, coldly blocked Qin Shuang behind him, and said, "the other party is crowded. If you rush in rashly, you will only die in vain."

"Yes, elder sister Qin Shuang, when ye Gucheng beat you, renshenwa has become so angry. If you have a problem, can't it be so angry?" Autumn water is also urgent.

Shiyu also nodded hurriedly.

Qin Shuang helplessly looked at several women and said in despair: "do you want me to watch it die?"

Regardless of so many people, Qin Shuang pushes away several people and is about to rush forward.

At this time, only heard renshenwa in the army shouting: "wife, don't come here."

With that, renshenwa looked at Wu Yan and others and gave them a cold smile: "what? Want to catch me? "

"It's powerful and can cure people. It's of great use to keep it alive. Han 3000's serious injury suddenly healed and came back. It's up to him." Ye Gucheng shouts at Wu Yan with all his strength.

Wu Yan and others quickly nodded. They had a panoramic view of everything just now. Now there is the truth of Ye Gucheng. They sneered at each other for a while.

"Little thing, I'm very skilled. I dare to tease even our lonely city."

"Now you're running out of legs. I'll see how you can jump."

"Grab it back and make me soup tonight."


Wu Yan drank loudly, and a group of disciples immediately gathered up and approached renshenwa step by step.

It's hard to stand on half a leg. Renshen baby sees the crowd wrapping up the three layers inside and outside, and constantly narrowing the encirclement without dodging.

Suddenly, he gave a ferocious smile, and then suddenly looked at Qin Shuang in the distance: "daughter-in-law, tell Han 3000, I warn him not to bully my wife while I'm away, otherwise, I'll never end with him."

Finish saying, ginseng baby suddenly eyes with bloodthirsty general cold light, swept a look around everyone.

"A bunch of trash."

Voice a fall, ginseng baby suddenly burst out laughing, and in his crazy laughter, his whole body burst into red fire.

Then, the bigger the fire, the stronger the heat and smell.


Wu Yan roared loudly and flew to the rear with his three younger martial brothers in fear.

At this time, renshenwa, the whole person has been like a huge fireball.


A startling explosion sounded, renshenwa's body like a nuclear bomb, countless flames swept around directly.

The earth moves, the mountain shakes.

Even the sky changes color slightly!

The huge waves of fire spread, and the disciples who were closest to Shenwa didn't even reflect what was going on. Their bodies were already reduced to ashes in the fire.

Although Wu Yan's four were fast and high in cultivation, they were still hit by the recent fire wave. Four people suddenly like four wild ducks without wings, burned by the fire wolf, fell askew, scattered on the ground, shouting and rolling all over the ground.

Ye Gucheng and others on the outside are also knocked over by the waves. Even Qin Shuang and others in the distance are retreated by the strong wind. If it wasn't for the dark rain, they would be knocked over.

At the same time, the huge air waves also spread around. Han 3000 and others, who were fighting in Yaoshen Pavilion in the distance, were also swept by the air waves and looked back one by one.

Somewhere in the mountains.

Lu Ruoxin gently raised his hand to disperse the wind and waves. He shook his head with deep eyes.

In fact, she just thought about whether to send Chi Meng to rob this little thing, but now she is more and more interested in Han 3000, and even can't bear to take his things, so she gave up the idea.

Now it seems that

"Ginseng baby!!"

When the fire waves dissipated, when the air waves blew away, people looked back and saw that there was no grass in place, leaving only layers of loess, not to mention huluwa, even the ashes of those disciples.

Qin Shuang cried with tears.

Just respond to her, is no longer ginseng baby that usual disdain and arrogant voice, only all kinds of ashes falling all over the sky.

At the top of the fire wave, the sky was dyed black by a lot of ashes. Between the eyes, countless ashes, like romantic snow, slowly fall. All over the sky ashes, for a time like fireworks. Qin Shuang tears, the whole person powerless kneel on the ground, suddenly, help from a exclamation: "look!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!