I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2189

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:11:03 AM

Chapter 2189: 2189

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Now when people go out, they put up the curtains around them, and the whole room is in darkness.

Mr. Wang gently leaned on Han 3000's arm and motioned him to look at the wheel now.

With the decrease of light, Han 3000 was also surprised to find that there was a faint blue light around the wheel.

Then, Mr. Wang took his luck and lost to the roulette.


There is a circle in the innermost layer of the roulette, which turns slowly at this time, and the blue light also drags its figure like a green dragon because of the rotation of the roulette.

With the wheel turning faster and faster, the little green dragon actually broke away from the wheel and climbed into the fixed circle of the outermost layer of the wheel.

As soon as Mr. Wang received his breath, the whole roulette stopped slowly, and the green dragon gradually turned into light and shadow, and finally disappeared completely with the roulette stopped rotating.

Han three thousand eyebrows can't help but light wrinkle, what is this thing?! He thought it was just an ordinary antique, but he didn't expect that when the wheel turned, there was a very strange and special energy emitted from it.

This kind of energy, Han 3000 has never seen.

Whether it is the octagonal world, or the Xuanyuan world, or the earth, or even the eight wasteland books.

Han Sanqian didn't know how to describe it. He just felt that this force had gone far beyond his cognition. Although it was released very little, the purity made people frown.

"What is this?" When the roulette stops, the curtains outside the window are closed, and the whole house is bright again. The roulette in front of us is just like before, like a worn-out antique.

"Dragon plate." Mr. Wang sighed and said softly. Although it was just a moment ago, it made him consume a lot of internal power.

"My father is a master himself, but now he can only play chess at home for this thing." Wang Dong laughed bitterly.

Han Sanqian believes that although Mr. Wang looks like an ordinary old man, his eyebrows are full of arrogance, which is far from what ordinary people can have.

However, this also aroused Han 3000's interest.

Mr. Wang smiled and said, "to be exact, not only did I live a poor life for it, but my parents, masters and even several generations have almost spent countless energy on it. It can be said that the Wangs have spent at least ten generations of hard work, but unfortunately, up to now, I still can only reluctantly let it start for a while. "

"What is this dragon plate? What's the use of it? How can it make you spend so much effort to think about it? " Han three thousand strange way.

"I don't know. I only know it's ancient." Mr. Wang shook his head and explained: "it's said that my ancestors got it by chance. According to his family letter, it contains a strong force. Once it is untied, it can become the dominant existence."

"Dominating the general being?" Han 3000 frowned and said, "isn't that the real God? Is there the power of the true God in it

"The power of the true God will only exist in the tomb of God, but what is the power of domination? I don't know. It needs you to solve it." With that, Mr. Wang collected the wooden box and pushed it to Han 3000.

"Mr. Wang, what are you doing?"

"Do you have a Pangu axe?" Mr. Wang asked.

Han 3000 hesitated for a moment, but finally put down his guard and nodded: "yes."

"Maybe you are its owner." With that, Mr. Wang grabbed Han 3000's hand and opened the wooden box. At the same time, he put Han 3000's hand on the dragon plate!


A strong breath immediately rushed from Mr. Wang's hand into Han 3000's hand. Han 3000's energy immediately rolled and then released directly outside.

When Han 3000's energy touched the dragon plate, a strange scene happened.

The whole dragon plate and just like, slowly turned up, the blue light also began to appear, and as before, gradually turned into a green dragon.

But what is different from what I just saw is that when Qinglong revolves around the outermost circle, Han 3000 makes Qinglong shine more brightly, while a hole about the size of a palm is exposed in the center of the wheel.

"Don't be distracted." As soon as Mr. Wang's voice fell, he stepped up his efforts.

Han 3000 quickly nodded, breathless, urged his energy to continue to urge the dragon plate.

With the increase of strength, the green dragon is faster and faster, and finally there is a green dragon prototype. At this time, a circle around the pit also lights up a ray of aperture, and inside the pit, a strange mark also begins to shine.

When he saw the mark, Han 3000 frowned, his eyes fixed on it, and he couldn't even move it for a second.

This seal, how... How could it be?

It's impossible!

Han 3000's heart is full of waves, and his face is full of pale shock!

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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!