I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 228

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:58:59 AM

Chapter 228: 228

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No matter who you are?

This makes Han 3000 very surprised. Is the boss of Dixin prison not afraid of malicious disturbance?

In this world, there should be a lot of people curious about the secrets of the prison. If they don't strictly examine them, they will certainly get into some spies.

Mystery is probably the biggest capital of geocentric prison. Once this point is lost, geocentric prison will lose its biggest advantage. How can the boss not worry about this.

"Brother 3000, I know what you are thinking, but have you forgotten that I said that the prison in the center of the earth will never return?" Dao Shiyi said with a wry smile, I don't know how many people in the world want to find out the secret of the geocentric prison. Those people who come after them have no use but to send money and death. No matter who they are, no matter what people they use, as long as they go, they don't want to come out again.

"Can he guarantee that one hundred percent?" Han 3000 frowned and asked.

"Yes." Dao 12 nodded his head heavily and said: "one hundred percent, there has never been an accident."

Han 3000 took a deep breath. What kind of ability is needed to achieve this level? It seems that the boss behind the scenes of Dixin prison is a ruthless role.

"How much is it for one person?" Han 3000 asked.

"100 million dollars."

"This..." Han 3000 looked at Dao 12 in surprise. Although he didn't care about the money, the amount in front of him still surprised him.

"It's said that the boss of Dixin prison is as rich as a country, but no one knows who he is." Dao 12 said.

"How many people have been in the inner earth prison for so many years?" Han 3000 asked curiously, the number represents income, this way of money, not only fast, but also unheard of.

"Thousands of people, in addition to the real recidivists, are more people who want to know the secrets of the inner earth prison. They don't care about money, but it's a doomed loss business." Dao 12 said.

"OK, I see. You should try to get in touch as soon as possible. Even if it's a loss business, you have to do it." Han 3000 said.

Dao 12 didn't ask why. He knew that he was not qualified to intervene in these things, but he could imagine that this matter was very important to Han 3000, not just to challenge whether he could escape from prison.

After leaving Dao 12's home, Han 3000 didn't get on the car, and the phone rang. It was an unconvinced Tian ling'er.

When she was hung up, the more depressed Tian ling'er thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. No one dared to hang up her phone before she finished speaking.

"Han 3000, if you hang up on me for no reason, I'll never finish with you." Tianling'er threatened.

"All right." With that, Han 3000 hung up again.

Tianling'er on the other end of the phone listened to the busy beep and looked stunned. In less than ten seconds, Miss Tianjia got angry and turned pale. When she called again, she was already in a busy state.

"Who is angry with us? Do you want grandfather to avenge you Tianchangsheng walks to tianling'er with a smile and asks.

"Grandfather, give me your cell phone." Tianling'er reached out and said.

"What do you want me to do with this elderly machine? My mobile phone can't play anything." Tianchangsheng doubts.

"Leave it alone, give it to me." Said Tian ling'er.

Tianchangsheng takes out his mobile phone and hands it to tianling'er.

Tian ling'er skillfully pressed the number of Han 3000, which has been memorized for a long time.

It's through!

The phone was through!

When ling'er hung up that day and used his mobile phone to call, he was busy again.

"Ah Tianling'er screamed and roared: "he has pulled me black. He dares to pull me black!"

Tianchangsheng didn't know what tragedy had happened in the world. He asked, "who has the courage to blackmail you?"

"Grandfather, you're going to avenge me." Said Tian ling'er.

Tianchangsheng patted his chest and vowed: "OK, Grandpa will help you revenge. Who is it?"

"Han 3000."

Han 3000!

Hearing this name, tianchangsheng's momentum instantly withered more than half and looked at tianling'er in embarrassment.

"Grandfather, you don't want to go back?" Tianling'er asked.

"Ling'er, Han 3000 is my master. Take revenge on him. I'm an apprentice. I'm not so rebellious." Tian Changsheng said that he is willing to be his apprentice now, and even if there is no such relationship, he does not dare to revenge Han 3000. The real identity of this guy is much more powerful than the Tian family.

"Grandfather." Tianling'er cried out.

Tianchangsheng looks helpless and can make tianling'er cry. Han 3000 is the first person. But he can't help anything in this matter. And he knows very well that tianling'er is angry with Han 3000. With her feelings for Han 3000, how can she be really angry.

"Well, well, ling'er, you don't really blame Han 3000. Why be angry?" Tianchangsheng said.

Tian ling'er wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said stubbornly: "who said I didn't really blame him? I hate him." Tianchangsheng smiles and says, "really? If Han 3000 appeared, would you beat him or scold him? "“ Beat him to death and scold him to death. " The day spirit son intentionally makes an evil spirit evil spirit appearance to say“ Who's going to shoot me? " Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Tianling'er seemed to be struck by thunder and stood there. The sound! Tianling'er turns his head, and then runs back to his room with a look of horror. She can't let Han 3000 see her embarrassed appearance“ Master, you are here. " Tianchangsheng walks to Han 3000 with a smile“ Your apprentice has a lot of airs. Let me come to you myself. " Han 3000 said. Tian Changsheng repeatedly explained: "it's not that there's something important for you. There's a go game waiting for you. Shangguan black and white called you to attend, so Wang Mao has already signed up for you." Han 3000 frowns. He won't leave Yuncheng recently, because the people in geocentric prison may appear at any time. How can he delay such an important thing for a game“ I'm not going Han 3000 resolutely refused. The expression on tianchangsheng's face remained unchanged. It seemed that he had expected Han Sanqian to say so and said, "master, if you don't go, I'm afraid you'll lose face. This time Shangguan black and white gambled on his reputation and publicized the contest between you and Ouyang Xiujie. It's not your style to be a shrinking turtle."“ Then be a turtle with a shrunken head. " Han 3000 said. Tianchangsheng was very confident that Han 3000 would take part in the game, but when he heard this, he was not calm at once and said, "master, you can't do it. You are fighting for Yuncheng. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at you. Besides, I heard that some people in the go world are deliberately making trouble, belittling you and saying a lot of ugly things."“ So what? If you don't go, you won't go. " Han 3000 attitude tough said. Tian Changsheng's face changed greatly. Han 3000's attitude was completely beyond his expectation. If he didn't appear, Han 3000's name would become a joke in the whole go world“ Master, you are thinking about it. Don't worry about it. " Tianchangsheng said“ Don't you feel my attitude? I can't go to this game Han 3000 said coldly. Tianchangsheng looks embarrassed. He wants to watch Han 3000 kill all sides in the competition. If he doesn't fight, he'll have a big joke“ Master, are you really not going? Aren't you afraid that those people deliberately discredit you and make Han 3000 a joke in the world of go? " Tianchangsheng said“ Jokes? In the eyes of most people in Yuncheng, I'm just a joke. When did I care? " Han 3000 said comfortably. Tianchangsheng was stunned by this remark. Yes, he was despised by all people for being so infamous in Yuncheng. But when did he mind and clarify this matter? It's just a curse in the world of go. For him, it's not just a scratch“ Is there anything else? " Han 3000 asked“ No, No Tianchangsheng said with a bitter smile that if Wang Mao knew about this, the old man would be desperate. If Han 3000 didn't fight, the Yuncheng Go Association would surely be accused of it, and he, as the president, would have no place to put off. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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