I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2282

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:08:43 AM

Chapter 2282: 2282

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"The evil spirit is so strong that it's difficult. Do you really want to be willing to do evil?"

"You are the most important chess piece of Lu Wushen. You can't be a devil."

"Hold on, hold on!"

As soon as Lu Wu's mythical voice falls, he increases his energy and supports Han 3000 crazily, trying to help him suppress the blood of the magic dragon in his body.

But, where does Lu Wushen know.

At this time, the blood in Han 3000's body, after a brief struggle and mutual suppression, has begun to slowly merge.

Although the blood of the magic dragon is extremely poisonous and the Yin and evil are like demons, the blood in Han 3000's body has already fused with the huge poison and is not pure. To some extent, they are extremely similar.

In this integration, Han Sanqian's consciousness also began to move from darkness to light.

He came to a world full of blood, no matter the sky or the earth, and no matter the mountains or rivers, here is a world of blood.

"Ignorant human beings are bold enough to swallow my blood and eat my magic blood. I want you to pay the price of your life."

When Han Sany appeared, in the sky, in the mountains, and even in the rivers, suddenly there was a chorus of voices coming from all directions, with a low voice, which was extremely strange in this world of some evil.

"Are you the magic dragon?" Han 3000 looked around and said calmly.

"Who am I and what qualifications do you have to know?" The voice disdains slightly angry way.

Han three thousand corners of the mouth a hook, cold voice smile way: "under the defeat, also in front of me so arrogant?"? You think I don't know who you are if you don't say it? When you have entity, I am not afraid of you. There is a broken dragon soul left. Do you think I will be afraid? "

"Arrogant child!" With an angry scold, the soul of the magic dragon was obviously angered and roared: "if I hadn't been restrained by the shackles of God and suppressed my strength by at least 50%, I would have lost to you?"

"If you lose, you lose. How can there be so many excuses? I can also say that if I didn't have breakfast today, which affected my performance, I could solve you in one minute. " Han 3000 didn't care at all. He also hit back.

Although Han sanyizhi is extremely tolerant, most of them are due to his low-key character and unwilling to make public. But this does not mean that he will not fight back. On the contrary, his counterattack is often extremely powerful because of his forbearance.

However, Han 3000 must admit that when he heard the words of the magic dragon, he was really shocked.

With his and Lu Ruoxin destroying the world, especially before the magic dragon was attacked by more than 100000 people in turn, it was only a magic dragon with less than 50% strength. How strong would this guy be if he was in his heyday?!

I think so. If I don't have the ability, why let the true God seal him with his flesh and blood?!

You need to know that the true God is strong, but you can't destroy it at such a price, but just seal it, but you also know that it's not lying.

"You ignorant mole ant!" The spirit of the magic dragon was impatient, but then he suddenly snorted: "no one can beat my magic dragon. Even if you attack me shamelessly, I said, what you will pay is the price of life."

"Come on, feel the call of death!"

"Senlo hell!"

As soon as the voice falls, the whole bloody world suddenly twists and turns, and suddenly condenses into a black space. Han 3000, who is in the middle, only feels that countless ghosts around him are crying and howling, and all kinds of ferocious and unjust spirits appear in front of him.

Cry, wolf!

It's so miserable, it's so loud, it's like a fellow fell into hell.

Han three thousand frowned, only feel eardrum was roared and pain, a time upset, too much trouble. In addition, those ferocious spirits suddenly appear from time to time, and then jump on Han 3000 with open teeth and claws, making Han 3000 tired of coping.

With the passage of time, Han 3000 became more and more tired and irritable.

That kind of anger and don't explore its disturbing mood completely out of control, Han 3000 desperately one hand to resist the attack of those spirits, one hand to cover his ears, trying not to listen to those miserable cries.

"Now, it's just the beginning."

In the dark, a smile came, and then, Han 3000's body rose out of a shackle, directly tied Han 3000 firmly, no matter how hard he tried, his body did not move.

The whole dark void began to revolve around Han 3000 like a vortex.

Han 3000 only felt that the energy in his body began to release continuously with the rotation of the vortex.

As the vortex turns more and more turbulent, Han 3000's energy is losing faster and faster, faster and faster

"That's it. Are you going to be sucked to death?" Han 3000 frowned and said in surprise.

"Give it back, mole ant. How did you suck my dragon blood and take my dragon soul that day? Today, I want you to taste it and pay for it with blood!"

"Go to hell."


The whole whirlpool suddenly whirled wildly, and Han 3000's body suddenly trembled. Then the whole world and Han 3000 turned into a light spot, turned and disappeared. The whole space was dark

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