I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2322

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:07:40 AM

Chapter 2322: 2322

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"Three thousand, you know? No matter what you say, I will always believe you. "

"Yes, Dad, nianer is not afraid at all, because nianer knows that Dad will always guard nianer from any harm."

"Three thousand, the food is cold. Come and eat quickly."

When the light comes out again, sweet moments appear in countless painful pictures in Han 3000's mind.

"Welcome summer, nianer!"

"Wait for me, I will go and save you." It was this little sweet moment that Han 3000 experienced the physical and mental bombardment, and the same faith and missing produced.

But that's all. A single spark can start a prairie fire.

"Come on, magic dragon, even if you break me into hell, I won't bow my head."

Has the final say, you, get out of my way!



With Han 3000's angry voice, the light in his body suddenly blooms, until it shines on the whole dark space, letting the whole space bloom in the white light


At this time, Ao Shi's two fingers had reached Han 3000, less than three meters in front of him, and between the two fingers, Shen mang even reached Han 3000.

"The golden body protects me!"

However, at this time, Han 3000, with red eyes, yelled. Then, his spirit flashed. At the critical moment, Han 3000 broke away from the Taiji method of transforming the spirit and turned over. Although he could not avoid the comprehensive attack of the two fingers breaking the army, he at least deviated from the point.

God Mundon deviated and hit Han 3000. Han 3000 was directly bounced for several meters. The golden light and evil spirit of his body were also slightly dark and trembled, and bursts of extremely strong tingling came from his brain and body.

Although the second finger breaks the army, shenmang is extremely hegemonic, and ordinary people may even lose their spirits under this attack, Han 3000's body and body are protected at the critical moment. In addition, although Han 3000's attack is relatively poor, when it comes to defense, he has few opponents.

There are immortal Xuan armor, five elements divine stone and hidden gold body. Even if the army is broken, it just hurts him. It's not so easy to kill him!

Han three thousand back slightly kneels on the ground, blood red eyes but disappear half, revealing the pure light and clean eyes, however, blood red did not all disappear as last time, but retained a lot.

This also means that the blood of the magic dragon is still in a violent state, and the spirit of the evil spirit is still at its peak. However, Han 3000's consciousness has re dominated the body and controlled the blood of the magic dragon.

He's in charge of his body!

He and magic dragon's bet, also bet right.

"Lu Wushen, are you still releasing water at this time?" Aoshi is defeated by a blow and stares discontentedly at Lu Wushen in the distance.

Lu Wushen has the words of suffering. Although he has the heart of compassion, it was before. How could it be now? Han 3000 broke away from the method of Taiji transforming God, even he didn't reflect what was going on!

But is the explanation useful? How can Aoshi believe it?

"Damn it, you have to force me to use big killing moves!" Ao Shi is dissatisfied with a hum, move in the hand, the divine light of the breath of blood black immediately turns into a sea of stars behind him.

And almost at this time, half kneeling side Han 3000 also slowly stood up.

Facing Ao Shi, his eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Four souls of the northern underworld, one change two, two change four, open!"

"Pangu axe array, open!"

"Four gods, heaven and beast guard, open!"

"Five elements stone, rise!"

"Sky fire moon wheel, up!"

"The golden body protects me again!"


For a moment, the four roads were filled with black evil spirits, their hair was red and white, and there were golden figures on their bodies. After that, all kinds of magic weapons were suspended in the air.

The stone of five elements also turns into four, which are on the top of each of the four figures, emitting a slight golden light!

"Come on, fight, fight!"


Four voices drink together, and then the sky fire moon wheel incarnates eight channels of energy, divided into four bodies, ready to go!

"Come on, arrogant child, am I afraid of you?" As soon as Ao Shi drinks, his body melts into the shadow and attacks Han 3000 directly. As the phantom passes by, he pulls up the bloody sea to defend against the hell of Buddha.


Thousands of shadow directly to the four Han 3000 real body.

Han three thousand waist horse in one, four figures raised Pangu axe, synchronous meet ten thousand shadow, is a slash!


On the top of his head, thousands of giant axes seemed to feel the call of their master. They discharged and attacked all the shadows in the world.

The five-star God stone also suddenly changes its color and emits light tricolor light, shining on the real body.

At the same time, there was a golden body.


When they fight each other, it's like a thousand troops fighting at the same time. There are explosions all over the world at once, and all kinds of lights are shining, which makes the whole world magnificent and colorful.

WOW!! On the ground, everyone was stunned by the shocking scene. Such a magnificent scene was absolutely shocking. But there was one person who was shocked and confused. When he saw Han 3000's golden body, he only felt that there was a strong pressure from it, even to let the real God himself feel the pressure rising“ What's that? " Lu Wushen frowned and murmured. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!