I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2336

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:07:20 AM

Chapter 2336: 2336

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"Damn it

Ao Shi was stunned and choked for a long time. Like those mortals, he choked a standard national curse.

Sometimes, God is God, but sometimes, there is no difference between man and God.

"What the fuck?"

He believed that no one would be more shocked than Lu Wushen. As a true God of the same generation and position with Lu Wushen, Ao Shi didn't know much about Lu Wushen's ability.

Lu Wushen's map of mountains and rivers is perfect, let alone him. Even if he is alive, he may not be able to take advantage of it.

This kind of congenital treasure is extremely mysterious. It's hard to break the game!


But Han 3000 not only broke the game, but also used such a simple and crude method!

"Han 3000, you guy, what's the origin?" Murmuring at Han 3000 in the air, Ao Shi was shocked.

Lu Wushen is looking at Han 3000 in front of him. Although he pretends to be calm on his face, it is obvious that his heart is empty.

Even in the face of Aoshi, Lu Wushen never had any weakness.

He suddenly swallowed a mouthful of water, and the whole person couldn't help thinking of Fuyun's words.

"Even if I die, I won't let you two enjoy your late life!"

At the beginning, he just felt that it was the cruel words that Fuyun had no brain to say because of his anger before he died. He never put them in his heart. After all, once Fuyun died, he thought he had no threat.

But now to Han 3000, he suddenly thought of Fu Yun's words, but it was like a haunted soul, which had been haunting him all the time.

He wanted to withdraw, but the current situation was impossible, especially the cheering sound of long live demon on the ground was beating his dignity.

He can't withdraw. He can't save face!

Staring at Han 3000 in a daze, Lu Wushen suddenly found that the Pangu axe in Han 3000's hand was different in color and shape. Previously, the golden giant axe glittered, but now the Pangu axe is as old as the battlefield.

"Even if you break the picture of our country, so what? Do you think you won? Look at your axe. " Lu Wushen seizes this opportunity and warns coldly.

Han three thousand disdain a smile, don't answer, the long axe in the hand is aimed at Lu Wushen.

"Han 3000, don't try to be brave. I said, I appreciate you very much. Even if you are possessed, I will not kill you. " Lu Wushen said softly.

Han Sanqian then opened his mouth slightly: "I'm sorry, I don't want to kill you, but I can only find you to taste what your granddaughter did. You saved me. Well, after you die, I promise you that I will return it to your Lu family descendants in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, Han 3000 had suddenly hit.

Armed with a huge axe, the attack is wide open!

Lu Wushen roared angrily: "do you want to kill me? Han 3000, which onion are you? "

Just after he was angry, Lu Wushen was about to attack Han 3000, but he suddenly felt the overbearing and unique atmosphere under Han 3000's axe.

But in this moment, Han 3000 has already rushed up, turning into eight ways, eight axes, leading the sky to chop!


There are also eight great powers with the axe.

"Overlord armor!"


With the cry of Lu Wushen, shenmang burst out of his body, and a huge Golden Shadow sprang out of his body. The Golden Shadow was like a golden general, holding a huge sword and carrying eight huge axes.

"Xuanhuang sword!"

With the appearance of the golden body giant god, people with sharp eyes suddenly find that the golden sword in the hands of the golden body God is different.

The length of the sword is three feet. The body of the sword is golden. The whole body is transparent. The rest of the black and yellow is around the body of the sword!

"What? Xuanhuang sword, isn't that the most precious sword in legend? "

Xuanhuang divine sword is forged with xuanhuang Qi and the backbone of God. It can cut down thousands of things and block all kinds of attacks. It is a very powerful attack and defense holy treasure!

"As soon as xuanhuang sword comes out, all kinds of attacks will disappear. Unexpectedly, Lu Wushen still has such weapons!"

"Damn, Han's 3000 plate ancient axe has lost its golden light, and its head is full of potholes. Now there's no chance of winning against this xuanhuang sword!"

At this time, someone could not help but pinch a cold sweat for Han 3000 in mid air!

But Han 3000 is on the rise now. No matter what xuanhuang sword you have, the power of the axe is not weak at all!


Eight huge axes, when approaching directly, combine eight into one, one axe cleaves down.

The axe body and the sword body immediately gave off a huge golden light.

"Han 3000, your Pangu axe is broken. What else can you do in front of me?" Lu Wushen gave a ferocious smile.

"Is Pangu's axe broken? Lu Wushen, you have too little experience. " Han three thousand crack mouth a smile.


The golden light exploded, half of the sky, there has been a huge bang streamer, continuous spread away.

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