I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2359

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:06:48 AM

Chapter 2359: 2359

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"Sleepy... Sleepy fairy Valley is gone..."

When everyone looked at the already green water in Qingzhou, leaving only the scorched earth and ruins all over the ground, they couldn't help but stand still.

"How... How could that be?"

A group of people look at each other, but obviously, heaven and earth and here will not give them any time to be surprised and reflect. After the golden flash, the fierce earthquake will follow.


The whole ground wrinkled directly like waves. Before a group of people reflected it, they were directly knocked down by the earthquake, and Yidan fell down. It was obviously more difficult to stand up again when the ground was so shaking.

Obviously, the accomplishments of Dao 12 and Moyang were not spared in the earthquake, but fortunately, Han 3000 was very quick. One of them could wrap the three in a flash, and then quickly left the ground and flew into the air.

Many experts from the three families and the alliance of scattered people also reflected quickly. While flying into the air quickly, they also took away a group of nearby subordinates or followers.

Those with low accomplishments or slow reflection, and no one to help, are miserable. For a moment, they only hear the continuous screams on the ground, and there are more and more people trampling on the ground.

"How could that be? How could such a big earthquake suddenly happen in Kunxian Valley? "

"Judging from the impact of this earthquake, it's too rare to see it?"

A lot of people have a lingering fear, watching the land below rolling like waves, a group of people pale, completely shocked.

"What the hell is going on?" Although Dao 12 was safe and sound under the protection of Han 3000, he was frightened by the sudden earthquake.

"Is this at least a 12 magnitude earthquake? The ground is like the tide, the waves are rough Mo Yang also can't help but fear the way.

"It's too frightening. Even if it's a 12 magnitude earthquake, it's far less terrifying." Liu Fang gently denied.

The scene in front of them is almost certainly beyond their scope of knowledge, which makes people look and fear.

Han three thousand also at the same time eyebrow big wrinkle, eyes dead looking at the ground, a time very frightened.

Trapped fairy Valley suddenly disappeared and turned into what it is now. What is the reason for this? It's really very curious.


All of a sudden, there was a fierce cry. All of a sudden, they couldn't help looking into the eyes of the screamer. Far away, they saw the most central part of the whole trapped immortal valley. At this time, the green suddenly released a strong green light.

With their naked eye distance, it may be difficult to see the green of the central point in this place, but with the burst of green light from the central point, it is impossible for everyone to want to be invisible.

"There is..."

"How can there be green light there?"

"What's the matter with those green lights?"


The most central green light suddenly releases from the most central position, and then spreads directly.

The whole world is once again shrouded in a green light

And then, quiet, dead quiet.

When the wind stops and the earth stops, all the Buddhas are in a stagnant state. They can even hear each other's breathing.

"What the hell happened?"

For a long time, someone recovered his sense from the green light and carefully examined every part of his body. When he found that everything was normal, he raised his head slightly. However, in a strange but unclear situation, he could not help making a slight voice.

With his voice, more and more people returned to their senses and looked up around.

Here, almost the same as most places in the land of trapped dragon, the scorched earth is crisscross and continuous, and the heaven and earth are also shrouded in the black and red like magma.

If the green mountains and green waters of the trapped immortal Valley had not been clearly recorded in people's minds, I'm afraid people would not remember the strange place they are now in.

"Who knows, what the hell is going on? Sleepy... Sleepy fairy Valley? "

"Damn, isn't that exaggerating? Did kuxiangu disappear in the earthquake? "

"Yes, is it because the magic dragon is gone, so the land of the trapped dragon is falling apart?"

A crowd guessed extremely, strange unceasingly.

Han 3000 looked directly at the center of the trapped immortal Valley in the distance. After the outbreak of that green light, he fell into a dead silence.

But even so, Han 3000 has always vaguely felt that it is absolutely not so simple.

There seemed to be something staring at him, but in fact it was clear that nothing could be seen.

"Three thousand, what's the matter with you?" Mo Yang found that Han 3000's situation, at this time not from strange way.

"I don't know. I always feel that there seems to be something staring at me." Han 3000 frowned slightly and said softly.

Hearing this, the three men of Moyang immediately locked their eyes to the green light spot just now. However, no matter how they looked, they had already fallen into a dead silence. It was like something was alive, let alone staring at Han 3000.

However, unlike others, although Mo Yang and Dao 12 can't see anything, they have absolute trust in Han 3000“ We can see nothing, three thousand. What do you see? " Mo Yang frowned“ I don't know. I can't see anything. It's just an intuition. " Han 3000. Dao 12 tried his best to open his eyes and look there, but he still didn't get anything. He couldn't help saying, "Damn, can you see your intuition? I really can't see anything. Brother, am I too good? " Han Sanqian shakes his head. From the reaction of all the people on the scene, it's obviously not Dao shiertai, but there is really nothing there. Although, from a certain point of view, the cultivation of Dao 12 really belongs to cuisine among these people“ Grandpa, what's going on? " At that end, Lu ruoxuan and others are also very strange. Seeing Lu Wushen and Han Sanqian at this time, they stare at the most central point of the original green light, but Lu ruoxuan can't see anything there. Lu Wushen didn't answer, but his eyes were fixed there. Aoshi's situation was basically the same as that of Lu Wushen's. He was still staring at the green light. Ye Gucheng and others are suddenly strange and angry. They want to see nothing, but they can't see it. It seems that the two true gods also follow Han 3000 to see it. If they don't see it, it seems that they are out of class again. For a moment, these people are in a very awkward mood. They are not doing it or not“ Han 3000, this bitch, is playing tricks again. I don't understand what's good there. " Ye Gucheng roared angrily“ Shut up This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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