I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2393

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:05:59 AM

Chapter 2393: 2393

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When Fu mang suddenly raised his head, there was only a monk standing in front of him.

The monk's cassock is full of Buddha light. Half of his upper body is exposed, but his muscles are clear, and his golden light is shining. He is holding a Zen staff in his hand, which is very powerful.

Behind him stood a few men with hats and black clothes. Because their heads were low, they could not see their appearance clearly.

Fu mang frowned and protected everyone.

"Master, what's up?" Fu mang looked at the monk with some vigilance and asked.

However, compared with other road blockers, Fu Mang's vigilance is not high. After all, the person you meet is a monk, and the threat is at least much smaller.

"Hehe, several benefactors, my Dharma name is like dust." With that, he saluted slightly: "benefactor, where are you going?"

"Master, it seems that it's none of your business where we go?" The poem language is alert to Tao.

"Guan, naturally, is about poor monks." Ruchen smiles gently, and his words are amazing.

"Master, what do you mean?" Bai Xiaosheng felt bad and said in a cold voice.

"Ha ha, what's the evil intention of monks who are merciful? Why are you so nervous, benefactor? It's just that when we see injustice, we will help each other. "

"How many, but to fairyland?"

As soon as the monk's voice came out, Bai Xiaosheng and others, who had been listening to the first half of the speech, just let down their vigilance and immediately pulled to the highest chord.

Xianling island is their secret base. How can ordinary people know, not to mention the monk they haven't seen before.

"Master, I don't know what you're talking about." There is a cold voice in the world.

"Stubborn son, stubborn!" Ruchen said with a smile, "I'm a poor monk, but you still have to cheat me. I need to know, the Buddha will be angry?"

Voice a fall, such as dust slightly shut up, the next second, a move in the mouth.


A small golden word came out of his mouth and attacked Bai Xiaosheng. When he came to Bai Xiaosheng, the word was as big as a man. Even if Fu mang stood in front of him, under the impact of the huge golden word, a group of people still looked up and down.

"Amitabha! Good, good! " Such as dust hit, quickly hands together, mouth slightly read, head a low, seems to be extremely reluctant to hand in general.

"You Fu mang covers the pain of his chest and looks at Ruchen angrily.

"Several benefactors, the so-called putting down the butcher's knife, becoming a Buddha on the spot and associating with the devil Han 3000, in fact, they will only sink deep in mud and eventually harm others and themselves. The gain is not worth the loss."

"A few benefactors, or follow the poor monk practice, to prove the road, is nature."

"Otherwise, I will be punished by heaven!"

"Bah, where's the demon monk? He's preaching to us here! If Han 3000 is a devil, you are a demon monk. " The poem says natural Qi, but his leader is so demonized by others.

For her, Han 3000 is gentle and always protects them behind when in danger. He is a true hero. Naturally, he can't let others insult him at will.

"If I say he is a demon, he is a demon!" In the face of the refutation of the poem, rushen's face was filled with cold anger, and he drank in a cold voice: "don't be angry!"

"Master, don't be angry."

Behind him, a disciple with a hat stood out.

"This woman has already lost her original mind because of her evil spirit. You are the body of Buddha's light. Go to ferry her."


After receiving the order, the disciple wearing the hat gently took down the hat.

As soon as the bamboo hat is removed, it reveals a long and powerful man. The two scars on his face and the fierce light in his eyes all tell us that the person in front of him is not a good person.

Don't mention Bai Xiaosheng, who has been wandering in the river and lake all the year round. Even Fu Li and others can see his ferocity at a glance.

What kind of Buddhist disciples are they? They're the gangsters who kill people like crazy.

"You are indeed a demon monk!" Fu mang suddenly stood up and made an attack.

"Ignorant people, poor monks help you, but you don't know what to do." As soon as I drink it, I move again.


A mani word hit and hit several people. Fu Mang and others who had just reluctantly got up were immediately hit by the golden word and flew tens of meters away. Several disciples with weak cultivation spit blood and were dying.

But only the poetic language was intact in the words, but at this time, the man called Jiechen had moved towards the poetic language step by step.

The poem language wanted to rise up to resist, but at this time, the huge word Ma suddenly turned into countless golden lights, and these golden lights suddenly condensed, and all flew to the poem language.

Then, Jin guangsa on the body of the poem, no matter how she struggled, but the body of Buddha defense was completely out of control and motionless.

The poem language suddenly eyes is full of anxiety, looking at the villain step by step close, at this time, the villain is a ferocious smile, hands move, Zila!

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