I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2411

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:05:34 AM

Chapter 2411: 2411

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The woman smiled gently, didn't answer, and said, "introduce yourself. My name is Luoxi."

With that, another glass of wine.

Han 3000's eyes have been on her all the time. He is looking at her carefully, trying to find the answer to her question from her body language.

But this woman from the beginning to the end is calm smile, there is no flaw.

After raising his glass and drinking, Han 3000 suddenly put down his glass and smiled: "I thought I was the only one on the earth who soared to the octagonal world. It seems that it is not the case. I should not see your flaws from my eyes, but feel them from my heart."

"It's natural to feel kind when you're from a different country." Han 3000 laughs.

Luo Xi light a smile, raise a wine cup and respect Han 3000.

"Han Shaoxia is on his own ability to rise to the world of all directions. Luoxi is different from you, so I dare not compare more!" Put down the glass, she said softly.

"Three glasses of wine have passed. Should miss Luo get back to the point? How can you have her handkerchief?" Han 3000's smile released a touch of cold.

"Han Shaoxia is still impatient!" Luo Xi said, looking to Han 3000: "people who have her, naturally have her handkerchief, do you need to ask more?"

"No way. How can you have her handkerchief, let alone her people? Are you Lu Ruoxin's people?" Han 3000 said coldly.

"I told Han Shaoxia that you rely on your own ability to rise, but I'm different from you." As soon as the voice fell, the white curtain in the room suddenly moved rapidly.

Finally, all the white curtains converge in the center of the room, and almost at the same time, a familiar figure appears in the center of the curtain.

However, all the limbs were entangled by the cord fabric and could not move at all.

When the familiar figure was stunned for a moment and found Han 3000 sitting on the ground, his eyes were filled with joy.

"Three thousand!"

"Elder martial sister Qin Shuang?" Han three thousand also fiercely stood up from the seat, full of horror!

"Where's su Yingxia?" Han 3000 turns around and glares at each other.

Maybe Han 3000 may not know that the mandarin duck pattern on the handkerchief is Su Yingxia waiting for Han 3000 from Xuanyuan world to come to the world, but Han 3000 can't understand the fragrance.

So, Han 3000 just went out of the restaurant and went all the way here.

But who knows

But where to know, the person who appears unexpectedly can be Qin Shuang?

However, despite his surprise, Han 3000 can at least be sure that the woman in front of him has Qin Shuang and Su Yingxia's handkerchief. Naturally, everything is right.

Luoxi just smiles and looks at Qin Shuang on the curtain.

No matter, Han 3000 suddenly has a transport capacity in his hand. Su Yingxia is naturally the most important, but Qin Shuang is also Han 3000's friend. If he can save one, he will earn money. With a slight bend at his feet, the whole person turns into a streamer and rushes directly to Qin Shuang on the curtain.

Han 3000's speed is extremely fast, and the distance in the room is not far. At Han 3000's speed, it only takes a few seconds to get there. Seeing that the other party has no time to reflect, Han 3000 finally breathes a little.


But when Han 3000's hand just came into contact with Qin Shuang, with a light sound, the whole delicate Qin Shuang suddenly fell to the ground like ceramics, instantly exploded into countless fragments and scattered in the air.

Han 3000 suddenly surprised, how can it be like this?

How could this be a mirage?

It's impossible. With Han 3000's ability, he can't tell whether it's a phantom or not. He can be sure that elder martial sister Qin Shuang is not.

Looking back in disbelief, Han Sanqian couldn't understand what was going on. He reached out and tried to catch some pieces, but those pieces that looked like ceramics turned into nothing when he dropped them.

"What the hell are you up to?" Han 3000 cheered coldly, his eyes full of endless anger.

Luo Xi gently smiles and says, "young Xia Han, I've been telling you not to be too impatient since you came into the room. Unfortunately, you won't listen."

As soon as the voice fell, her hands moved, and the white parts quickly drew together towards the place 3000 away from Han. Qin Shuang's figure appeared again.

However, different from the last time, Qin Shuang already had blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

What's more, the blood is obviously very fresh, almost sure, but it's just coming out.

"Don't try to save her unless you want to kill her." Luo Xi reminds a way at this time.

"Every time you get close to her, it's equivalent to hurting her. You can see the blood on the corner of her mouth. That's what you just caused." Luoxi said coldly.

"Three thousand." With a smile and tears in Qin Shuang's eyes, she shook her head at Han 3000 desperately and motioned Han 3000 not to fly to find her again.

Han three thousand teeth close bite, people in front of you, but can't save, how not anxious, angry voice: "what's the matter? What do you want? "

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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!