I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2420

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:05:22 AM

Chapter 2420: 2420

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Since the Magic Dragon said that he is the master here, there are only two ways to break the ban here.

One is that the spirit of the evil dragon was directly suppressed by his own golden body and broke the ban from the outside, just like finding the night devil and killing him.

On the other hand, if he is the absolute master in the field, he will directly break the field, and the so-called master will naturally exist.

Han 3000 chose the latter.

If you are strong, I will do the same!

"Four souls of the North! The incarnation outside the body, one to eight


"Thunder in all directions, thunder in nine days!"

"Moon wheel of sky fire!"

"Four beasts guard!"


Bang bang!

With Han three thousand angry voice a roar, the world color change, wind and rain quickly!

The fire on the ground is blazing, and the sky is full of purple thunder. Nine days Thunder Dragon with electricity is inserted into the clouds. With the blessing of eight incarnations, the sky fire moon wheel is incarnated into sixteen lightsabers, breaking in all directions!

"Do you want to play? Then I'll play a big one with you. " Han 3000 was cold and smiling.

When the voice fell, Han 3000 was already black and golden, and his eyes were already blood red. With his sneer, he was extremely ferocious, and the people watching were frightened.

"It's said that you can destroy heaven and earth with your hand. I always thought it was an adjective to describe a person with high ability. But today, I know that it's not an adjective... It's... It's a statement."

There is no exaggeration to destroy heaven and earth, but I have never seen it before.

There is no wonder about the greatness of the world. This is obviously an old saying drawn from the lessons of a century.

"That's crazy, isn't it? Heaven and earth change color, earth has fire, heaven has thunder, terror... "

"The demon God is really the demon God. He is so strong that his mother has a hangover."

Many people were directly shocked by the image in front of them, although many people had seen the shocking scene of Han 3000's fierce fight with Shuangshen in the previous Kunlongshan war.


At that time, I was far away, I could only see it from a distance. Naturally, it was not as shocking as it is now.

At this time, Han 3000 is really powerful, especially the blessing of chaos Qi, which is far more fierce than what he wanted to come.

He has nothing to reserve!

Give it all your strength.

What we want is instant power to break this guy's field!

Any procrastination will become his master!

"Break it for me!"


With Han three thousand one angry, except Pangu axe, the most top weapon is not there, all the moves are in an instant direct attack.

The void is broken, heaven and earth.

The end of the world is breaking, the corner of the sea is collapsing!

"Han 3000 is worthy of Han 3000. My night devil has never served any devil or God, but with your performance now, I will make an exception and call you a devil."

"This is your supreme glory, and also..." speaking of this, the night devil suddenly hummed with a smile: "it's also the last honorific you heard!"

"I said that in this field, I am the master, so you..."

"Always a mole ant!"


It was just a toss, but the hand seemed to have all kinds of power, carrying a wind to blow suddenly.

"Bang bang!"

The fire of the earth is out, and the nine day Thunder Dragon is hidden in the dark clouds.

Then came the sixteen heavenly fire moon rings, which suddenly dissipated in the process of moving forward.


Eight gold body, also in this wind, completely broken seven, leaving Han 3000 body suddenly hit by the strange wind, the whole person directly fly back to the ground.


A mouthful of blood, instant spray.

"How... How possible?" Han Sanqian's vitality is greatly damaged, and his eyes are staring at the normal world.

The reason why the earth fire and sky thunder are destroyed is that Han 3000 is not good at learning skills, and so is the moon wheel of sky fire.


But eight golden bodies can never be this reason.

It's not even bad at learning, but it's the best way to learn.

What's more, badaojinshi's defense is very strong. Badaojinshi are in the same boat to resist and share the damage together. At the same time, they are protected by immortal Xuan armor and four big beasts

Even if Lu Wushen and AO Shi, the two real gods and various artifact were hard to break the defense, but they were like paper paste in front of the night devil.

This is really incredible.

"Is this the absolute king in the field?"

Han three thousand bite teeth, not willing to look at this time has been swaggering night devil.

At this time, Mo Yang and others outside also saw Han 3000 spit blood for the first time, and there were several more scars on his body, which made a group of people panic.

"Three thousand... Three thousand, this is..." "no, is he going to be the same as others?"“ Three thousand, hold on. " It's a pity that Han 3000 didn't realize it. In the dream, the night devil is laughing wildly“ Hahaha, Han 3000, Han 3000, unexpectedly, your first demon God was also defeated by my night devil. Now, you've heard the last honorific. Be my puppet This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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