I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2426

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:05:13 AM

Chapter 2426: 2426

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This woman

It's not just good-looking, it's fun, it's so simple!

The important thing is that her unique place may make the night devil yearn more!

His field has bugs, and once the bug is clear, his field is bound to become stronger!

"Take off your clothes first!" Cold sound of a drink, night demon with blood hole, directly rushed to the distance of Ziqing.

"Seven younger sisters, be careful!" Five strange and willow yarn immediately urgent voice but way.

Said late, then fast, just blink of an eye, the night devil has directly attacked Ziqing in front of.

Purple clear eyes flash a trace of urgent color, forced to close their eyes, mouth quickly read the unknown formula.

At the same time, Ziqing's white Qi diffuses and rotates around her at a very fast speed. It is this white Qi that blocks the progress of the night devil.

Ziqing is in front of him, but the night devil is blocked by Baiqi. In the seemingly calm Baiqi, there is even a strong wind like a tornado desperately pulling him!

The night devil was blown with a ferocious face!

"Damn it, break it!"

The night devil only feels that his self-esteem has been challenged. When he drinks angrily, he is full of black Qi. Suddenly, his whole strength rises infinitely!

Black and white, evil and right!

Two strands intersect and struggle!


Suddenly, with a loud noise, the black gas suddenly increased several times, and the white gas tangled with it suddenly lost its momentum.

In a hurry, there was not much white Qi left, and with purple and fine, he retreated several meters away.


The night devil is holding a rag in his hand, which is just a corner of Ziqing's clothes.

"I said I'd wipe you out, I'll wipe you out! Do you want me to stimulate you and strip you naked in front of so many people, or do you honestly give up and let's play in another place? " Got the hand, night devil that arrogant unceasing momentum then came back again.

Although there is a little bit missing, it doesn't seem to matter now.

Ziqing's face was slightly surprised. Although the white breath made her full of energy, she had to sigh about the power of the night devil in the fight.

However, even if powerful, Ziqing has no fear at all.

Although she has no accomplishments, although she is protected everywhere, although she is not brave enough, she will never retreat if she can stand in front of her relatives and loved ones!

"Well, you chose the road." Night devil already knew the answer of purple fine, in the hand black gas big open, suddenly between an acceleration rush to purple fine again.

"No way. Although Qimei really has the so-called immortal body in Shifu's mouth, the problem is... But the problem is that Qimei has nothing but this so-called immortal body." See to fight again, four strange anxious incomparable urgent voice but way.

Yes, although Ziqing burst out the holy immortal body in despair and anger, after all, she only had the holy immortal body.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, just relying on the body, how long can it support?

"Don't say what magic, mental method, this wench from childhood under our care even did not fight, she dares to block in front, also just because..." finish saying, Liu Sha gently looked at Han 3000 who is no longer moving in the black bag.

Just because she likes Han 3000.

As the only female among the seven monsters, she naturally knows more about her sister's boudoir words than anyone else, and she knows more about how infatuated she is when she reads one Han 3000.

Just like this evening, when she saw Han 3000, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all, but she just said that she could dream of Han 3000 and obey Han 3000's words. Ziqing couldn't fall asleep so early today, let alone encounter the current situation.

She likes Han 3000 so much that she is always protected by the six monsters. At this moment, she has the courage to stand in front of everyone.

Courage is like this, not to mention experience

"Seven younger sisters don't talk about fighting with others. In ordinary times, even if an ant attacks her, she will choose to take a detour. Now she is fighting with this kind of ferocious people." Four strange also extremely worried way.

"Ah The five monsters were so anxious that they didn't know what to say.

Especially now, when the night devil attacks with all his strength!

And almost as sanguai thought, Ziqing's appearance was really in an abnormal uproar, so that many people were surprised, but the moment's surprise was only due to the capital of her body.

But these, and can not support her for long.

The lack of Dharma has created her constant passivity. In the face of the night devil, her fire is fully open. Although she grits her teeth and insists on fighting hard, resistance is not equal to invincibility!

Just a few of them met, and Ziqing on the other side began to retreat, and the sound of torn cloth on the sky continued to ring out.

Ziqing's clothes are being torn down by the night devil bit by bit.

From the unimportant corner, more and more moved to the important part, as for Ziqing's gauze, has begun to be less and less

But at this time, a figure suddenly jumped up. It's Han 3000!!! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!